To the man who raped me:

To the man who raped me:

You will never destroy my will to live or my beauty. You will never take who I am or what I believe in. You've only made me stronger

Hey, great attitude champ.

Must've been a real desparate rapist to plow your ugly ass.

"You will never destroy my will to live or my beauty. "
beauty- cant destroy what you never had int he first place

>will to live
the capacity to subsist and the will to live are, you know, different things...

On the bright side, since you're also a man, at least there's no risk that the rapist got you pregnant?

To the person that posted this shit tier thread:


at least somebody mashed your beans in one time before you die alone

To the dude that raped you....


all the men who raped you? how many times were you raped god damn


Dear Rapist :

Please post your workout plan on /fit/. I wanna know how you got strong enough to roll this landwhale into a position where you could actually have intercourse.

Your rapist looks like a candy-ass faggot

Don't worry, user. We're going to find the nasty blue-haired ogre that you provided us a picture of, and we're going to make this bastard pay for his awful crime.

Nice fantasy dude, but no one raped your ass... yeech...

Of course he can't take your beauty because you ain't got none

Dont worry dude we know no one believes boys when we get raped.. but we gotcha bro. Men should be together

This is why I don't rape people.

i dont think once was enough

It was a sympathy fuck for your ugly ass