Real Time sucks ass

>watch bill's show for first time ever because Sup Forums loves it and liberals rave over it



>Eric Holder comes on talking about POC stuff and their votes are being suppressed

That man that gave the Mexican cartels a weapon upgrade pretending to care about other races was laughable. If I was Mexican still in Mexico I'd be pissed.
>Republicans are on the wrong side of history xDDD
>We're going to ban the electoral system!!
I don't even care but good luck with that
>Democrats have a smaller bubble than Republicans
>Implying you guys don't have hugboxes everywhere even on the fucking show

What an awful show and I'm only 15 min. I can't even imagine how bad Current Year Man must be

Other urls found in this thread:

Alright now thats he's on the panel it's getting surprisingly decent

For those who want to bitch with me

>making him unpopular is the only hope we have

Wow this lady sucks balls she's. Wtf is she even trying to do. She hasn't said anything remotely interesting or intellegent every time she speaks

>Trump's transition team is filled with anti-gay people, who will take away LGBT rights

Who was phone?

>Sup Forums loves it
every other week there is a thread devoted to people whining about him being a cuck
>liberals rave over it
every other week twitter explodes with sjws whining about him being a problematic old white male

Yeah hes more tolerable than Jon Stewart but the girl on the show right now is so fucking bad

I hate her so much she's just a huge bitch

The panel ignores that chick with anything she says. Hilarious! Real progressive!

k cool

>pc bullshit is bad
>Quit being so nice to Muslims
For a libcucks he's not that dumb

This fucking white bitch though she's killing me

bro u gotta start a youtube reaction vid series with this stuff bro

original stuff here

remember to put the monetization function on

She's a blogger who works for mtv sitting next to david axelrod and thomas friedman.

>the problem with American politics is we don't cater enough to white men YOU LITERALLY JUST SAID THIS YOU LITERALLY DID
Liberal tactic 101

>She's a blogger who works for mtv
jesus christ

I was exaggerating how unimportant she is a little bit lol, but the point is that she's primarily a culture reporter sitting next to a white house chief of staff and one of the most prolific political reporters alive.

So there isn't a white genocide going on right now, little Sup Forumsack? Glad you're finally moving past that shit.

I don't understand how you made this leap?

Every presidency is a Rorschach test. News at 11

*John legend walks out*




Yeah you know something John legend maybe if black people weren't literal slaves to the Democratic party you would have this problem of democrats not giving a single fuck about you.

I can guarantee you if black people for just one fucking big election just vote 51-90% republican the Democrats would loose their shit and finally say "Oh shit LBJ was wrong. I guess we better start actually listening and helping black people" Just fucking imagine that you dumbfuck John legend. Real black empowerment can only come from forming a swinging voting block. But hey keep shilling for democrats you millionaire it's not black people actually think about anything other than Me v white people

Also I just love how the white feminist cunt stares at him with love struck eyes. She's such a goy it hurts lmao

No I was just referring to how liberal females and Brits in general over use the word literally in every damn argument to make points

Thanks senpai that's actually not a bad idea. Id need a camera first I doubt I'd take this too seriously though I don't want to be attacked by sheeple and get black listed

Ok I actually laughed when Bill Maher said we gotta get over this transgender bullshit

John legend is such a cry baby

Illegal aliens may not be rapists I agree but they sure are causing a lot of riots



Oh Johnny boy. You're acting as if they just passed a Lynch Black Democrats Act

>gay people are killing themselves and it's Trump's fault

Maybe if you didn't smear him as literally Hitler people wouldn't be so scared?

Did this guy just say this was liberal 9/11?

Thanks for the synopsis, OP. You sounds like an intelligent, open-minded person.

>democrats are on the right side of history! xDD

Thought it was a great debate but the chick and to a lesser degree JL got kind of annoying. It was funny when Bill was telling her to chill over the "women walking in" joke. Like damn dude that is the fucking problem right there, THAT'S why people voted for Trump


Id say I am just watched the whole thing

I can say now bill is a decent guy whim I have differing opinions with. I do see some common ground though while very small.

Also feminism is straight cancer. Holy fuck she was annoying

Everything makes sense now. MTV sucks

He said moral 9/11, which is still not an appropriate comparison. I didn't think it was possible but I actually want to punch thomas friedman in the face even more than before.

That's hilarious man these people are so far up their own ass

This is the reason they lost

Well trump's vp has supported gay conversion therapy for many years so there's that

Also, they both want the issue of gay marriage to go back to the states, which doesn't make them "homophobic", but it's not too great for gay people either

Yeah she was awful.
Glad to see that Bill wasn't "not my president!"-ing Trump and accepted that he won.

since Trump has already been elected, would Maherl ever allow an ivy league white nationalist like Richard Spencer or Jared Taylor on his show? Has the overton window been pushed that far?

Oberfell is law though, it would take several years of going through courts just to get it to the supreme court, and even then he can't just give it back to the states.

The way the left is freaking out about this is the mirror image of the right freaking out in 08 believing that obama was going to take everyone's guns and become stalin.

People over react in politics, the left is doing it right now.

>ivy league white nationalist
>Richard Spencer
the overton window certainly hasn't been pushed far enough to consider Duke ivy league

for some reason I thought University of Chicago was in the Ivy league.

Should've just changed that to cosmopolitan white nationalists

You seem pretty red pilled bro, hit up my subreddit


>ben carson
fuck yeah I hope he runs in 2024

Yeah I agree with you, I don't think it's gonna happen either, and people are definitely overeacting. Just saying that you could definitely make the case that Pence is homophobic and that it's not a terrible leap in judgement to assume that gay people could conceivably lose some of their rights at some point in the next 4 years, even if it does take a while, though I don't personally see it happening

University of Chicago and Duke are actually considered more elite educational institutions than many of the Ivy League schools but I can't have you diluting the specialness of the Northeast's social elite.

yeah pretty classy honestly

if youre going to be liberal be a Maher-Liberal for sure

I am /lgbt/ I'm bi

I think gay marriage should be repealed though

>Just saying that you could definitely make the case that Pence is homophobic

we both agree on this, it's just conjecture and guessing. 10 years ago, obama was against gay marriage, now even saying that you might support some form of federalism in it or jacksonian democracy makes you a monster bigot....even though obama held a much more extreme policy 10 years ago(and Clinton signed DADT into law) you can make several cases of what presidents are going to do/be whenever they take office based on past statements. ultimately it's just a guess, like this user said

/lgbt/ is the most problematic board on Sup Forums though

regardless, I'd like to see a Richard Spencer or a Jared Taylor on more shows. Trump isn't a white nationalist, but since the left has memed him into one, perhaps they could interview actually white nationalists.

jk, they'll only interview complete embarrassments like this guy

Not sure if this is b8, but...why?

not him buy I know a lot of closet queens that wish gays would keep their degeneracy in the closet. the gay pride movement isn't representative of what all homosexuals want.

Bill was more saying that white men were pushed away. That's very different from not being catered to. One is being insulted, the other ignored.

She'll never see the distinction. That's the problem really.

I agree with most of what he says but I'm still annoying by it somehow.

it's just an extended version of the prisoners dilemma; if you see some group vote bloc for their interests, eventually other groups will feel like they need to vote as a bloc for their interests.

politics is somewhat mimetic, so ossification into groups seems like a natural result in a multicultural democracy

Yeah, I guess you can never really know a candidate's personal opinions and biases. I don't like Trump or Pence, but I'm willing to give them a chance rather than wanting to go down on a sinking ship together. I'll be really saddened if Pence or Trump publicly supports the practice of conversion therapy while they're in office, though.

Dennis Miller did it better, don't care what any of you cunts say.

>Now I don't wanna get off on a rant here...

Right, there's always gonna be some LGBT people that are sort of "out there", but just because some aspects of LGBT culture may come off as distasteful, doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to enjoy the benefits of marriage.

I don't think Trump cares about it at all. Maybe the fear is in the fact that he's so malleable he can be manipulated into supporting anything, but I doubt this guy is going to actively push it.

Pence might be cause for concern, but even then, republicans know not to touch gay marriage

pretty much this they're the fedora tippers of the gay world basically. Most of us just want to be normal no different than you

exactly he was being totally reasonable which I found really surprising as a first time viewer and yet she put up a wall and then the liberal wall got worse when Legend came out

I can say this though if I was back in high school and still liberal i'd probably think bill was cool

The difference being Obama never said he was going to take everyone's guns, whereas Trump has said, unequivocally, a great many of the things people are afraid he might do.

Yeah, you're probably right that they don't want to touch it

On a side note, thank you for actually having a calm and rational discussion. It's hard to find people that aren't smug, defensive Republicans or reactionary, crying Democrats. You've kind of put me more at ease about this whole situation.

>america gets massive prison industrial complex
>americans vote with prison mentality
really makes you think..

...against the Democrat Incumbent

we'll see, my guess is as good as yours. I just see Trump as someone closer to JFK or Eisenhower(doesn't mind big gov projects, doesn't mind socially liberal policies, but has a definite nationalist streak). I could definitely be dead wrong, we'll see.

No problem, having an actual conversation feels like a better use of my time than saying >gas the kikes race war now or >white bois, how can they compete?

politicians say shit all the time they don't mean or act on

Nah. Too evangelical, Republican party needs to move passed that if it's too survive after baby boomers die.

Biden said he would shoot Obama if he tried