Why are smart women so rare?

Why are smart women so rare?

IQ distribution

oh shit i just saw

thanks for redpilling me bro

dumb women (I mean retarded) are just as rare

I agree that the Indians did not have some cosmic right to the land, however, her argument gets retarded when she claims that white ppl had the "right" to take the land because they had a better civilization.

What an edgy bitch.

Why not? Might is right, mate.

Why should they be allowed to sit around and jerk each other off in tents on a quarter of the fucking land of the planet? Fuck that noise.


Women aren't expected by society to succeed, so most don't.

Kikes are smart due to years of selective breeding

However they are also insane

not really. they had a right to the land because no one was using it. the indians didn't believe in land ownership. it was free land. the indians were barely better than the bears or deer.

oh you mean despite a gynocentric educational political legal and occupational system and despite all that i can barely count all the influential women in one hand?

oy vey blame the patriarchy!

Why are faggots on Sup Forums.?

that's not what I mean at all

She's not arguing for might makes right, she's arguing for the notion that having a "better" civilization gives you the right to conquer the lands of others

wow philosophy majors are smarter than i expected

Some groups in the Sioux nation had culturally mixed with whites and intermarried a long time before the Louisiana purchase, and before there was ever conquest.

My point is that it wasn't all the same narrative. Some tribes/nations did have systems of property rights for the sake of culture and conservation. It was mostly culture shock and poor communication. Look at Cortez, he didn't exactly bring the best of Spain with him. Those men saw, in 3 days about 20,000 ritualistic executions the Aztecs did to their own. You can only take so much.

Its just another intellectual speaking on behalf of other people, in matters that were of no consequence, yet proved beneficial to them. Nothing new to see here.

Women don't require that much intelligence, so they didn't evolve to have neuronal density, etc. They just need emotional intelligence and the ability to manipulate others. A few outliers here and there will have intellects similar to a man's, but like physical strength, even the smartest women will be close the high average of male intelligence.

Stupid people are always at a surplus. That's what makes smart people valuable.

>if men have more synapses, why do women have longer hair?
kek, gets me every time

Is she wrong? Did the lands actually ever belong to the natives? The natives may have lived on the land but did the idea of property rights and borders exist to them?

if that was the case there would, at least, be just as many smart women as men

because wisdom derives itself from trial and error, this is why as a man you are faced with multiple challenges throughout your life in order to brake you down so you can build yourself back up, learning from your mistakes it molds you into a new and better you.

women don't have this aspect, thus aspect of honor and courage only belongs to men, because women face no real hardships in life. you cant say "be a man" to a women call her a pussy for acting like she should, because women lack the psychological and biological traits in order to produce a strong man.

a women is not judged for being a coward, she does not get criticized for not showing greatness because it is expected for women to act like women: cute, innocent, nice,....

This is why men have accomplished almost every achievement in thei fields of politics, science, sport, ect... because women dont have to aspire to anything to proof their worth

The sex meme makes them sluts

I mentioned it above, some tribes/nations did have something conceptually similar for the sake of culture and conservation, some did not. It was not the same narrative for all white/native relations and outcomes. Not even close.