Non-political conspiracy theories you believe in and why

Non-political conspiracy theories you believe in and why

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Toothpaste is ghost cum


That all the insane amount of soy now used in products with it's high amount of estrogen is responsible for the recent abundance of trannies

That's not a conspiracy theory, that's a meme you read on Sup Forums.

Mattress firm is a huge money laundering scheme

creationism is a scam

Fluoride doesn't need to be in water and it causes higher concentration of retards in fluoridated areas

the secret space program is the biggest coverup going on right now and its why trillions of tax payer dollars goes missing every few years

the people in power now have the ability to go to other planets so they are wrecking this one


That the third eye is actually a secret metaphor for intuition.

AIDS isn't real and was created to degrade the gays and make a shit ton of money. Reason why I believe: only 5% of AIDS donations goes to a cure and the growing movement of people rejecting the HIV=AIDS hypothesis.

Any credible "celeb died" theories or are they all just jokes?

yes trillions with the amount they make in tax dollars we should be living in a futuristic utopia

Except, you know, expenses are higher than the tax income.

I've only ever heard of the Paul is dead one

Alexa, Google Home, etc.are being used in conjunction with AI to learn more about consumer behavior.

Let someone stab you with a nigger needle and see if your body doesn't deteriorate while you do a quick, agonizing death.

Oh and the reason only 5% of the money goes to a cure is because the people running the charities don't actually give a fuck. They're there to help themselves. It's like goodwill. They just take your free shit and sell it lol. You're not helping anyone by donating but you think you are because of the name. Same thing with Red Cross. It's all bullshit.

why would you trust them to tell you how much they actually make

The Moon is manufactured like the death star

People actually know how much they make. They just don't care.
Government employees can have a salary of $115k and own a $6 million house and no one seems to mind.

physically impossible


How about it?






It's the xenoestrogen, fluoride, even prescription medications, and other metals/chemicals in the water supply.

If you think about it, it makes a little sense. What ethnicity of people make the most feminine, passable trannies?

And what who eats the most soy protects?

Asian men are soyboys.

>that's why I only drink coke

>If you think about it, it makes a little sense
In another, more accurate way, it doesn't and is just another Sup Forums tool for labelling anyone that disagrees with them.

Forgive my typos. Damn autocorrect.

>just another Sup Forums tool for labelling anyone that disagrees with them.

They don't know what they believe, they love anime and the East Asian ethnostates. Their just pissed off right now because of that Asian male/white woman meme they got popular on reddit.

False, that's been around since before memes. The excess birth control (estrogen) women piss out gets recycled back in the drinking water. Water sanitation only kills germs, not vitamins and stuff.

Are you a chemist or biologist?


>Reverse osmosis

Holy shit I saw that one and I totally believe it

Cat Jenner came out as trans when she did to avoid vehicular manslaughter charges

TWA flight 800 was shot down by a SAM.

>Non-political conspiracy theories you believe in
OP is always a faggot.

>and why
Because OP is always a faggot.

Our reality is entirely simulated and we have a degree of control over how it manifests itself based on our thoughts / will / faith / belief. The conspiracy is that the people in power have known this for centuries and are actively suppressing that information.

CIAIDS agents at it again.

The Pyramids weren't built by the Egyptians but an advanced civ that got wiped out when the world flooded 12,000 years or so ago and was built as a storehouse for the world's knowledge.
Not saying they had flying cars or shit, but more advanced than your typical ancient civ.
Just skimming the top- the Pyramids are remarkably well built, like better cut and more level than we do with all but lasers on that scale.
The Pyramids are built facing due north, more accurate than any building we have today.
Pyramids are built on the 30' north latitude (well, 29.99. Heliopolis is on the 30)
The Pyramids and several other monuments (Easter island, Nazca lines, Angkor Wat, etc) all lie in an equator-like (but tilted) straight line.
The pyramids are designed with such precise ratios, like the ratio of Earth and Moon diameters are in there, pi and phi ratios (thought not to be discovered till Hellenistic Greece) are in there everywhere, etc.
If you draw a zodiac calendar around the Pyramids with north being the top, the sphynx points to the age between Leo (lion) and Virgo (woman's head), which happened about the same time the pyramids lined up with Orion's belt. The air shafts even point at significant stars (like Polaris) back then.

Fact, we do keep saying the world is gonna end soon, or at least life as we know it, whether Yosemite blows it's stack or nuclear war, and there are structures being built now that store a set of all the world's seeds, and one that is collecting all the world's info on ceramic prints.

Fact, assholes (gods amongst men) like Napoleon and Hitler visited the Vatican (a huge archive) and immediately after visited the Pyramids before their European conquests.

Fact, there is a huge, unexplored underground labyrinth right adjacent to the Pyramids.

Possible fact or hoax, they found a mollusk(?) fossil at the top of one of the Pyramids. Obviously would be written off as stupid at the time cause everyone thinks these immensely huge, perfectly proportioned mega structures were just tombs.

Idk, total conspiracy, and sorry for no links, but this shit is just the tip of the iceberg and I'll for sure be digging into it more.

Bread is created by the bread company to sell more bread

And regardless, even if the initial conspiracy is just outright stupid, I 100% no longer believe they were just burial sites

Illuminati confirmed


courtney killed kurt

>just another Sup Forums tool for labelling anyone that disagrees with them.
Oh the irony..

Let me guess, "no u"? That's all you ever do. Claim it's "the other side" that do the shit you do all day.

That's not a hypothesis, you're just an idiot who believes memes.

You're stupid.

Anyone else realize how fishy every school shooting is?? The secret service were at the Florida high school 3 weeks prior to the shooting. Mulstiple students and faculty claimed there would be an active shooter simulation drill the same day of the actual shooting. Multiple students in both columbine and Florida claim there to be multiple shooters.

Or you are just in denial that you have a culture of violence.

>Multiple students in both columbine claim there to be multiple shooters.
holy fuck you're retarded

Of course not lol, violence is in every aspect of life isn’t it? But if ur gonna off a buncha suburban teentards whose gonna really care except a bunch a Twitter fags?

Does that count as a political conspiracy l?

Their families and friends?

By Columbine you meant Sandy Hook? Yeah man, I know what to mean. There's just way too many eye witness accounts that conflict with the media reports

No one's saying we aren't more violent than you, but that's an over-simplified of a few news stories you heard.
Don't you find it odd at all that other than suicides, schools seem to be the place to shoot a gun? Why schools?
From a conspiracy point of view, dead kids are always sadder than dead country music fans.

There are shitloads of shootings not in schools
you just had a mass shooting in Vegas mere months ago

Yo nig, did you know Sandy Hook lies on a straight line between stonehenge and the sacrificial sun god temple near Mexico City? It's like ol' quetzal still needs his virgins.

Pyramids are actually giant Tesla Coils. no really. There is a tremendous amount of evidence to support the fact that they were used to generate power for the surrounding towns and villages. This is also the reason that they have no decorative language or markings inside like the tombs for the pharohs do. They were a utility like a hydo electric dam.

That you're all slowly being replaced by bots and eventually will replace all human posters.
Why there's nothing but celeb/shouldn't share/andy sixx threads.

Ahem, I just said "dead country music fans" alluding to Las Vegas.
Quit trying to misinterpret everything so you can stroke your ego later at night.

I've heard this but haven't delved into it yet. Entirely plausible from what I've heard (the particular limestone type is electrically conductive, but the casing limestone isn't)

Hitler made it to argentina after the war. Theres a lack of evidence and 1000s of stories about what happened to hitler, and the only logical explanation is running back to argentina where other nazis fled persecution

you're the only one that knows this, we've been trying to tell you that you must spread the truth

>in high school

Even if he did, Mossad got him or he died by now anyway.

I unironically believe Finland doesn't exist

0000 GET

underage sex is immoral gtfo

wheres the money?

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a government-employed propoganda puppet used as a vehicle to represent Austrian greatness. Mozart, although a great concert pianist, didn't actually compose everything that is credited to him, and always had a team of composers working for him, which started with his father when Mozart was a supposed "child prodigy."

Also, all fat women were molested by a family member as a child and subconciously make themselves physically unattractive as a defence mechanism. I watched Red Sparrow the other day, and in that one incest kiss scene with the uncle, every fat woman sitting near me cringed or groaned, but the 9's and 10's didnt.

And coffee makes you age faster. Every serious coffee drinker I know looks like a pale, haggard wrinkly dried out prune by their 30's.