What does b think of the Flat Earth Theory?

What does b think of the Flat Earth Theory?

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>it's a fisheye lens when its a photo of the horizon
>it can't be a fisheye lens when it's a photo from orbit

I think people who post this kind of thing just want to have a discussion for the sake of argument

It also matters how far from the surface of the earth the picture is taken. As the distance approaches infinity, the visible surface area approaches 1/2 of the earth's surface.

We only see one side of the moon.

It's tidally locked, just like other big planets and their moons are, meaning the same face always faces its host

People that believe the earth is flat shouldn't be using computers. They might get electrocuted.

is that just pure coincidence though?


Explain the Transit of Venus, how does it work on a Flat Earth?

There's too much information out there not to be sceptical. People who say they 100% believe flat earthers are full of shit have never looked at why flat earthers believe what they believe and they'd rather stay comfortable in their established knowledge. I'm not saying the Earth is flat, I'm just saying there's too much info to be 100% either way.

>People who say they 100% believe flat earthers are full of shit have never looked at why flat earthers believe what they believe
Could you provide an example?


It's a hypothesis, not a theory.

I think that they should be heard out. If they have any kind of evidence it should be seriously considered.

I don't say this because I believe the earth is flat. I say so because we're wrong more often than we're right and the fact of the matter is that everything we know, with few exceptions, is based on faith. We have faith that what's written in books is true, that what the television says is true. But the vast majority of human history has revealed that those who ask us to be faithful are most often completely, or at least partially, full of shit.

You can't ignore idea's simply because they're not popular unless you're content with being a fool.

I believe there's millions of flying pink elephants in the sky, despite having no evidence to backup my claim.. even in the face of contradicting evidence that would indicate I'm 100% wrong.

But don't tell me I'm wrong, that hurts my feelings because I'm an idiot.

I'm no flat Earth expert but I believe part of their argument rests on proving space flight and the ISS to be a hoax. They point out that all the astronauts who do vlogs from the ISS aren't floating, they're wearing wires and are actually on Earth. If you look closely enough at a lot of the videos it's very evident that they're wearing wires and not actually floating in space like they claim to be.

So.. When I livestream the ISS on my youtube channel through my 12" dobsonian, I am just some guy that's in on the big conspiracy? lol.. SUUUUURE

Come on now

So? Which video and at what time is a wire visible?

So.... The Earth is flat. But, every other planet in the universe is round.

Why would the Earth be flat?

As a parallel, there's an abundance of evidence that shows climate change is a hoax and an abundance of evidence that shows climate change is real. Who's right? They both make good arguments and base their findings off of fact. That's the problem with todays world. There's no truth anymore. Every side of every argument is backed up with scientific research. Truth no longer falls to those who can prove it, it falls to what you WANT to believe.

Do research for yourself.. You can see the ISS through telescopes that are strong enough.

>everything we know, with few exceptions, is based on faith.
But the idea of a somewhat spherical earth it's not based on faith. If you've been on a flight between countries you can see it with your own eyes.
>the vast majority of human history has revealed that those who ask us to be faithful are most often completely, or at least partially, full of shit.
This is something that applies to the flat earth theory.

I think they put religious crap in there as to the reason.. That's when I tune them out.


My name's not Now.

There can't be two truths. There can only be one while the rest are false interpretations.

>So.... The Earth is flat. But, every other planet in the universe is round.
So.... The Earth has life. But, every other planet in the universe is dead.
Why would the Earth have life?

Hey guys want a pro tip on how to see if someone is undeniably retarded with one question?

Just ask them if the earth is flat

There is climate change.. That is real.. There is no man made climate change.. Both sides use the same evidence.

I see your problem here, you're conflating made-up bullshit with information.

>every other planet in the universe is dead.

I doubt that.

You're right, people made up information to try to prove the earth isn't flat. What idiots!

If they say no they're retarded

You would be surprised what trolls are capable of.

Yes, but you can't have a rational argument. They are just completely ignorant of almost everything. I don't think any of then got past 5th grade.

There is proof of a round earth. You can see it with your own eyes. Can you provide me with evidence of a flat earth beyond the theory that those ISS astronauts *might* be held by strings?

You see I thought what I said was pretty self explanatory and I wouldn't have to put in the part where if they said yes they were retarded. I still remember when I thought you mouth breathers were just trolls and it was so ridiculous I thought it was funny.

Please do us a favor and never reproduce. Not that you have a choice in that matter anyway being a flatard.

The earth is not flat you fucking retards.

Flat Earthers

70% trolls, 30% people stupid enough to really believe it.

Flat Earth believers have never been able to explain scientifically how the gravity works in their flat Earth theory. Part of science is proven by observation. We have observed light bend around objects in space as well as how light is effected by black holes and other dense objects like galaxies. We can prove how gravity works by observing it's effects on other planets. We can also observe other planets are spheres not flat discs. By observing these things we can prove that Earth is also a sphere. If it were a flat disc gravity would not effect us the same way it does now.

You can't say every other planets in the universe is lacking life because we haven't discovered every planet in the universe , we haven't even discovered every planet in the observable universe. You can't just say something and it be a fact. It's very easy to make a point using fiction

Explain gravity lol



The one thing Flat-Earthers never seem to answer is why would the "government" and NASA and other space agencies would keep this "big secret"

We had Egyptians and Greeks that understood the Earth was round, now when we went to the goddamn Moon, people think the Earth is flat.

Guys I think Neil Degrasse Tyson just came into the thread to debate with the flat Earth believers lol

Stupid is as stupid does muh boi. Earth is round like your mommy.

The moon

They can't explain shit because they don't understand basic physics

"Perhaps we've never been visited by aliens because they have looked upon Earth and decided there's no sign of intelligent life."

Some dumb troll shit. Not even worth acknowledging.

When you're talking about the moon in Earth's orbit, it's the Moon

I meant to put the moon lol implying that we never went but my damn sony phone put an emogi

Ohhhh one of these people. Why did they do 7 missions to the Moon (with one of them failing)?

Not to mention the Soviets would have been SO CLOSELY MONITORING the Moon landing, that if America had faked it, they would have known.




Lol no bro I upvoted it

When somebody explain, with good proof, the earth is flat, I will eat my shorts



There is no information to make anyone believe in a flat earth. There is only a lack of understanding the science that proves it is a sphere. Not being able to u understand something doesn't make it evidence. They believe what they believe due to flawed logic and not understanding the evidence contradicting their ridiculous hypothesis that is out there.

I understand limits user, but what about the limits of light? as distance approaches infinity is not possible as distance can only be 13.7 billion light years, at which point you still won't be seeing 1/2 the surface

check mate round earthers.

>There is only a lack of understanding the science that proves it is a sphere. Not being able to u understand something doesn't make it evidence.
holy fuck did you type this yourself?

He words weird like a negroid but he correct

I'd rather admit that traps aren't gay than believe this flat earth theory
Everybody knows traps are from faggots for faggots
And earth is actually hollow

No. Tidal forces alter orbits and rotations so locks and resonances are quite common.

I respect all beliefs

>niggers don't cube-earth

>You can't ignore idea's simply because they're not popular unless you're content with being a fool.
It isn't simply because it's not popular. For one thing, there is no proof of a flat Earth. There are some weak points of evidence that can be explained (such as "looks flat, must be flat"), but the vast majority of flat Earth revolves around making spectacularly ignorant claims regarding round Earth evidence being false, misrepresented (ironically), or manufactured.

There is never evidence provided that *requires* a flat Earth model to explain. It's really an academic exercise in proving whether you are using your brain to conclude round Earth, or if you are just parroting what you are told. We also have trolls that obviate themselves by simply calling you names because you say round.

You believe in the moon?

Good one!

You are just as retarted as the people that believe the earth is flat.

It's to do with how the moon is formed. Also our moon is actually getting further away with every orbit.

My thoughts exactly. Do we have people falling off the edge into space along with all the earths crust constantly moving outward? Fuck some people are retarded

Distance can only be measured at 13.7 billion light years because that's what's discovered. Technically, the universe could be double that age based on facts not yet known. So in essence, distance is infinite because there's nothing stopping you from going 13.8, 13.9, 14 billion light years in a direction.

I think it's proponents are either incredibly stupid or religious loons.

I’ve been around the world and video chatted with people on the opposite end. It wouldn’t be dark for one of use and not the other. We could literally see the sun rise and set at opposite times together. People who believe this are fucking potatoes who are either trolls or just stupid.

The natural satellite around Earth is incredibility weird on many levels:

Perfect Eclipses (400-400)
Uneven Mass
Missing or low density core

Just happens to be the biggest coincidence in the universe.


All believers are legit spuds


You know Newton's law of universal gravitation? That says that two objects are attracted to each other by their masses over the square of the distance between them?

Since the gravitational force varies as the inverse of the square of the distance, there is a significantly larger pull due to gravity on the near side of an orbiting object as large as a moon, compared to the far side.

This gradually slows down a rotating satellite until it always has the same side pointing towards the planet.


Shouldn't that happen to earth too then? Vis a vis the sun?

Venus isn't real you retard.

I thought it was getting closer?

If the Earth were a globe, all living things would slip off it (you ever tried balancing on a ball?) that's why there's no life on any other planet. Earth is the only planet capable of supporting life BECAUSE it is flat and people can't fall off it.


A tiny bit, yes. But the Earth's 7,000 mile diameter does not make as much of a difference in its 93,000,000 mile distance from the sun, compared to the moon's 2100 mile diameter and its 240,000 mile distance from earth.

>a man who pushes liberal propaganda as 'science' and a nigger (proven to have smaller brains)

Nice role models you have there globetard

Thanks for explaining!

if it were flat
how can it be hollow and contain a sun?
checkmate, jewish conspirators

The sun's diameter is about 400 times larger than that of the moon – the sun is also about 400 times farther away.

Because it's only flat on one side, Goy.

I love seeing the mental gymnastics required to deny the existence of God.

N-nobody can actually be this stupid, r-right?

Because that's how you think gravity works ... But not everything you think is fact.

why do people always link flat earth with god? this place could easily still be a coincidence or something even stranger could be going on