Sup Sup Forumsros

Sup Sup Forumsros
Got the day off work gonna play my favorite games.
I've heard alot of bad things about ESO. Is it really not as good as these?

its fucking shit
play final fantasy 14 if you need that online fix

I've never like final fantasy. I hate turn based. Old Pokemon was the only turn based I liked.

ESO is absolute trash, don't waste your money.


Weak game mechanics, boring gameplay and plotlines, I could go on.

You could get the same experience for free from Runescape. At least people play that one.

Dont play ESO just because you love the previous elder scrolls games, the only similarities they have is the universe and the reliance on looting.

Op here.
Ya no one has ever said why it sucks.
Like did they ruin the leveling up process?
In oblivion there was athletics and agility and not in skyrim, they do dumb shit like that?
In skyrim they added shouts which are fucking stupid they don't help u level up.
And cooking is pointless too, stupid stuff like that?

I was thinking about getting back into Runescape when they release mobile.

It's not like a normal elder Scrolls RPG its like a standard mmo and as standard as it gets, no unique selling point other than the name Elder Scrolls, you might not hate it if you get it but it's not something that'll wow you either

Op here.
Ya you guys just put the last nail in the coffin
Im not getting it but I want a really good and new game Like ESO.

Why do they have to ruin good games. I started with morrowind and they should have kept it like that. Fucking hard

Depends on if you want the storyline, RP or combat. Personally the combat is a clusterfuck of mashing buttons and hoping to God that your healer isn't autistic. RP wise the game is fucking great if you find a good guild, personally I find that the Ebonheart Pact RP circle is the best out of the three factions. Story-wise it's a hit and miss, the Aldmeri Dominion certainly has the richest experience by far. With the character Raz'um Dar being the most entertaining one. All in all if you love the Elder scrolls then I would recommend picking it up, but be weary if you only care about gameplay mechanics.

play skyguy you peasant

I am kinda picky the all the changes from morrowind to oblivion to skyrim pissed me off

user nails it

I mainly just want the new world

That doesn't sound real

Combat is absolutely shit in ESO.

Then I would say get it. It's pretty fun just to fiddle fuck around and see some of the places that haven't gotten their own game yet and some of the characters you find are pretty damned interesting.

>multiple posts on weak mechanics and poor gameplay/story
>durr, no one said why its bad, hurr

I do strictly bows. Dagger if I have to

I was writing that out before all those posts were up u dumb ass. Theirs showed up first