What is the weirdest hentai scene you can masturbate to?

What is the weirdest hentai scene you can masturbate to?

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pretty much anything from starless aside from the gore stuff


How new are you? This trash that's only been posted for like a month is your weirdest?



It's hard to quantify weirdness.

What in the fuck is wrong with you OP? What the fuck is wrong with anyone that likes this literal pile of shit?
I genuinely want to know what has gone wrong in your life to lust after feces.

Yo, suggest me something with fucking brutal torture, bondage game and euphoria just don't cut it.


Nope. THIS is the weirdest. Brain-draining is so hard to find.

Not real ones.

It's Afraid.

Startship troopers reference, nice

"Brain Eater" is basically the bastard lovechild of a drunken all-nighter between "Alien" and "Starship Troopers" followed by a custody battle with the angry ex-wife "The Matrix" (the telepathic shota on teacher sex in Part 5).

The lust in this scenario is over women being debased with shit. The appeal is in the power over their suffering.

The biggest surprise is that it breaks an unspoken hentai rule: the evil monsters never get the shotas, when a ton of women are present. They will always ignore the shotas for the women.


Even the protagonist is confused by his sexual desire. He's horrified but hard as fuck.

Yeah. It's a fucked up think to enjoy, but power over women's suffering is sexualized

Top left panel: "OMG!
Bottom right panel: "Best high ever. It was worth losing my brain!"

Scarification isn't that weird.

Pretty accurate representation of a guy's priorities watching porn. Shut down the brain, activate the boner, lol.

I could take this more seriously if I didn't pay attention to the text.

"Hooaab Buheh Geheheh hehehe."

I googled it and found it, aaand there's a SECOND one

It's worse than you know (it usually is).

There are at least SIX.


The shotas are in part 5. They failed to read the script.

WHOA!! Thanks!

I don't know why I want to read it

Welcome. It's probably because it is super-taboo. The part with the shotas is definitely breaking the rules when it comes to monsters in hentai.

The humans (who aren't killed) are brainless in a very vague sense. They can function and fuck, but they're definitely malfunctioning.

I'd skip the beginning chapters. They're the most brutal by far.

I yanked it to a story about these school girls that each ate something different so that they would produce different forms of shit. They then proceeded to eat each other's shit and comment on it while they masturbated. I climaxed around the part where the ring leader throws up all the shit she's eaten and the girls help lap up the mess.


"Brain Eater" is so bizarre it's on positively memetic levels. I'm really shocked Sup Forums hasn't noticed it before.

It is fucking weird as a story.



what the... omg who imagine and masturbate to this shit ?

The hedonism and the taboo aspect of it. You'd be wanton and out of control, in an endless ring of fellow pooping women.

Oh it has been noticed before, we're all just too busy fapping to the mindless whores.

That makes sense.

But you're forgetting the "in someone else's control part".

I'm halfway to living the dream already because I started HRT half a year ago. Hue.

The basic appeal is obvious. Not only are the women turned into wanton fuck-obsessed individuals, but any male who gets too close won't be left out of the fun. It's a frenzied party where all are invited (in the later chapters, which truthfully feel like they were written by a different guy).

Ok... im getting hard.. please continue

Those shotas are going to spend their entire lives fucking women without a thought in the world.

Two shotas, accompanying their teacher, are captured. After seeing her being brain-drained, the hentai breaks the unspoken rule. The two shotas are themselves brain-drained, getting hard as hell. They imagine themselves fucking the teacher. Then we see them rendered brainless, happily blowing their loads alongside their equally brainless teachers. They will spend all of their time in a state of endless pleasure, cumming right next to their teacher again and again.

Also, although they're the only shotas we see, it stands to reason the bugs have caught dozens to hundreds of other shotas elsewhere & turned them into horny brainless boys.

Probably. I found this by the same artist, "Flower" It's pretty fucked too, to a much lesser degree. too lazy to find a translated version.


Brainless FUCKboys!


hand holding

Pretty much. With their higher brain functions (except their subconscious imaginations which clearly seem to work) effectively ruined, they're on the level of pure instinct and their most basic drive.


I feel like they just kinda smashed a hand on the keyboard when writing this lol

Honestly I ignore most of "Brain Eater" except Part 5.

anything besides scat and guro

Anything by ararza. but unfortunately i can't find anything for free and i'm sure as fuck not paying money to masturbate

I'm glad they pixilated the p**p; That took the roughest edge out of it.

True. But I imagine being a brain-drained male would have the advantage of a more straightforward existence. Your mind is on horny mode all the time.

I fap regularly to Mai-chan's Daily Life and 17-Sai

It's not the most horrific but the strangest was one where this girl was getting fucked from behind by something and its dick was so long that it kept popping out of her nostrils.

Which should have been the basis for Part 1, and built around that.

Yesterday lol
