You have fallen into a wormhole and arrived in 1976. What do you ask her?

You have fallen into a wormhole and arrived in 1976. What do you ask her?

Other urls found in this thread:

You have a phone and a car? I HAVE to get to a stockbroker!!

What's your sign?

Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

That's not a Polaroid.

Do you own a razor?

heres all my money, i know its crazy but buy this weird stock called google

Can i eat your ass?

You got ludes, babe?

He didn't say you had any money.

if you had no money landing there in '76, how would you get it? Hopefully you took your copy of "Big track winners of the last 50 years" back in time with you. One afternoon of street corner begging, and in a week you'd be in a Ferrari.

714 pill numbas!!

Falling into wormholes, just what I like-- I need 20-30 before the end of the night, my guy!!

do you have a tooth pick?

Who are you?


Got a bottle of Lemmon 714s I could take back with me?


Are you smuggling hamsters in your crotch?

Since you want crotch-hamspters Imma need you to watch black panther then get canned sir. That's your answer!

I'm a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told she was here. Could I see her please?

Fuck just write the screenplay of Terminator 1 and sell it.

>stopping at Terminator 1

Find Donald Trump, sit him down and roll out the avalanche of crooked shit he should prepare for in advance as President.

hey, let that movie roll out and THEN sell them 2. Use some brains my man!


let him strategize for 40 years, then the fucks won't know what hit them

not that they did anyways lol

But why stop with Terminator? You could do all the movies. All of them.

Btw I think I went to school with her

Ur nigger

Dude, Terminator 1 would do virtually unlimited box office in '76. You'd get an ADVANCE of $40 million for the 2nd, and spend most of your time hiding out from rabid studio execs trying to pay you more. I think you'd be ok.

But sure, do ET and Star Wars 1 if you need more houses and cars

Damn it, I want Blade Runner. I want Back To The Future. I want three seashells, I want Bruce Willis walking on glass barefoot. I want Tron. I want it all.

It's the 70's, rob a fucking bank first.

would be great story in itself. "Unkown bum off the street writes Terminator 1, now pens sequels on private resort island in the Pacific"

Would be great story in itself. "Unknown bum off the street writes Terminator 1 in soup kitchens, now pens sequels on private resort island in the Pacific"

Ayy u know where I can find a computer? I gotta slap together some major pillars of computer science really quick, invent bitcoin, start tracking down a Mr. Billy Gates, write the first virus...

Hello Babe! Mind if I finger your hairy snatch?

Wanna listen to my 8-track tape?

Wanna see me revolutionize the rap game?

"Unknown Joe patents plastic bread bag clasp thingie, now riding high in New York"

> (OP)
>Do you own a razor?

Wanna hear this crazy story called 911.. A group of sand monkeys make the World trade center towers collapse into their own footprint with airliners.