Who is into pegging? I got my girl to do me.. i like it.. who's in

Who is into pegging? I got my girl to do me.. i like it.. who's in


Not gay.. i love my wife to fuck me hard

As if thats not hot ...

You have a very feminine body.

Do you like to be fucked

Good shit man. My girl has no interest which sucks cause I have a pretty big toy I use regularly


Hot fucking damn yes please


On the plus side, it feels like your balls turn to molten gold and shoot out your dick at twice the speed of light. On the minus side, it’s not the most masculine thing to get up to.

My girl now likes it more than I do. It's a blast though

She will never respect you again.



respect is a firm handshake, ew.


highclass pegging, i found a new fetish




Why are girls in pegging porn so fucking ugly? Stuff would be cool but dammit I'm sticking to hentai if that's the only choice.


love it, gf gladly fucks me