Transgenderism widely accepted

>transgenderism widely accepted
>everyone hates this lady



She doesn't claim to be transracial, she actually claimed she physically IS a race that she isn't, lying about her heritage

One thing everyone hates more then niggers is a wannabe nigger


Trannies aren't accepted.

They're thrust upon society under the threat of harassment, loss of jobs and being made a social pariah if you don't pretend to agree with their insane delusions.


>>transgenderism widely accepted
Fuck off. Only the mentally ill and their enablers accept that fucked up bullshit.


She's just as bad as Talcum X. How long before he is run out of town

wow, that's a great nickname. that guy is such a turd. wasn't he threatening to sue people who said he was white?

lmao how pathetic

Are you a moron, she pretended to be black to become the NAACP president, got caught then claimed to be trans to obfuscate the original lie. It's not appropriation as some dunce said. It's out and out lying over and over. This woman is mentally ill and delusional. She need a psychiatrist but instead she just continued to lie and make shit up. That's exactly whats going on here you uniformed douche. And PS she is a genetic female, she is in no way shape or form a transgender person. She is a FRAUD in every way imaginable.

You are a fucking ass, if want anyone here to think for a second you couldn't do a simple search but instead posted a moronic question on Sup Forums then you are an even bigger ass than previously stated...ASS!

>Transgenderism widely accepted
Nigger are you serious?


i suppose if you were married to her or she caused you trouble every day because you worked with her or she was your friend, that your question would be worth asking. but since you have nothing at all to do with her personally why are you so invested in what she does?

> ass three times in one sentence

This, White Privilege doesn't exist but this cunt is gives the SJW's fucking ammo for it.

>transgenderism widely accepted
It isn't.

>transgenderism widely accepted.


The amount of "investment" op has in her is equal to the investment that you have in op. Your question about op arose in the same manner and time frame that his would have.

Because everyone hates wiggers.

i think op means widely accepted by freaks and feggits and niggers, and the like... at least, i think he does...

ugly stupid cunt is ugly & stupid

It's not white privilege. It's "not being a violence, theft prone lazy nigger" privilege.

When I meet a mexican, especially one from mexico, unless they're covered in face and neck tats and obviously thieves, they're often really awesome and nice people. They bust their ass, and aren't pricks.

not really. keep of trying to shitpost though. you'll get the hang of someday.

How is that different than claiming you physically ARE a gender that you're not, lying about what you were born as?