Will i get high if i eat a pea sized piece of hash by itself? dont ask why

will i get high if i eat a pea sized piece of hash by itself? dont ask why

not unless you DECARBOXYLATE it

probably take too long to break down in stomach, so it would be like a slow time release capsule, resulting in very small, probably unnoticeable high over a long period of time.

tl;dr smoke that shit.

well shit i just ate it


...well then happy results user

Not gonna work dumbass you need to heat the thc to activate it.

you get fever

its ok i'll smoke some too to make sure i get something out of this night

Even if decarbed(it's unactive eaten raw) it need a fat or butter to absorb properly

> Put hash in small spoon
> Add some oil or butter
> Heat with lighter
> Put in yogurt or whatever
> Eat
> Get high

Waste should have smoked it

Yeah hash is heated pressed kief so already decarbed and there is a book about eating hash, i cant remember the name

Congratulations, you just ate whatever else adhered to some dirty Moroccan's unwashed hands.

thc is heat activated, you just wasted that shit

can i not just eat something with a high fat content so they melt in my stomach at the same time? wouldn't that activate the thc, or is more heat required

Ive eaten hash and gorren high, like a big bite.

Heat and fat are required
You wasted your shit

whatever, was only the size of a pea

Just inject it like a normal person.

SOME hash is heat-pressed. Bubble hash, for example, is extracted at near-freezing temps.

Depends on where you got it, and how it was made.

Junkie much? The process takes too long, you'd have to leave it in the butter for like 10 minutes at least


Interestingly enough the first reply was right, yet you all losers keep talking shit as if you knew what's up.
THC same as other cnnabinoids won't get absorbed until you decarboxylate them.

Congratulations on eating a piece of inert resin. There's still a slight chance that the hash was oven dryed or hot pressed, therefore it could be decarbed a bit, but still. you're a retard op.

i got high as fuck you guys all talked out of your ass lmfao

I once ate a gram of it cause it didnt get dissolved and i woke up fucked up but no it wont

Can also validate this. You done wasted your weed OP. Why even post a thread if you're just gonna do the thing.

>Look. at this offers, guys!!