Hey Sup Forums I’m thinking about joining the core after college what are the serious drawbacks to being a marine and...

Hey Sup Forums I’m thinking about joining the core after college what are the serious drawbacks to being a marine and what can the marines offer that other branches can’t

"Corps" you fucking dimwit.

Its fucking Corps, not Core, you fuck. Also, go in as an Officer with OCS if your already in collage.

You can get fucking killed, and even if you don't get killed you could develop CTE from all the head trauma that comes with training and being in the battlefield

I’m already enrolled and have money put away for nothing but college

>joining the core
At least there's no intelligence test, you rayjing faygot.
kys now rather than giving some towelhead a chance

I talked to a recruiter and he said he has never been deployed in the 10 yrs he’s been a marine even before he was a recruiter

the marines isn't a branch
it is a corps (hence marine corps) of the navy

Can't you find an easier way to come out of the closet than joining a community of cocksuckers?

>joining the core

all muh keks u nitwit


Former marine fag here. 6217 MOS. Go to the air force/ navy. Easier cutting scores and promotions. It's peace time. No good deployments = snco's are always in your shit

what a fuckin boot

they die first

Get the fuck outta here....

I have a friend in the air force currently and he hates it with a passion

Was deployed 3 times. 1 iraq with day attack squadron. 2 Afghan with all weather. Would not recommend it now unless you go aviation technician. I-Level (6400 mos) has more transferable skills to civilian

You went to college to go to the marines? you're retarded.

It's fucking college! Not collage! You fuck!

Quality of life in the Air Force is so much better, but no promotions are not easier. A lot more goes into it. Air Force "deployments" are the shit. Fuck the corps. Leave that to the real killers not fucking around on Sup Forums.

I did my 4 yrs and thoroughly enjoyed it, but that is because I was based in Hawaii for 3 of those 4 yrs. 3521 Motor T Mechanic....worked on Humvees 8am-5pm M-F. Had a fucking blast and definitely miss it it from time to time. Had the worst duty rotation of all time however. My company 1st Sgt selected me for Battalion duty on Dec 31st, 1999.
Thanks 1st Sgt....base was a fucking ghost town.

I for one thank you good user OP for choosing to serve our country. It's people like you that make it possible for all these ungrateful faggots (in the us) to talk bullshit freely in the first place.

All the best to you and yours.

Godspeed user!

If you sound like you don't want to deploy, they tell you you won't deploy. If you sound like you do want to deploy, they'll tell you there's a huge deployment scheduled soon and you might make it through boot in time if you sign now. The fact that you took the recruiter at his word enough to post it here as fact means you're just dumb enough to join the corps. Take one of the big packs of crayons with you, make some friends.

Joined Army.
4 Deployments in 7 years.
Accidentally killed a family that ran a road block.
Got injured.
Med discharged.
Living the dream.


How'd you accidently kill an entire family?

Join the coast guard.
Same benefits but no risk of death or getting shipped off to some hell hole

In Afghanistan 2013
Setup VCP (vehicle check point) near Kandahar
Stop search
Car failed to stop
I opened up with 50 call
Dumb ass Afghan didn't listen to instructions
3 males and 2 woman killed
Baby survived
Still hear baby screaming

The Marines will turn you gay. They are out to form an army of faggoty cocksmoking niggerfaggots.

Holy, well that's what you're supposed to do right?

I was at KAF in 2013 and remember that.
Or during Ramadan that ANA dude went nuts at like noon in and killed one of the NATO boys. Think he was a Slovak.


Them Slovaks on ECP1 were trigger happy.
Brassed up one of our for rolling through their cp.
Offered us a cup of coffee.
Good times.

I think it's a branch now nosferatu. Being over 200 years old and your vampire brains start to muddle huh?


The Marine Corps doesn't take imbeciles so you may as well get that thought out of your head

Lol yeah man. KAF was a nice break though aside from the weird shit going on. That Luxemboug chow hall was good and had that big ass espresso machine

Holy shit the newfaggotry hurts. Lurk more you fucking mouthbreathers.

Lance Corporal here, Don't do it lmao

Read Terminal Lance and then if you still wanna join, you should euthanize yourself

The Marines never leave their buddy's behind.

People like that are everywhere. Too dumb to live. When the nice man holding the rifle asks nicely, do what they say or they become the mean man with the rifle.

>the "core"
20 bucks says he signs up to be a fucking POG too

The Marines have a special kind of kinship and brotherhood attached to them. One drawback I think is 13 weeks of boot camp. But millions of people over the years were able to do it so can you.

Yeah. TFI Friday on boardwalk then over to German PX for overpriced kit.

>when top just watched the human centipede trilogy

It's like America's version of the Waffen SS. It is a tight night fanatical brotherhood. not for everyone.

Uh.... they offer you more motrin and socks. Oh, and the other branches offer you more PT in joint training. "40 push ups, 60 from you jarheads." Fucking Sergeant Airborne, i hate you more than youll ever know.


As you can’t even spell corps you’d probably rise rank to lieutenant immediately

You do realize recruiters are salesmen you gibbering dumbshit right? They tell everyone that same shit. You belong in the corps you cockfag

The Marines are older than any of that nazi shit numb-nuts. Pic related, it's you.

i was referring to their status as "elite shock troops" also. How'd you find my nudes?

"elite" is what you call "shock troops" because "disposable cannon fodder" plays hell with moral

>The Marines have a special kind of kinship and brotherhood attached to them
found the recruiter.

Get shot.

What else are you capable of? If this is the highest achievement you can imagine then maybe. Otherwise pursue your other aspirations, the sky is the limit.

Assraped too.

So you join to LARP? Fuck off to a karate school

The marines can’t offer a garauntee contract. The army for example, you can pick your job at the recruiting station and reserve that specific job. Therefore when you go to MEPS you will sign a contract for that specific job. Furthermore the army is larger, that means faster promotions and more available jobs. Benefits however are the same.

You can sign an open contract and end doing something yu hate or yu can sign a garaunteed contract lol which would you prefer

Me talking shit to ensure your freedom of speech from your Orwellian nightmare is a greater service than anything these faggots do.

You're going to hell for murdering somebodys parents in the poorest shithole in the world. You're goddamn right he didn't listen to your orders that man thought you were a punk before dying. Then you blew him up because you didn't capture him and his family to do your sick shit.

There's a hell.

There is no hell and he probably didn't even really experience that. Chill out.

There's a special kind of sick not to know why you still hear the baby screaming.

How the fuck does a explosion magically happen out of nowhere and kills everyone but the child the smallest child I might add because a man didn't listen to your bitch ass instructions? Why do you think he kept going? There was nothing wrong with the road. I already picture your instructions like the murder of shaver.

>that man thought you were a punk before dying
I agree. It's probably what led to his poor judgement and ignoring soldiers instructions.

Search what? He's in his own country.

The chances of that car being packed with explosives was pretty high (VBIED).
It's happened before.
I did what I did to protect my buddies.
I got it wrong and I have to live with it.
And I've been to hell. 4 times.

He doesn't have to listen to his shit. I hope you get to live that.

all the dick you can eat.

I've been fucked in the butt by a few marines and the uniform + stamina + absolute abuse of my prostate made me pass out more than once.

Serious drawback include Death.
They can offer you death or PTSD

Go get your GED then come back and try again. you're typing out incomprehensible shit.

God I wish that was me.

In the civilized world you don't kill a family for being a parking meter errand boy putting some shit on a perfectly good road. He was probably going back home from some murder before being stopped by some creep to do and empty search. That leads to some babyfuck or touching the little boy.

That's pretty gay. I guess the marines are why they started that "dont ask dont tell" huh?

>imagine being this mad

Yeah, it is gay, but i'm a civillian.

At least they were kind enough to catch me and hold me up until i regained consciousness.

>poor judgement
That is an empty line of shit.youre sick its repugnant.

Don't talk to me. Faggots.

been looking for a reason to post this

I used to be more mad than that. I'm doing alright.

>unprecedented levels of baby rage only he understands

Everyone but the baby crying bloody murder they killed my parents and your bitch ass.

I was scared. I was setting up a roadblock for search. I was just doing my job. You've heard it already. Fuck you. You just convinced me to buy a gun too.

I'm not sick, bro. Shit happens and we all just pretend like we're exempt from participating in death,but it is part of this phenomenon we are experiencing.

what the fuck did you just say to me?

They could teach you the difference between core and corps.

Do babies have rage? Ya man I used to hate like a motherfucker. People can change.

I call them faggots at my BJJ gym and I refuse to roll with them.

My friend was in the marines.
Most severe PTSD he knows of.
Worse than my uncle who helicoptered dead bodys and wounded people in Vietnam.
Friends whole platoon either died overseas or killed themselves after so he's the only one left.
Prepare yourself for a life of misery.
Also you're about average IQ for marines. "Core" - good job m8
Pic related.

That's what they call remorse. I've seen them in church without remorse too. Sick faggots

I bet he looked fucking stupid too.

Can I join the marine and be a priest?

Please answer expert.

But you're a niggerlover. And you're breathing out your mouth. I confront you with the truth so they judge you or you are further condemned.

Yeah sure come on over.

*corps you fucking moron. You cant join with us so just fuck off and join the army faggot

People can't be this fucking stupid its impossible. I don't win anything by letting everyone be fucking sick. Don't ask don't tell!

PTSD people. Vietnam was right.


>2005 pushed Fallujah
>2006-2007 Ramadi

What a fucking shithole

First drawback is getting the shit kicked out of you for spelling it "Core".

The thing is, will I be forced to rape little 12 year old girls if I am deployed to north korea. In a nutshell, will I be alright coming out to be a priest again?

That's why they have professional fighters. Go back to your cock.

You responded to the wrong person or you're pretty dim, maybe both.