Is the confederate flag racist? I'm being serious, but why do some people think the flag is racist...

Is the confederate flag racist? I'm being serious, but why do some people think the flag is racist? Also some people view the Gadsden flag as racist too why?

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The flag became a hot merchandising item for racists during the civil rights movement. You display that flag if you're racist. If you like the flag and don't consider yourself racist, guess what, you're just a racist that's bad and self-reflection (you know, like all of them)

It's not as racist as it is petty. The pettiness is what kills me. It's the same thing as if somebody in Germany were to fly and nazi flag over their house. I'm not comparing Nazi's to confederates. I'm saying it's the flag of a loser, and it comes off as petty. That's why it's annoying.

History is no longer taught. And when history isn't taught anything can be racist.

It's a lack of respect for the social order. It's a signal for white trash.

>Is the confederate flag racist?
>why do some people think the flag is racist?
People believe that the civil war was over slavery and not state rights and taxation issues.
>Also some people view the Gadsden flag as racist too why?
Similar message of non-government/federal interference, so many confederate synthesizers use it. Also anything right-wing (libertarianism/an-cap) is racist to leftists.

it is an inanimate object incapable of the thought process necessary to be racist
it has been used in the past to represent many ideas some of which have been racist
but the flag itself is not racist

It's the battle flag of the South. The uneducated think the war was about nothing but slavery even though it was about states rights more than anything.

how can people serioulsy be this stupid? like, do you practice this shit?

what the fuck, man

>states rights to own slaves

look at all the tards trying to say it isn't racist. you know damn well every single person purchasing this flag is racist, including yourselves. every time someone tries this shit in real life I have to remind them that they themselves constantly bitch about "niggers" and yet they're trying to tell me them buying it had nothing to do with their racism, people who aren't racist aren't the ones buying it

Please inform yourself from sources other than your high school social studies class.

Please explain why it is somehow racist.

That's not the confederate flag, that's the north Virginian battle flag, the confederate flag looks more so like texas' flag

"The flag is a symbol my great grandfather fought under and in defense of. I am for flying it anywhere anybody wants to fly it. I do know perfectly well what pain it causes my black friends, but I think that pain is not necessary if they would read the confederate constitution and knew what the confederacy really stood for. This country has two grievous sins on its hands. One of them is slavery - whether we'll ever be cured of it, I don't know. The other one is emancipation - they told 4 million people, you're free, hit the road, and they drifted back into a form of peonage that in some ways is worse than slavery. These things have got to be understood before they're condemned. They're condemned on the face of it because they take that flag to represent what those yahoos represent as - in their protest against civil rights things. But the people who knew what that flag really stood for should have stopped those yahoos from using it as a symbol of what they stood for. But we didn't - and now you had this problem of the confederate flag being identified as sort of a roughneck thing, which it is not." - Shelby Foote

Wasn't the Emancipation Proclamation written by that guy that climbed the clocktower in Texas and opened fire?

Because it represents a state that fought a war to have the right to choose to own slaves.

This has always been my favorite Shelby Foote Quote . . .

"Robert Toombs or somebody once gave the best definition of that war I ever heard, "It was a war of one form of society against another form of society, and because one of those forms of society included chattel slavery and the other side didn't, except to a limited extent, it's always been identified as a war over slavery. Believe me, no soldier on either side gave a damn about the slaves, they were fighting for other reasons entirely in their minds.""

"Southerners thought they were fighting a second American revolution; Northerners thought they were fighting to hold the Union together, and that held true throughout the whole war, except for some people who were absolute partisans on both sides: fire eaters in South Carolina and abolitionists in Massachusetts. But most of the people were fighting because they were fighting for... Southerners once said I'm fighting because you are down here; if you want to invade my home you've got me to fight, others say you are trying to tear the fabric of the Union, therefore you should be put down and not allowed to do what you claim what you want to do."

"It's a very complex subject and I'm sorry to see it degenerate into a such things as identifying that flag as a symbol of racism, it is not. It was never intended as such. The Confederacy respected law above all things." ~ Shelby Foote

If the Civil War was about slavery why didn't Abraham Lincoln free the slaves earlier? Also when he did "free" them, it didn't even account for the ones in the border states that were under the Union? The Civil War was about overbearing federalism.

Hey OP, thats the Battle Flag. This is the Confederate Flag.

>“Our new government is founded upon exactly [this] idea; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery -- subordination to the superior race -- is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.”
-Alexander Stephens, Confederate Vice President, delivered at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861.

Muh “states rights” really gets the noggin joggin

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

States Rights to do whatever the fuck they wanted to . . .

>Is the confederate flag racist?

No, but it makes niggers cry like little bitches, so shitskins and SJW fags will tag you as a racist and burn your house down.

symbols are not racist, being racist is racist

Word for Word Speech dictation by a reporter in 1860 something . . . Um, yeah. Sure. Gotcha.

member both bill Clinton and Hillary celebrated flag day with that flag back in Arkansas

and the flag was created by democrats when they succeeded to keep their slaves

later they created the KKK to fight the Republicans

the Democrats like to say the party's switched sides which is ludicrous unproven still the history of their party non the less

it was Republicans that granted blacks the right to vote (and women) but you know fuck history

Which explicitly included the enslavement of imported Afticans but I’m enjoying all the mental gymnastics in this thread so far trying to argue that the confederacy wasn’t founded on racism lmao

"racist" is a kike invention.

>confederate synthesizers
wew the intellectualism ITT
I hope OP is happy with all this very solid history he asked for

The confederate flag shows representation and pride for the south. Nothing more. It has nothing to do with fucking slaves


Both sides had slaves.
And there is still slaves to this day of all colors. Why the fuck u uneducated retards blame white Americans for something that has always gone on and always will go on.

Racisms today vs ideals of 160 ago never add up. You're talking about millions of people who could not fathom electric light. The largest riot in US history to this date, was because New Yorkers did not want to fight in the Civil War. If you say the north was fighting for Africans to be free, then it does not seem like it was, now does it? Slaves had nothing to do with the war until 1863, when Lincoln was having his gay ass handed to him by the Southern Army. Emancipation was a political move. It had nothing to do with the war. Lincoln was fighting about money and power, because he was a psycho power hungry homosexual gay faggot.

you know who cries like bitches? people like you when we tear down your statues, get rid of your flags, and spit on the shitty ass south.

>it was Republicans that granted blacks the right to vote (and women) but you know fuck history
yes we all know that shitstain. but that doesn't mean the republican party today is somehow NOT racist as shit.

>psycho power hungry homosexual gay faggot.
Now that sounds like the republican party I know

>homosexual gay faggot


i dunno know why it comforts me, but everytime I see some racist fag talking about the south. I just think about Sherman burning Atlanta to the fucking ground, and It just warms my heart. He fucked the south so hard it took them 100 years to recover.

Historically the battle flag isn’t racist, although a lot of the men that fought under it were. Not to mention that their cause was pretty fucked up.

I don’t know wtf they’re thinking saying the Gadsden flag is racist.

oh oh the best BEST part? It's all BLACKS NOW! lol. No one got cucked harder than the south.

OOOoooh its HOTLANTA in here! Blacks own the south now, except for like Florida and shit.


whether the flag is racist or not is really open to interpretation, but if you honestly believe the civil war wasn't about slavery, you're a fucking idiot. Personally, I'm not the type of person to ban iconography simply because it represents troubles of the past. It is a part of our history, even if that history demonstrated us at our absolute worst. The civil war was about the federal government superseding those of individual states. So when Lincoln declared an end to slavery, that effectively left southern states with no representation. I'm not sure where the taxation comes in unless you count the fact that ending slavery is taxation like the individual mandate of Obama care does but honestly, it's a semantics game. So please stop fucking saying the civil war wasn't about slavery, ya fuckin dipshit.

probably an association has formed between the Gadsden-waving folks and the right-wing groups they often connect with, a lot of whom are seen racist in their policy goals

I love how every time I point out the Confederacy was explicitly founded on racism, sweatinh fingers come out of the woodwork to point out the north had racists too as though that refutes anything. The Confederacy is racist. Your stupid fucking flag represents a proudly-documented racist government. Get over it.

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition"

cmon bro.

women had the right to vote until 1890s when congress explicit forbid women voting so that "those darn mormons and their brainwashed women don't vote in a theocracy for utah territory"

Well, the Confederate flag has yet to call me a nigger, but I don't like the people it hangs out with, so I'm going to go with "Yeah, it probably is".

Dear god you're fucking retarded, off yourself you stupid nigger lover

This guy gets it

You *obviously* do not live in the South. I do, and you're full of it. It's whiter than the driven snow, most places down here.

>you know who cries like bitches? people like you when we tear down your statues, get rid of your flags, and spit on the shitty ass south.

Cry harder nigger. You can't erase history, especially when you can't even understand it, as simple as it might be.

We just go a bit more discreet when you ghetto bunnies start acting out.




No. It wasn't.

Nice Facebook copypasta, faggot.

Look the Confederate flag was the battle flag of the Confederacy. It's not their national flag, but displaying it and then screeching about "snowflakes" and "participation trophies" is the pinnacle of hipocracy. It's literally the flag of losers, who fell to the might of AMERICA.

...the states left BECAUSE he was going to free the slaves. He only hesitated during the war itself to keep border states in.

Pretty sure being prejudiced against or feeling a sense of superiority of your own vs other races is definitely a thing that exists.

Ask anyone who dons this flag what they think about slavery. You'll get your answer.

Crweation of the Federal Banking powers as outlined by Albert Pike.
Thats what created the civil war.
Check yourself when you find out who the treasurer of the Confederacy was, who the majority slave owning "minority" in over 5 states was....
Big suprises in store for yall.
The reperations war treasury? You can say all "Whites" have already paid and then some. But none thelss a war treasury/chest of confiscated funds/properties et al did exist and was spent completely under William Jefferson Clinton/.

What does the south have to be proud of? I say this as someone who lives and has lived in rural Georgia his entire life.
This place is absolutely garbage. The people in my town (which is a major sea and land shipping hub) has a teen pregnancy rate that's the highest in the entire state, there are more churches than supermarkets, jobs can fire you because they don't like you or your ideals and businesses have the worst "good old boy" syndrome I've EVER seen, there's absolutely shit all to do if you don't enjoy hunting, and any interests that aren't country music, drinking light beer, and fucking are considered "faggot shit."
So remind me why my homeland deserves ANY amount of pride?

Does the phrase "The south will rise again" mean anything to you?

>Ask anyone who dons this flag what they think about slavery

After the invention of the cotton gin, niggers were worthless. They still are.

electoral votes are still today taken from the southern states.
southern states are still slave states its a funny jokess.
shitty meme, go anywhere in the world they hate sotherners. France, italy, africa. lol

females in the south say they are not feminists
>they still want you to die for them lulz

>People believe that the civil war was over slavery and not state rights and taxation issues.

The state right that the rich fuckers in the South wanted was the right to own slaves. And they didn't want the taxes because it was an encroachment of power that would lead to the power to tell them they couldn't own slaves. You don't need to believe me; I'm paraphrasing John Calhoun, original libertarian and rabid defender of slavery.

No because the South is absolute garbage. The pipeline of opiates begins in the South with lax as fuck Florida doctors, southern states have yet to increase minimum wage significantly above minimum (my state still matches federal minimum and many jobs pay this or only quarters more than federally mandated minimum), and to make matters worse, our senators and their shit opinions have all but cost us Amazon (our capital was a legitimate contender, what with our airport) and possibly Delta (which could move to Texas with ZERO loss just to save face in the public eye). Yeah no, the South isn't rising above shit all in the near or projected future.

>go anywhere in the world they hate sotherners

Especially the niggers.

That is because most people are dumb and have no idea about American history. Also FYI it is the Confederate battle flag not the Confederate flag. It never represented slavery, it represented a side on a battlefield in a war that was started by Abraham Lincoln.

south is slavery.
highest taxes.
lowest wages.
greatest amounts of "boss hogggery"
deep state elitisim.

Because it is something that is white exclusive.

It's not racist, but most Americans can't tell you what the stars represent on the flag.

I give a hint, it is the same reason for the horizontal lines on the US flag.

>After the invention of the cotton gin
After the invention of the cotton gin, slavery exploded. All the non-harvesting steps still had to be done manually, and with the leverage of the machinery, slavery was more profitable than ever.

Not even the confederate battle flag.

It is the battle flag of northern virginia.

nice meme there friend
>muh state rights
they wanted to nullify the constitution and keep slavery


I'm dead serious I have no idea what is bait anymore on this god damn site.

Really? White exclusive?


>After the invention of the cotton gin, slavery exploded. All the non-harvesting steps still had to be done manually, and with the leverage of the machinery, slavery was more profitable than ever.

Whip sales went through the roof, too.

>Use to work for RAC
>Had a lesbian couple rent a lazy boy
>I go into their living room
>They have a confederate flag
>They believe in the south will rise
>They think they are redneck

mfw I met confused lesbian dikes

fyi ^ that is the CSA naval jack snd that \/ is the CSA battle flag
neither of which were the CSA national flag



If the civil war wasn't about slavery then why do the constitutions of most of the confederate states say that it was? Usually within the first sentence?

it's a dyed piece of cloth. it has no capacity to be racist.


is that actually bill?

It's not racism. People who fly that flag are traitors to the union. It's not about race. It's about being a fucking traitor. You lost, and the flag should not be flown in the union.

It’s Ok! They’re “our” racists !

Southern States refused to sign the Declaration of Independence because of Slavery. Their hands were forced because of northern senators.

There wouldn’t be any blacks in this country today if it weren’t for the jews. They owned all the slave ships.

FYI libtard.They had already left the union and formed their own country. That is a fact of history. Also it is a fact of history that Lincoln provoked the firing on Fort Sumter because he wanted the south to pay for the government. It is also a fact that the northern states still had slaves as did his wife. His wife didn't free her slave until his Emancipation proclamation was public. And it is a fact that the norther states that still had slaves were not required to free their slaves until 1865. God liberals are fucking dumb.

It is the flag of treason against the United States of America. The flag represents 785,000 to 1,000,000+ dead americans. The fact that some people celebrate that flag disgusts me. It's like if a german still celebrated the swastika.

In the modern era, it is used as a symbol of hate. Whatever noble intention people fought is long gone. So no, the flag itself isn't racist. Just the people that love it.

Swing and a miss. The Confederates themselves said in their declaration of independences that they were leaving the union to defend their slave practices.

>"The south will rise again"
yeah in about 200 years when most of that coastline is underwater, it will be extra ironic

The flag isn't racist, the people who obsess over it and can't let it go are.

whiter than you. shit my grandfather fought for Hitler, and I have documents showing that I have 3 generations without impurities. nice try though.

>They weren’t traitors
See —->

>It's like if a german still celebrated the swastika.
you mean it would be like a German used an ancient symbol of Germanic tribes to express pride in being a German in spite of the symbol being briefly and recently co-oopted by a lunatic?

this is true. I'm just going off of what I saw driving through your shitstates a few times.

Grant kept his slaves aftercrhe war and into his presidency.