Why SHOULDN'T we raise the minimum wage, Sup Forums?

Why SHOULDN'T we raise the minimum wage, Sup Forums?

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Because we arent retards


cause i don't wanna pay $20 for s fucking cheeseburger

Because you live in america

Why not just designate a maximum wage instead?

I make 15 bucks an hour right now.

Raising the minimum wage technically lowers mine.

We SHOULD. We should raise it to a MILLION dollars a year. Then within a year everyone will be a millionaire. Poverty solved in 1 year.

If you can see why the above is nonsense then you also know why raising the minimum wage is pointless. All you do is put low skilled workers out of a job. Businesses will look to automation because it's cheaper.

Why SHOULDN'T we lower the minimum wage?

Because there is zero evidence that raising the minimum wage will improve the standard of living. Australia has the highest minimum wage in the world yet Americas average income is much higher.

I think we should have a higher minimum wage.

But only after we completely decimate welfare. Having both is unsustainable, and having a higher wage would benefit those that actually try, so I lean for that.

That's... Actually a good idea. Except for Farmers and the rest.

Why aren't you fighting to raise YOUR minimum wage, then?

Take lovely Bernies wonderland here.

Denmark may have an average wage of 20 us bucks.
However that just creates inflation, Denmark is pretty much one of the most expensive countries to live in, in the world with our capital topping.

The average american has more free money in his hands than a dane.

So that is why.

Because then only "Very privileged" kids and rich Tublrinas will be able to go to college.

It's a ruse for fed gov to rake in more tax dollars. Under Bernie's plan, 40% tax on anyone who works more than 23hrs a week at $15/hr. Min wage employees take home marginally more (maybe not after state tax like cali) but fed government takes home a huge increase to give to gibmes and dindus.

Clinton Wins

>SJWs decide their day has finally come.
>It's time to indoctrinate everyone with their propaganda
>Gay is OK programs taught in kindergarten class
>Children exposed to sexual deviants and transexuals
>Children drugged and surgically deformed so they can become trans at a young age.

This is already happening under Obama. It will only get worse under Clinton

>Women become insufferable now that a woman is in the white house.
>Life is a living hell for every man in America
>Feminists see that their day has come
>They gain more power than ever with the backing of a woman president
>The feminist agenda is now taught in schools
>Disagreeing with feminist think is now considered a hate crime

Also starting to happen right now

>Blacks see Trump defeated
>Really angry over his campaign
>Already committing a huge number of race crimes against whites
>Start a literal race war of retaliation against white people
>Random acts of violence against whites everywhere you go
>White women raped in record numbers
>All because "whitey deserved it" for supporting Trump

Already starting to happen

>Hispanics flood into the country while Clinton looks the other way
>Many of them want to retaliate against whites for supporting Trump
>Whites are unsafe in all major cities
>Gang crime and graffiti skyrockets in all major cities.
>Drug trafficking explodes
>Border states begin to crumble

Already happening, and it will get a lot worse

>The LGBT community realizes their day has come
>They bully everyone into accepting their agenda
>Dozens of new gender labels
>Slippery slope is proven to be very real
>The gradual acceptance of bestiality is pushed into the public eye.
>The gradual acceptance of pedophilia is pushed into the public eye
>Gay agenda is pushed on children in school.
>If you object to your children being exposed to homosexuality in schools you are charged with a crime

This is literally happening right now

Wake the fuck up people...

We should get rid of a minimum wage but have a working welfare that will accept anyone at "minimum wage," but its shit tier, ditch digging type stuff.

If you want to work for less doing a cush job, you should be able to. And with the working welfare you can't just pump out babies and sit on your ass and collect checks.

learn 2 economics before you post, you fucking retard.

A maximum wage is a HORRIBLE idea.

The notion that we can tinker with a spontaneous order like the market system, and have any sort of predictable success, is kind of moronic.

But on the other hand, if we raise the minimum wage high enough, we can get all the Dindus replaced by robots. Fast food will have never been cleaner or more well prepared.

this. min wage will neve effectively be raised, even at $15

>forcing small businesses to pay large wages right from the start
way to hand it to the giant corporations you fool...

how is this hard for libcucks to understand?
raise the minimum wage and people lose their jobs

>why shouldn't we price-fix labor?

Basically what you're asking. No different than government trying to fix the price of bread or any other commodity.

It distorts the market. A person whose skills and experience could not command that wage in a free market is no less employable, government has created an artificial barrier of entry for them.

The irony too is minimum wage increases tend to negatively effect minority groups the worst, which is probably who white middle class liberals think they're helping when they push for these laws.

The real minimum wage is zero. That is to say, being unemployed. If you raise the cost of keeping employees beyond the value they provide to the business, people won't hire employees.

If the voters want workers to have things like a living wage and health benefits, they should have the government provide those things instead of expecting businesses to shoulder the burden. To do otherwise disincentives employment.

Bear in mind that after you subtract the costs of employing them, the average retail worker only provides about $6000 of profit to the retail businesses in the fortune 500. There isn't an endless supply of money with which to pay them, for example, and increasing the minimum wage from $9 per hour to $10 per hour was enough to make Walmart miss it's growth projections.

>get all the Dindus replaced by robots
while it helps clean up fast food, it will dirtyup the streets and increase crime. A nigger's idea of freedom from slavery is to not work and have free income. This is why BLM exists, the blacks will not work for income, to them, freedom is perceived as financial freedom, freedom from responsibility, and freedom from consequence. This is not the freedom written about in the constitution and romanticized by whties. Liberal freedom is dangerous and destructive.

>Why not just designate a maximum wage instead?

Well.... I'll be damned

>Why not just designate a maximum wage instead?

That would be horrible! Then CEOs and our sports stars wouldn't be motivated to work as hard and the very fabric of society would disintegrate!.

Also this

again in Bernies wonderland ranked 1 in the world for business (top kek) 8 out 10 new companies go bankrupt somewhere between 1 and 3 employees, killing innovation.

correct. look to venezuela if you want to see price floors in action

Of course! Imagine! Brady will actually have to WORK in the offseason instead of thinking about more ways to deflate a football!

What is the reasoning behind artifically inflating the value of unskilled labor? What does it help?

Should we charge as much for copper as we do for platinum just because we think we should be fair?

socialists like to assume their decisions wont have consequences.

Iran did that with sport contracts. Clubs ended up paying athletes with goods like cars and houses that didn't count as wage

>to them, freedom is perceived as financial freedom, freedom from responsibility, and freedom from consequence.

They'd find a way to get the money for themselves. I imagine all companies would suddenly open a house building division that would happen to sell mansions to the CEOs for $1.

Because it will raise prices across the board and affect everyone who doesn't work at McDonalds.

Surely raising the minimum wage is one of the most effective ways of reducing welfare payments -- which at the moment is just a way for taxpayers to subsidize McDonald's workers.

Nope. If you were starting a small business and faced higher labor costs, you would try to get the best you can get (especially if you are paying fucking $15 an hour). So this, right off the bat, leaves out huge amounts of minority populations in favor of young teenagers from good families.

Not only that, but everyone would be a CEO, of their own one-man company, and everyone would be employed as subcontractors, effectively nullifying any and all labor laws.

This is literally why Black Lives Matter exists.

How are we supposed to learn economics with your shitty houseboat metaphor?

It would damn sure create a lot of outsourced jobs here! Go ahead and make a $15 min wage libtards dorks, hell why not $20?

You want to see robotics and outsourcing hit records in no time flat, just go right ahead.

Man... It always amazes me the power the media has over the american population.

They have LITERALLY convinced a bunch of you that raising the minimum wage (because it should be higher if its to match inflation) is a bad thing, and that companies couldn't afford it. They have literally convinced the american population that cucking themselves and submitting to slavery for 7 bucks an hour is the right thing to do.

Oh but I now what responses I'll get, "if you don't like it, why don't you just?"

Yep. Why don't I just? Brb, on my way to get a job as CEO of microsoft :^)

The point is pretty clear, as far as things go. If you raise the minimum wage to 15$ an hour, you're just going to put people out of work.

Can't the same be said about a wage that is so low no one would work the job?

Go back to the community you fucking hippy

Take an economics course.


Why would you only raise minimum wage to 15$? Raise it to 100$? see what happens faggot.

and yet, illegal immigrants will do backbreaking work for less than minimum wage...

Why would we? We can just look at a picture of House, Boats and Rising tides due to climate change as proposed by user here!

Yes, please. High as you can. That way, when they replace the mongoloids with robots, the robots will get my fucking order right!

Don't you have a fire to put out?

Raising minimum wage is pandering towards liberal cities. Can't afford to live there? Don't.

I have a Independance to make.

Here's the thing:

People who have taken 1 economics course say "Minimum wage is bad because my econ 101 model says so, look at this simple graph"

People who have taken more than 1 economics course know that econ 101 supply/demand graph is total bullshit, and doesn't apply to real life.

But by all means, show me the the evidence your theory is correct. We've raised minimum wage 22 times on a federal level already, and hundreds of times on a state level. Plus thousands of instances all over the world.

Surely you have a massive body of examples that show unemployment being directly affected by minimum wage.

Every time we raised the minimum wage in the past we almost destroyed the entire economy. Every major recession was preceeded by an increase in the minimum wage. In reality the minimum wage does nothing but empower the government and the lazy who want nothing more than to leech off of the successful. If Bernie really cared about America he would be trying to get the minimum wage abolished.

Because it's going to raise the price of everything. The economic scale cant be artificially tipped without the other end moving in responseYou think shit is ridiculously expensive in Commiefornia where the minimum is $10 an hour? Just wait till its $15

Not at all.
Designate A jobs as needing high skills (eg CEO, doctor, etc)
B jobs needing low skills (janitor, frycook)

A jobs pay A wages to compensate the A employee, and B jobs pay B wages for the same reason as well as minimum wage law compliance in some cases (note only around ~4% of US workers are minimum wage)

If you try to offer an A job for B wages, no one will do it - if a CEO can make the same amount of money flipping burgers as he would make in a significantly more demanding environment, they'll pick the less intensive job. In other words, when an A and B job exist at B wages, the B job gets done instead of the A job.

This and the laffer curve are usually the most revered econ memes. Like with most other topics, everything 'depends'.

because then they move to china

Why not keep it the same?

Why not tweak it every couple years?

Why not lower it?

Why not get rid of it?

The whole wage argument is stupid, shit's gonna go bad whichever way if you tweak it and be constantly introduce artificial intervention.

>because most of the people crying to raise minimum wage don't actually want to work harder, they probably don't have the background, and are lazy cucks who depend on the gov't to make their lives better.

That's my bag on this

Because it doesn't really exit. California has a $15hr minimum wage because 30% of their labor force is illegal and works for less.

But tomato is a fruit >.<
And professors of economics argue against minimum wage


Because more jobs will either be gone or automated

>complete loser tries to get a job and fails
>blames the minimum wage instead of himself

I thought libertards were all about personal responsibility?

Also, tomatoes are fruit and the civil war was about tariffs

what are you, a gay retard or something?

This guy gets it.

>falling for these conservative memes

any loser who shows up on time should be able to get a job washing dishes, "livable wage" really fucks up busineses who need to pay people sub par pay for a sub par job

We should. Can't get welfare at $15 hour so people are less dependent on the government.

>working an hourly wage as an adult
definitely not asking for it

that isn't benefiting anyone but the farm owners.

>wanting the government to run everything in life

you really want to make corporations full on states? How is a start up bussiness supposed to succeed when they can only hire half as many for half the time?

High minimum wage only works in low population countries and also those that are ethnically homogenous. Australia has only 20million and the white % is like 90+. We enjoy high minimum wage.

America's fault for being so big and overpopulated and 60% white. You will see total ruin and collapse for every one of your citizens before you see minimum wage rise.

America is too big to govern and fall under one rule. America should be divided into at least 4 different countries with their own leadership.

Because they're illegals.

Don't try to tell me native Americans wouldn't do this backbreaking work is these faggy employers paid a livable wage.

and the restaurants whom hire exclusively illegal immigrants to operate their kitchens.

and yet...servers/waiters work for $2.15 + tips, often times making less than minimum wage when all is said and done

You can raise it all you want. The minimum wage has always, and always will be $0.00/hr

oh man, don't threaten me with a good time.

but then how would we know who is better than who? we can't all just be equals thats retarded.

found the CEO

looks like you only get to take one vacation this year bitch boy

look I hate brady as much as the next guy but you gotta admit hes not in it for the money. the guy refused a 20m contract and settled for 12 so the pats could have a higher salary cap and get more talent in.

I know hes already rich but still, he basically said "nah I don't need another 8 million dollars"

>you only get to take 1 vacation
>meanwhile the workers no longer get vacations

The companies will inflate prices to pay for the payroll of workers. They will replace you with robots.

we just need more government funded housing. the land lords in north america are out of control. the government can't set a limit on how much they sell their property for but if the government offers cheaper housing then it would force them to not be as jewish as they are being, it would also stifle immigration because more locals would be able to afford housing.

It's illegal to pay someone lower than the minimum wage, these servers get paid their salary if their tips don't add up to at least 7.50.

Try again.

step 1
Increase the supply of low skilled labor through immigration.
>increase of supply outpaces the small increase of demand -> value of low skilled labor goes down

step 2
Enforce a price control (increased minimum wage) on low skilled labor
>outsourcing, automation and business closing down -> demand for low skilled labor goes down

The ideas of these modern leftists are the perfect recipe to destroy working class people.

Because minimum wage is a state issue - not a national issue. At most, the national wage should be no higher than 9.00 an hour.

We've raised a generation of people who care little about state politics since boomers though, so everyone thinks Obongo is the one they should complain it to.

It's NECESSARY to raise the minimum wage - but if you raise it too high you hurt midwest and southwest states. But states like California, York, and other similar areas suffer from extreme price inflation and you can't get by on what you get by in say Kansas.

Like I'm not spouting shit here, right? Did the period of "okay federal government" lull us into a state where state rights aren't worth a damn anymore?

Because I live in a State with a 10 dollar minimum wage and because of that everything is outrageously expensive!!

Why SHOULD we stop at $15/hr? Why not $150/hr? Why not $1500/hr? Legislate ALL the people into prosperity! That's how it works, after all!

Listen to this user here. Always know that the true price of something never changes unless the consumers demand or the supply shifts.

I do residential landscaping and outdoor construction, even with a biology degree from a top school. I make more now than I did as a lab tech with benefits. Anyone will do back breaking work to make more money if they are motivated. Unfortunately, many young graduates now are too consumed by media and distracted by phones to build a career and generally lack the motivation to do so. The idea is that with a degree work and wealth will fall into their lap without any real world skills. Meanwhile, globalist politicians allow for international immigrants to fill the labor gap and assume the role of america's labor force. This leaves graduates in debt with useless knowledge, bad credit, and nowhere to go.

If I needed a job desperately, I would absolutely take a $7 job. I felt lucky to get one in high school. If I needed more money, I would get certification (was a lifeguard) and get a higher paying job.

>these servers get paid their salary if their tips don't add up to at least 7.50
and yet, after the fact, they make less.
how do you explain this?
or do you not know what youre talking about and are blasting hot air out your ass?
source: worked for 2 months as a server, making $2.15/hour + tips, often times left making $3/hour. eventually ditched it for a $10/hour job.

i dont even understand what point your trying to make, but im rofling at the fact that youre proud of working an hourly job, when you could use your tenacity and drive to find a much better paying job

>and yet, after the fact, they make less.
>how do you explain this?

I explain it by saying you're a fucking idiot if you believe this.

>source: worked for 2 months as a server, making $2.15/hour + tips, often times left making $3/hour. eventually ditched it for a $10/hour job.

If you were accepting lower than minimum wage for you work then you're actually fucking retarded, what do you want me to say? Servers DON'T earn less than minimum wage on their paycheques.

I needed a worthy example. Beside, as you know, Football players on our side of the border have jobs

I am a farm worker providing food for all of you weak cucks and all I get for my hard work is $10 an hour aka $12,000 before taxes for a full 7-month season of backbreaking and exhausting labor. I am finding suicide and or trying to kill a lot of people more reasonable every single day. There is no future. I hate our fucked up society and I am powerless and I want to destroy everything. When you push an individual with no power into a corner and take away more and more power from them, they will either slowly fade into hopeless despair and kill themself or snap and try to kill everyone else. I'm going to snap, I can guarantee you that, I'm not going to slowly die.

Is the USA minimum wage not yearly adjusted for inflation?