False Jews, Khazars and those truly running global affairs behind the scenes

I have read many different interpretations of the progression of Jewish history from Edomites to Ashkenazis to the Red Shields (Rothschilds) usury shenanigans and I am having trouble deciphering who are the real perpetrators.

Wondering what Sup Forumss perspective is on the true face of the Jews destroying modern society.

Please share your thoughts on the lineage of evil that lead to those who currently run global affairs behind the scenes

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It's actually the jesuits

its the false jews

history tells of those who use it as a shield against being called out on their shady business

commence 404 in....

Go on

And by false you are referring to the Khazars?


"The Israeli Jews consists of two groups (Ashkenazi and Sephardim), ten to twenty percent are known as Sephardim or Eastern Jew, the remaining eighty to ninety percent are known as Ashkenazi or European Jew. The Ashkenazi Jew comes from Eastern European countries, the Sephardim comes from "Mideast countries". Let history show us who the KHAZARS and Sephardim were and are:
In the year 450 A.D. one of Europe's barbaric tribes was beginning to show signs of restlessness. This tribe was called the KHAZARS (Chazars). Within the next two hundred years, the KHAZARS would form Eastern Europe's largest and most powerful kingdom. They would rule supreme for about 200 years, ranking in power with the Muslim Caliphate and the Byzantine Empire. Their kingdom, of approximately one million square miles, bordered the Aral sea on the east; Kiev and the Ukrainian Steppes on the west: the Caucasus mountain and the Black Sea on the south: and the Ural mountain on the north.

Khazaria represented a very important period in European history, without their valor, Europe would have probably been one 100% Muslim today. Why don't we hear more about the KHAZARS and their mighty empire today?
Now lets look at the genealogy of the KHAZARS. Since this matter is so important, we shall allow the Kagan or King of the KHAZARS to inform us. A Khazar King named Joseph corresponded with a Spanish Israelite named Hasdai Ibn Sharprut sometime between 954 and 961 C.E. (Manuscripts of this correspondence may be seen in the Library of Christ Church at Oxford, England and in the Leningrad Public Library in Leningrad, Russia) Hasdai was the chief minister of the Caliph of Cordoba Abd - al - Rahman III."

At that time Cordoba was the splendor of Moorish Spain (a mixture of black skinned Muslims and Israelites ), and was the main center of European Culture. In his letter to Hasdai, King Joseph stated that he was from the line of JAPHETH, FROM THE SEED OF TOGARMAH, Japheth's grandson. He further stated that Togarmah, who was the brother of ASHKENAZ, had ten sons and the KHAZARS represented the seventh son. With his own lips, this King had given the root of his being and the lineage of his offspring which was from the sons of Japheth .

Let us now see what the scriptures have to say about Japheth and Togarmah. In the book of Genesis 10: 2 - 5. "The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. and the sons of Gomer: ASHKENAZ, AND Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of Javan: Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. By these were THE ISLES OF THE GENTILE divided in their lands everyone after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

According to the King of the KHAZARS, his people descended from the family of Magog. Like all European nations at the time, the KHAZARS were pagans. However, ca. 740 C.E. King Bulan initiated the conversion of his kingdom to a new and different philosophy. Before the conversion, the Kagan invited representatives of Christianity, Islam and the Israelites to discuss the three doctrines. It was unanimously agreed, in response to the Kagan's question, that the doctrine of the Israelites was closest to the truth, he came to this conclusion because both the Christians (Byzantine) and Muslims both respected the Hebrew scriptures.

And also in order for the KHAZARS to remain independent they chose the faith that neither the Christian or Muslims was part of but both respected. After the conversion the Khazar King changed his name to become King Obadiah. They displayed much hope but very little understanding, especially of spiritual matters. Eventually, they had to invent their own brand of the law which later they named Judaism. The word "Judaism" cannot be found in the writings of the Prophets of old, neither is it found anywhere in the Holy Scriptures. Judaism, is a misunderstanding or perversion of the customs of the ancient Israelites, as practiced by the KHAZARS.

Arthur Koestler in his very noteworthy book "THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE gives further detailed information about the KHAZARS and their conversion to the faith of the Israelites and how the majority of today's European Jews are direct descendants of them. The information contained in his book is backed up by scripture that show's the Jews are Gentiles, not natural -born Israelites

According to Microsoft Encarta, "Today, about 85% of all Jews are Ashkenazim". The Ashkenazi are not descendants of Israel, Ashkenaz was the grandson of Japheth and brother of Togarmah. Arthur Koestler further explains why today's Jews call themselves Ashkenazi even though they are the Physical seed of Togarmah. He shows that the KHAZARS took on the name of Ashkenaz because it was prophesied in Jeremiah 51:27 that Ashkenaz and their allies would conquer Babylon.

name them what you will

there have been many names for them

After reading all the historical and biblical information about who are and who are not the true Israelites according to the flesh, should make us have an full understanding of Revelation 12:9. which states : And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil and Satan, which deceive the whole world.

The whole world is deceived not only about the right way to worship YHWH, but they are deceived about who are the true Israelites a people near and dear unto YHWH (psalms 148:14).


I do not buy any of the khazar stuff. I mean jews may have some khazar blood but they are primarily descended from the ancient Israelites mixed with white Europeans. The Jews of today are the Jews of the Bible mixed with some white DNA.

I doubt pol understands half the shit posted they just blindly hate all Jews

You'd have to be completely fucking stupid to believe the wewuz Khazars bullshit. I mean, just LOOK at Eastern European Jews. They are not sons of bold Turkic steppe warriors. FFS

Look at Armenians. They are the exact same people, hooked noses, muh holohoax and all...

If you have seen churka caucus scum yourself there is no doubt of the relation to Ashkenazis.

Pic related on many levels.

I actually learned about the Kazars playing ck2. Thought it was weird they where horse fucker jews in the middle of nowhere.

Caucuses are the crossroads between asia the middle east and Europe.

To an uneducated American this might seem like the middle of nowhere, but it was a major trade route. Merchants were born there, and it makes perfect sense.

Armos - a settled people with antecedents from the ancient Fertile Crescent, just like the Jews. QED. No need for any Khazar "theory" bullshit.

you disgust me

thanks for nightmares

She must be a mega hoe because of those big ass circle earings...Lmao

The bigger the circle earings, the bigger da hoe

Go on.. I am just trying to learn the true history of these schemers and open to all theories

Both have middle eastern influences - like I said its a crossroads. Armenians are genetically identical to Eastern European Jews.

Stay mad shlomo. You are all just caucus niggers.

The Khazars had connections with the Terek valley. Chechens do not look like Jews.

I know judaism is a front. Those who spread and promote communism have used it as a sheild. I really do not know who they are. They are master manipulators though and they have been for many generations. I head the french revolution may have been the inspiration for their doctrine. The october revolution was their plan executed to near perfection and demoralization in the USA went beyond well done.


> genetically identical
just wrong, prostite.

They are a secret sect of hardcore satanists posing as jews, a sect that has been around for decades, probably even for millenia. Most of them are former christians who joined the dark side of the force instead. They stole the jewish identity centuries ago because, posing as jews, it allowed them to extract interest and commit usury in christian nations.

Since they are hardcore satanists, they know full well that they are hellbound, and their goals consist of:

1. Accumulating as much wealth and power as possible and revelling in vain earthly pleasures
2. Prolonging their lifespan as much as possible; there is nothing, nothing a jew fears more than death, and rightfully so
3. Dragging as many souls with them into the fiery pits of hell as possible, since this pleases their master, satan. This is why the false jews flood western nations with degeneracy.

Rothschilds for example originally were germans (their original family name was 'Bauer', the german word for farmer and a common german surname) who pretended to be jews so they could start a bank and take interest. The practice of usury was forbidden for christians, the only way you could run a bank in a christian nation: you had to pretend you were a jew.

These false jew bankers used the wealth that they accumulated through usury to finance numerous revolutions all over europe, starting with the british revolution, the french and american revolution, and finally the two world wars which sealed the fate of europe.

Why so angry?

Sephardic are still considered "Jews".

Not those non-semetic, post-Khazarian, neo-ashkeNazi's though.

Khazar's existed thousands of years ago. Chechen exist today. Your point is ridiculous.



Never forget the Jacobins, goy.

I agree it is a front and the holocaust is used to further obfuscate their intentions

Thank you for such a concise description, this is the most believable explanation to me. Do you have any thoughts on the beginnings of this satanic plot? Events, people, etc that were important to it coming to fruition early on?


they are 'shapeshifters' in that they are the only maternally derived culture in a world of paternally derived ones

bozhe moi... Sergei, the Khazars lived a mere 1200 years ago, and the Chechens did not appear from thin air.

What do you mean by maternally derived?

the females are carriers of the anti-human gene.

Good thread OP

This dude knows.

Currently researching Judaism being a guise for satanists to gain wealth and power thanks to info from GermanbroAll anons feel free to contribute any findings to this discussion