Will be visiting the US in the following month and am wondering how much are you required to tip at restaurants

Will be visiting the US in the following month and am wondering how much are you required to tip at restaurants.

Attached: tip-jar.jpg (350x400, 18K)

15-20% is considered normal. you choose the amount based on the quality of service



15% is what I usually give for decent service, 20% for good service, nothing for shit service.

Going back to US? I don't want to get in trouble...

0, you don't tip cashiers for bagging your items, you dont pay stockers for showing you where an item is, so why should you tip a waiter for being a waiter?

going back to the RESTAURANT. there is nothing stopping you from tipping nothing. if you do not tip, try to avoid that restaurant for the future because they might spit in your food

Nothing is required.
Round up to the dollar, maybe to the near 5
Fuck change, but Fuck overpaying even more for 'service'.
Would you tip a fast food employee for waking your sysco burger 10 feet, or is that just a fancy reasturant thing?
>B,but they don't get paid fairly, so I'm still going to support that business that doesn't pay their employees

He means if you don't plan on going back to the restaurant, there is no law on tipping.

if they spit in your food thats a major lawsuit waiting to happen, in your favor.

OR fag here, do I need to tip the gas pumper?
Oh that's right the store pays them to do the mandated job.

First post is best post, OP. 15-20% is customary, and you don't need the rest of the shitposts here.

People like are angry virgins with no class.

I heard it's like an "unwritten law". I'm not sure how far the news of someone not tipping spreads, because I might visit other locations.

Its not required, but it is customary and expected. 15% is traditional.

We tip so the good waitresses make more than the bad ones, so hopefully the bad ones will improve or just quit.

The news wouldn't spread, but do you really want to be an asshole while visiting another country?

Twenty percent of the bill is a good tip. Some fancy restaraunts in R.I. don't allow tipping but the douches put a 15% charge on your bill.
I don't use full service gas stations but if I did and it was raining or snowing I'll give them a $5.

So what?
some fagggot waiter gets on b, bitches about some europoor stiffing "his" tip.
Only risk is poor service or spit if you return to the 1/10000s of restaurants that remember a random guy and are angry about a few bucks.

15% is typical. 20% if you are going to be a regular there, and want a good reputation.

Just check your bills and make sure they didn't add 15-18% for "service". They will still have a tip line usually, but you'd be double tipping.

That's why I'm asking you Sup Forumsros. I'm already paying a decent amount on travel so wouldn't mind saving a buck if it's not as strict as I thought.

You're automatically labled a dick when visiting foreign countries, no matter what you do.

>You're automatically labled a dick when visiting foreign countries, no matter what you do.
That's actually not so, in the case of Europeans visiting America. Disregard Sup Forums memes - we actually like you fags and are interested in talking to you.

It's not "full service" this isn't the 50s
You pull up, wait in line cause things are slow and ineffecient
You pull up to the pump with your dick in your hand
Some dude takes your card, swipes it and starts pumping
Wait around more with dick in hand
Dude comes back and hits print recipt.
This isn't worth my time or money.

Whats tipping?

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>You're automatically labled a dick
Only if you're being flamboyant.
Unless you're french, or from Argentina and making it obvious.
Or if you bring up politics. Nobody cares about yours, or why you care about ours.

that's the payoff. if you choose to get out and pump your own, good for you. if you choose to have someone else do something that you could have done, but made them do it for you, then you give them a tip. that's obvious. your lack of understanding about what is civil and how to treat people nicely is one reason the us feels like an angry gladiator pit every day.

If you leave at least a $5 bill, you can't go wrong, even for a cup of coffee or one drink.
If you don't know what a $5 bill looks like, print this one out and make copies so you have enough for your trip.

Attached: 1200px-US_$5_Series_2006_obverse.jpg (1200x506, 216K)

>Unless you're french
I'm American and I unironically love the French. Burgers who hate France have fallen for memes.

This is actually a thing in the US? Here in Europistan we šump it ourselves and walk to the station where we pay.

How bizzare

Only in Oregon and New Jersey, I think. I have no idea why this is. In fact, Oregon just changed their law a few months ago so people are starting to pump their own shit.

Oregon fag here, it's a state requirement that some hs dropout pumps your gas.
The stations Pay them to do this as a Job.
The increase in labor is then reflected in the higher gas price.
If everyone gave them 5 bucks like your faggotass they'd be making 100s/hour.
And again I'm forced into them pumping, I'd rather do it myself but it's illigal.

Try leaving America when you're finished with highschool.

So you tip when going to Starbucks?

Do you tip more if they get your name right?

nearly everywhere in the us is self service now. but there may be places where some gas stations have people to pump for you if you wish. they will also check your oil if you ask them and clean your windshield. imagine little old ladies in when it's raining or snowing, or a woman with a car full of kids. then that stuff is still useful. there is one or two states (nj and oregon) where they require by law all stations are full service. that is most likely for some political bullshit because those gas pumpers have jobs and would lose them if they go self service.

I graduated high school in '99.

Only in the super rual of oregon, something like under 40kpeople/county.
But the counties are fucking huge.

But my point being is the company pays them to do this service, one much worse and nasty than delivering a plate of food, and you don't tip them.

yeah nj and oregon are kind of weird there. as i said there you have no option. i'm not really clear on what the etiquette is. i grew up in new jersey and if i recall we would give the pumper guy a dollar because they always would clean the windshields and ask to check the oil and of course, you didn't have to get out of the car at all.

oops this reply is for you

And yet you unironically use unironically and refer to memes as if they are the only source of outside influence.

So there is no "roof" over the pumps?

also the speed with which the guy gets you going on your way is worth consideration of a tip. when the station is busy and he's fucking around and taking his time, then i'd expect no one would tip the guy. but when you see a dude hustling, doing everything he can to get people filled up as fast as possible, cleaning windshields, letting them know if their tires look low, or asking to check oil, i'd think people would still give the guy a dollar or two.

Okay so why is it that nobody I meet who talks shit about France has ever been to France? There's this idea here that the French are all stuck up cunts. That's kind of halfway true of Parisians, but not really even in their case. If you agree that most Americans would object to being judged by the behavior of New Yorkers, then you get my point.

nothing is required, but 20% is standard. you'll notice the customer service there is excellent usually. one of the few things they do right. if you don't like something just tell them and they'll fix it

yes, there are roofs over the pumps and everything i said still stands, including here as well.

no. i live in oregon and never tip. don't have a great reason, but it's not normal to tip then

Reminder that tipped employees make less than minimum wage before tips.

>just get another job that pays a full wage
If you don't believe in tipping just go to Mcdonalds.

They get a full wage when people tip.

not all people in the us that beg for tips though get paid less than min wage. restaurant staff for the most part that's true. i'm thinking of shit like every coffee shop or food truck or food cart, etc wants a tip now. they get paid at least minimum wage. i know it's not the same as a tip line on a bill you get at a restaurant, just making that clear to op who says he's going to visit. coffee shops, etc. no requirement at all to tip and i rarely do when all the people do is hand me a muffin. this is the sort of stuff that gets people turning against tipping in the us because it used to just be a few services you were expected to tip for, but now with people that make above min wage putting out jars expecting to be tipped, that rustles people's jimmies.

Required: nothing.

Expected: 20%.

What I tip when I visit: nothing.

Not all restaurants pay less than minimum wage, just the shit ones.

It depends on the state. I lived in Alabama for a long time and I think they got paid less than half minimum wage before tips. I live in Washington now and they're required to pay the full minimum wage regardless of how much additional income is made from tips. That makes serving jobs potentially fairly lucrative in Seattle, where the minimum wage is $15/hour and the overall population is affluent enough and liberal enough to tip properly.

I'm talking about in a diner, bar, or restaurant.
I'll throw a couple of dollars in a tip cup if the girl is cute enough and she has nice tits, otherwise they get nothing.

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Just depends on how much you eat. 16.50 for a bill?id tip $4. $22. On abill? I’d tip 5. Anything more, tip a little more. Just be kind. You aren’t required to tip but it’s curtesy

None, but it’s customary to tip about 20% of the meal because that’s most of their pay.