Please help me with this math question Sup Forums

please help me with this math question Sup Forums

I might literally be retarded but I can't figure this out

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it's about tree fiddy


can you explain to me, so I can understand, how you got that number? is it really as simple as I'm thinking it is?


yes it is as easy as you're thinking. stop being a brainlet. if you need someone to explain simple math to you then go to

Your outgoings have decreased by 1000 and equity=worth +7000. Either your income has increased or the value of business has. 1000 plus 7000=8000


i literally did this and my thread got deleted. i think people might believe i am trolling. i am not. i sincerely might be retarded. anyway you could just explain to me what the fuck I am not understanding ?

Your total Debt was fucking 1000 dollars which leaves you at -1000. You have erased this making it 0. The value went up 7k. This means you had a net change of worth of 8k.

thank you very much for the answers. I genuinely appreciate it

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guys I have one more question here. I haven't been able to quite understand this. Maybe after this question is answered I will get it more. Can you please help me with this one? the -10 000 is just a flat out guess in my part

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-$20,000. Open your fucking textbook and learn what these basic terms mean dude. If you can't understand what these mean, you're gonna fail.


these are the people who are going to be running our businesses and countries. let that sink in.

ITT: retards. Liabilities have no effect on your assets. It only affects your net worth. Equity is an asset, and it increased by $7,000. So the first question is +$7,000. The second question is -$5,000.

I literally did. I read everything the textbook told me to read. I read it, then read it again and then read through it once again to try and find where they explain this. It's literally not in my textbook. This was my last resort, believe me. I didn't just look at the question and go "eh, I'll just have Sup Forums answer it for me".

no, I'm not. This is accounting 11. I am getting my dogwood diploma and accounting 11 was the easier choice so i took it. I am by no means going to university for accounting.

I feel like I'm almost getting it. But I'm still not quite understanding.

btw, for the record, there were 30 other questions I had no problem answering. It's just these particular questions I am not sure about.

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did you answer the other questions correctly? this answer should be $0. either that or your professor is a dumbass.

here ya go op

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i know forsure I answered the other questions correctly. Like I said, it's literally just these three that I'm confused about. I know how to do balance sheets, assets, liabilities, etc. I don't know if it is the wording of the question or just me being a dumb fuck, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around these questions.