So just watching some random episodes of hoarders here and there.....why is the hoarder always a white person?

So just watching some random episodes of hoarders here and there.....why is the hoarder always a white person?

Like wtf is the point of collecting shit like this? Sometimes it's not even little knick knacs that they collect. it's literally rubbish. then they start freaking out when people throw it away

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Like how thefuck do people unironically live like this?

mental illness as entertainment

Normies, fuck off.

I don't, I live like that ironically.

>says rubbish instead of trash

this isn't hoarding. this is not wanting to leave the house so your trash piles up and you piss in bottles

As a side note, hovels like this are what I imagine whenever some idiot starts waxing lyrical about being 'comfy'.

like yeah, you're watching the rain hit the window, all swaddled up inside your sweaty, stained blanket, while some pedo fanservice anime soundtrack tinkles out of supermarket-brand speakers balanced among the garbage heaped around a squalid pit that smells of pissjugs, greasy-foot-smell and stale food

holy projection batman

Is this piss in the non capped bottle ?

Oh damn the smell must be horrible

>Sup Forumseddit normie stumbles upon Sup Forums for the first time

OCD (of which hoarding is a symptom) usually results from frontal lobe brain damage. To suffer that, you need to have a frontal lobe in the first place, so niggers are immune.

Are we really so desperate to make everything about race we're up to hoarding now

> get called a newfag by a millenial on Sup Forums
> Mfw I've been browsing Sup Forums since 06.

Yeah KYS faggot

So do they just not have access to a waste management system?

>claims to be an oldfag and /ourguy/
>has never seen a thread with these pics before

Okay mate

Im more about that minimalism

black hoarders live in the ghettos. the film crew is not willing to go there, for obvious reasons

i lived in my mom's attic for years and my room got that bad
i have a lot of mental problems, need a slew of prescription drugs and can't ever take a job

i would eat in my room a lot, have a lot of trash just laying around, but every couple months i would clean out my room

but lately it got really bad and i looked down and my crumbs were moving, like maggots in the carpet and bugs everywhere, so fucking disgusting
ran the vacuum cleaner and you know the ones with the plastic case where you can look inside what the vacuum cleaner picked up, like just full of disgusting maggots and moving inside the vacuum cleaner

they were like carpet bugs or some shit

disgusted me so much i completely removed all the carpet from the room, and literally cleared out the entire room until it was just the floor boards, put all my clothes through the wash and even after i did, i was downstairs on the 1st floor and folding my clothes and picked up a pair of pants and this nasty black carpet bug just scurries off


'ive seen plenty of pic like that just not this one.

I've been on Sup Forums for only 1 years

Never bothered with you plebs before

I was more of a Sup Forums guy, luckily i've grown out of it

One of them is amongst us

That trash can scares me.

did that nigga use that trash can for shittimg?

anyone have the pic of the Sup Forums guy who has a really dirty bathroom with toilet paper rolls everywhere and stuff

you just described what I'm doing now

gotta admit it's pretty comfy

Thats depressing on a whole different spectrum

Aside from the bottles and the god-aweful trashcan, it looks more cluttered then messy.
Suprising good literature also.


it's the neanderthal dna creeping up