Disfigured man starts crowdfunding for sex doll

>Disfigured man starts crowdfunding for sex doll

Is this sad or understandable?
Honestly makes me hate women a little. What if this guy had a great personality or a special talent? Men are suppose to support and love women of all shapes and sizes, but women won't or can't do the same for us.

Attached: IMG_20180311_131321.jpg (540x587, 38K)

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Probably drum up more sympathy from normies if he asked for money for reconstructive surgery

>the old switcheroo

If being misogynist is cool

This looks like he had some sort of accident that he should've been compensated for. Why should other people pay for his nut?

Damn, now I wanna know what happened.
Can you imagine being trapped in a prison body and not being able to nut in a chick? Girls won't even look at you? Fuck that shit.

its actually not that bad.

If he just got rid of those weird glasses he'd probably be able to find someone.

why don't people understand this... women only want status, whatever increases their stock socially will always be the more attractive option for them, always.

I get your point but also i would reject a disfigured girl in a second. That guy looks gross. It sucks but life isn’t fair. This guy got the shit end of the lucky spectrum.

It’s one thing to be a dick or make fun of this guy. It’s another thing completely to not want to get into a relationship with this poor slob. No matter what anyone says looks are important

>women don't want to have sex with a man who is disfigured
So. . .literally evolution?

Attached: am.png (1358x527, 148K)

Please, implying women don't abandon their disabled husbands everyday.

I wonder what the "any man who would fuck a sex doll is probably a pedophile/necrophile" crowd has to say about a man like this

Here's a man who no woman would touch due to conditions he has that are beyond his control....you're telling me he's somehow a bad person for wanting a sex doll?


Attached: N_Vs09bt_400x400.jpg (400x400, 25K)

He isn’t a bad person but maybe he should go buy it himself instead of guilting people into paying for it

>women throw up crowdfunds for fake rapes
>spend money on makeup
>man can't do basically the equivalent but with a real, actual complaint

I wouldn't expect any man to love a disfigured woman so why expect the other way around? You just hate women because they won't have sex with you not even the ugly ones lol

Reading this makes me think all women are scummy and womt uphold what they say i think women that wont jump ship are a rare breed most will go once they get cold feet
