You're all degenerates and in the second coming of Jesus you will all die

You're all degenerates and in the second coming of Jesus you will all die

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jesus is a metapsyhical, fag

not me, i'm not a degenerate

god isnt real you fucking inbred backwoods retard

deus vult

Every crusader in existence is dead.

This thread is now the property of the Holy Imperium of Man!

is it going to take half an hour for jesus to recover before he comes the second time? takes me about that long

deus lo vult saracen scum

i'm not dead yet

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You are fat, and can't afford a real set of armor. If you walked outside with it aside from fairs or RP situations you'd be considered crazy and pathetic.
You are a failure to your values and the dead.

he's not dead yet

There was a second comming, that time he was called Mohamed

you don't know much about anything, do you?


Ask any muslim and that is what they will say to you

god is forgiving of these dengenarates that is fact

just if they regret

> You're all degenerates
that's the kind of self-important judgmental outrage you'd hear from the Pharisees

> in the second coming of Jesus you will all die
not something one would expect from a character who washed the feet of prostitutes and shared food with poor people

yep, good example of something you obviously know nothing about.
you are just completely wrong.

Crusaders were militia of their times. If OP has a bible, a vest and a CCW, he's about as close as it gets.

What is he doing other than being a keyboard warrior?

>second coming of Jesus
Christians have been expecting that for centuries. Still nothing.