People who wave the spanish flag are being threatened and receiving death calls in madrid

>people who wave the spanish flag are being threatened and receiving death calls in madrid

i love this country

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¿Que les pasa a esa gente?

Independistas castellanos

Acción juvenil castellana antiespañolista

kill them all

>actually waving the national flag
american tier retarded

>Used to think spain was a traditional country filled with nice hardworking traditional people

>its actually a self hating shithole full of commies, feminists that make americans look sane and siesta niggers.

wtf Spain you were supposed to be catholic waifus

>Used to think spain was a traditional country
ya dun goofed

algo me dice que son votantes de podemos

Why havent you massacred all the seperatists?
This is treason

It's not even about separatism, waving the flag is either associated with fascism, hence lefcucks getting triggered by it or considered pointless, hence this guy

What's wrong with waving the flag of your country?

mucha gente joven piensa que todos los que llevan una bandera son fachas / franquistas
sobretodo la izquierda.
if theres a country where waving the flag does NOT need to be attacked, its spain.

unlike germany, spain kept exactly the same flag from the fascist days, and a lot of people think it still has that connotation

That's a sad thought. It would be good if people could change the way they think of the flag. Good look spen.

It's pointless and weird.

Pero la gente sabe a lo que se expone viendo cómo está el patio.


my fucking sides

communists are not people

> spain kept exactly the same flag from the fascist days
Yeah the same flag that has been the national flag since 1785

porque tu país está lleno de grupos independentistas?

separatism isnt the source of the issue here
you have nutcases IN FUCKING MADRID that might beat you up if they see a small spanish flag in your clothing

Dímelo tú, territorio rebelde.

dos palabras
y realmente solo hubo dos grupos independentistas serios, los vascos y los catalanes. los vascos eran los unicos con argumentos solidos la verdad psh
las comunidades autonomas fueron un error
>darle a los independentistas cierta autonomia para que puedan vender su propaganda populista pro-bacanización

>nacionalismo cántabro
raro psh

hoy cumple nuestro libertador, btw

I will go to Spain and wave Falangist flag and plant the flag in the duero, the minho, the tajo, the ebro, the jucar, the segura, the guadiana, and the guadalquivir,

No one cares about you amerindian negro filth, stop speaking spanish to be more liberated.

I asked a Catalan woman once if she could help me with my Spanish, she screwed up her face in disgust

why would you waste a plane ticket to commit suicide?
just do it where you live

no sería esto odiar a tu propio país?

In Galicia people inmediatelly switch to Spanish if someone else is using it, because they consider it rude to use Galician when someone else is using Spanish
In Catalonya they say they have the right to use Catalan in their land all the time and should use it as much as possible even if the conversation was in spanish
really different points of view
Comrades will plant the banners, we shall dominate the seperatists and marxists.

>amerindian negro filth
isn't that you Pablo?

¿Pero para qué queréis ir por ahí enseñando la banderita? Es una mierda que se considere de fachas pero tampoco sirve para nada, y el estereotipo se sigue perpetuando precisamente porque los camisas azules generalmente son los únicos capaces de exponerse al suicidio social sólo por enseñar el trozo de tela.

for what reason?

yeah, even old people that struggle to speak a correct spanish do it

You tell us. Why did you spend 80 years chimping out to stop being a part of Spain?

If falangists get their way, there will be no more war, no more crime, no more suffering, no more corruption, no more murder, no more divisives, no more immorality.

Viva jose antonio!

>no corruption
stupid cunt

que quería la persona que escribió esto?

lo que quiero decir es qué fue su motivacion exactamente


>being under the control of a bunch of retarded austrian kings
They did well
Falangists will complete class struggle
seperatism, and ideology.

Jose Antonio was so handsome.

>hate your own country's flag
wow, that's a new level
He wanted to bring the salvation of Spain.

You need another Legion Conodor. It is a shame Germany will not send one again.

>castilian separatists
What a time to be alive

>the """"""""""""""""""""""country"""""""""""""""""""""" of Spain


do people actually dont know about this? its been going on for decades in Spain
self-nation hate
self-flag hate
and blame all of your personal and job problems on the nation, even if they are completely unrelated
theres no perfect nation, but even if spain was perfect, people would blame it for their shit here and say its bad

many of them are meme tier


Can somebody help my ?... I CAN´T FIND MY SIDES

>he fell to the leyenda negra meme

>2 retards from 10 years ago that didnt even appear in the news count as "active separatists"

I am a Chicago seperatist, I am a burgos seperatist, I am a vizcayan seperatist.

>Not showing the Pais Estremeñu

Looks like the Syrian moderate beheaders' flag

Is Catalonia the California of Spain?

Wew lad Spain got taifaed as fuck

Even worse.

>not showing the free cantons

We should go full Yugoslavia tbհ

Let's see if those Asturian bitches turn me down again and "love me as a friend" when we Vilina Vlas them

Spain was awesome under the glorious Fascists until the leftist trash took over. Frankly the royal family should be disposed, because as with every royal family in Europe, they have done nothing to stem the rising tide of American influence, zionism and white guilt.

Irish unity is the only one that is 100% reasonable and justified. The personally I would support Scania wanting to rejoin Denmark considering the Swedish cunts have dumped a very disproportionate amount of non-whites in Scania.