What change would you like to make in your body if you could?

What change would you like to make in your body if you could?
I would get rid of my body hair!

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Working on the last of gut that is left, toning it up.

I'd go kill the jew rat who circumcised me when he was spawned from the cave.

I mean, i'd be uncut.

no unibrow

I too would get rid of your bodyhair


I'd ask for regular sized balls, I suffer from terrible back ache, cause of the sheer weight of them

Not be a circumcised jew.

Faster metabolism, better lactic acid metabolism, higher lung capacity, faster oxygen uptake, improved heart capacity, perfect vision, fix my feet and knees, clear out my sinuses, faster muscle repair, and give me a perpetually ideal body fat percentage.

If we wanted to go crazy, I'd go with vision from infrared to high ultraviolet, viper pits, lightweight ceramic bones, perfect coordination, diving eyelids ala alligators, and that shit that whales have in their blood that lets them hold their breath for hours at a time.

thirding reversed circumcision

I want to be a cis girl.

I'd get eye tattoos, horns, fangs and complete my body tattoos.
>inb4 hate
Deal with it.

no body hair and smaller nose

I'd become an immortal loli.

>What change would you like to make in your body if you could?
I'd stop aging, add rapid healing and all the traits of a vampire. I'd run my metabolism on pure blood.

So you want to be a jew?


I'd be 60 ft tall with the strength of a thousand men. I'd wield a flaming sword and the world would know me as Surtur.

Ass hair has to go. I don't care about any other hair on my body staying, but ass hair is literally worthless.

>but ass hair is literally worthless
Tried shaving my ass once, the ass sweat was a nightmare.
Never again.

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You'd die of overheating nearly instantaneously

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I'd really like to be an average healthy girl.

I'd change my dick size. 15 inces is too much for most women. Your mother doesn't seem to mind though.

Green laser pointers every two inches in my skin all over my body that I could turn on and off by whispering alakazam

Put down the fork for 5 minutes and you can be one.

But instead you're just an ugly guy.



I would want to be really fucking ugly.
The kind of ugly that makes children scream in terror, adults cry at night and God him self shiver in fear.
So ugly that mirrors explode and cameras burn.

You already are

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I have big cheeks, the rest of my body is fine.

I would like to have tiny cocks on my hands so when I shake hands with ppl I can cum

Big Dick
Have a Vagina between my Balls and ny asshole.

Yeah but every time you shit, the particles get stuck in there no matter how much you wipe some's going to be left even if you can't see it. So unless you jump right in the shower, you're rubbing shit all over your clothes.

I'd like to have normal sized nipples

Works for me, I shit in the morning before my shower.

I would like to be able to projectile shit from my fingernails


To be able to just chop any limb off and have it regenerate, so I can cut my own arm off and hit people with it

I want to have giant nips

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I have so many things wrong with me id change like 100 things.
I'm bald
Head is too big, can't fit hats
Torso too long, only fit xtra long shirts.
Dicks tiny
Feet are 6e width, rare to find shoes
Ass is hairy and i get ingrown hairs
I have nerve dmg in both hands
I have gyno and big areola for a guy.
My legs are only 30" long and I'm 6'2
Ears stick out.
Teeth are fucked, but straight at least
Hands are small, not trump small but still.
I have tons of skin issues, lots of scars on my head and even face from seborrheic dermatitis.
I have "chicken skin" on many parts of my body.
One eye has a mark on my eyeball.
One eye doesnt open all the way.
Sinus issues like mad.
Ear wax issues like mad clean 3x a day
I was born with a joint issue that makes them loose. It's finally fuckin me over by many joints giving me pain.
Because my torso is so long i developed a slight hump in my back,
Voice is too light or high even when trying to speak low.

There's much more but I'm tired now lol.

Decent teeth, all my life I've only wanted this.

I really don't get, why bidets aren't more widley used.

Bigger dick

Same.....go from 5.5 to a sold 8 or 9

A never ending ATM that prints money out of my ass
All bills have now little spits of shits on them
I'd b e paying my rent in SHIT

My gender

more bio hacks...

Remove the chesticles. 5k for an operation is something I don't have.

Get a cut.. Because phimosis so not actually cut but fix the issue

wings and a prehensile tail, should be enough fun for a while


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I'd be a women. Really wish the tranny shit was viable