In a libertarian free market society, what is there to stop me from buying all the water companies and infrastructure...

In a libertarian free market society, what is there to stop me from buying all the water companies and infrastructure, and replacing everyone's running water with raw sewage?

What would stop me from also buying all the bottled water companies and accompanying infrastructure and selling bottled water at $100 a bottle? Or just replacing the bottled water with raw sewage also?

I'll also sell filters, so that people can filter their tapped raw sewage into clean water. The filters will be good for about 50 liters of water, and cost $5,000 each, or maybe more, would have to analyze the market.

Any competition would be far too costly, or take far too long to set up, so I will let them try, I will have made plenty of money before there is any viable competition, however if they interfere with my business there will be consequences. I will protect the business corner that is rightfully mine with libertarian principles, only engaging those that seek to usurp or interfere with my business with force to obey the NAP.

So, what is an average person to do? They have no choice other than to spend all their money on these filters or bottled water, or drink raw sewage to survive. I could also get in the pharmaceuticals/medical industry and invest in, and raise the price of, relevant drugs in advance.

>le you aren't rich you can't do this!!

What stops a super rich kike from doing this? Rothschilds could do this with their pocket money.

>muh NAP

Doesn't violate the NAP, people are still making their own free choice to pay for and drink my raw sewage or not.

there is nothing that would stop you from doing that. if you had the money to do it you could do it.

you need to ask more fundamental questions

If people don't understand the value of their water supply enough to outbid you, they don't deserve to have it.

Also, you allowed Muslim gangs to groom your daughters for sexual slavery and you did nothing to stop them.

How can anyone on Sup Forums be dumb enough to support libertarianism then?

Libertarianism is where the rich can do absolutely anything they want, and the jews are the richest.

>what is there to stop me from buying all the water companies and infrastructure, and replacing everyone's running water with raw sewage?

I have a gun, and the will to use it on you if you even attempt to do such a thing.

All these 'children' that have been groomed are little sluts as far as I can see. It turned out the ones in rotherham were mostly 15 year olds, and they were willingly having sex with the pakis for drugs and money. So no, we didn't "allow muslim gangs to groom our daughters", some people do not deserve to be parents and raised their daughters up to be little sluts who willingly suck on achmeds fuckstick for £20 and a baggy of weed.

What's your excuse for letting a muslim become the leader of your country, in two consecutive elections?

What's your excuse for being only 60% white and rapidly falling, compared to UK 88% white?

>disobeying the NAP

You would be executed by my PMC

you'd have no business and ultimately fail


spoken like a true jew

How would it be in disobedience of the NAP for shooting someone who is in flagrant disregard of it?

You can only fuck people over so much before they just kill you, it's pretty simple, you fucking dummy

because the red pill is a suicide pill

I'd just make my own settling pond, then pump it through some cheap tee-shirts then distill it. No big deal. Also you can capture rainwater, dig a well, or do 5 other cheap as shit things for clean water. Get some new pasta you idiot. I'm not even close to libertarian but this is fucking retarded. Your BS augment only applies to niggers and drama teachers

>All these 'children' that have been groomed are little sluts as far as I can see.

Better watch out, the constables might find that edge during the next weapons sweep.

>What's your excuse for letting a muslim become the leader of your country, in two consecutive elections?

Brown people. What's your excuse for continuing to let them in after witnessing our mistakes?

>What's your excuse for being only 60% white and rapidly falling, compared to UK 88% white?

We have five times the number of whites that you do.

Controlling the water supply is not a violation of the NAP.

And my PMC will kill anyone before they get even close, fat retard.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

>We have five times the number of whites that you do.

You also have much much more than five times the number of subhuman niggers, pakis, spics, and other non-whites

Fucking brain dead retard, get an education.

>You also have much much more than five times the number of subhuman niggers, pakis, spics, and other non-whites

And three hundred million more guns. What are you going to crusade with? Spoons? I mean, not metal spoons, you could file those down to make sharp edges and you know what the brass is going to say about that.

All the other water companies and infrastructure dont need to sell their companies to you. It would actually be smart to not do it because when people saw what you were doing by having them get sewage instead of water but require a filter that you only sell a company would sell water with out a silly filter and more people would buy from them, causing you to go out of business or sell normal water in order to compete.

>Not an argument.
So which one are you then? Nigger or drama teacher?

The funniest thing about that image is that I could totally see a libertard doing something like that. It's just like those sovereign citizen videos where they just keep repeating the same stupid phrases while they are getting their asses beat by cops.

I honestly can't remember where I remember hearing this, so take it with a grain of salt-- maybe a documentary? Can't remember.

Maintaining a monopoly is fucked. Say you want to monopolize water. Alright.

You buy out all the other water companies in your area. You switch to a cheaper method, maybe not filtered, raw sewage, whatever the fuck you want to do.

I say fuck this, I'm starting my own water company. I get customers, and you buy me out (for way more than I'm worth because that monopoly is important to you).

You've just created another market. You've opened a market for shitty, half-ass water companies that you HAVE to buy to maintain that monopoly. And your product is shit, so there will constantly, constantly be more companies that you have to buy.

I remember reading/hearing about this in reference to, I think, Exxon or something, back in the old days of oil companies? They spent a fucking fortune to maintain their monopoly.

since when we're water company's privately owned. ever heard of a public utilities company.

Say I start a water company to compete with the raw sewage monopoly, I refuse to be bought out, people begin to come to me instead because I have clean water without some fucking filter, I make a fortune. Plus that sewage water company either has to compete with me or go out of business.

You can also make a fortune just selling buildings with a 'Wtr Cmpny' sign at that point. If he wants to control the market he HAS to throw the money at you.

why would anyone want to get that pregnant?

also city slickers forget that most of the country (area if not population) gets water from private wells and if you fuck with my well you die

Those guns sure came in handy stopping that tyrannical reign by a muslim for 8 years!

Oh wait. You fat retards are too pussy to ever take up arms.

my gf is hot as fuck so I don't even care

You'd be able to create a better water system based on the old companies blueprint because no more patent laws. Plus this is in a theoretical society where a majority of people have already rejected bureaucracy.

Holy fuck. Is pic related India? Please say No.

You're a fucking Brit, and have absolutely no room to criticize a democratically elected president, ever, as long as you live under a monarch...seems to me you should worry less about what evil people may hypothetically do with freedom, and kindly ask ol lizzy dueces for a taste of some for yourself..dummy

Zuckercuck is creating a Jew/Chinese hybrid race in order to take over East Asia.

>thinks he lives in the stone age
>thinks we should all potentially be forced to do everything instead of having a specialized society that makes everything more effective.

Very simple.

In this libertarian free market society, you have committed countless acts of fraud and violence by poisoning peoples water.

They have every right to defend themselves, jail you, and sell off your assets to the highest bidder, breaking up your monopoly and forcing corporations to compete for peoples dollar.

what if he hires people to defend him and pays them well? tadaaa, we are back to feudalism.

>Also, you allowed Muslim gangs to groom your daughters for sexual slavery and you did nothing to stop them.
or, you know, call the police?

Yes, but liberty shouldn't come easy. You have to fight for it. People who accept tyranny deserve it.

I'm not a robot

Honestly fuck you for that op if anything we should make water more accessible because i can bet you anything they have worked harder than you your whole life. You're just a greedy pretentious scum bag trying to scam those who do not have

>How would it be in disobedience of the NAP for shooting someone who is in flagrant disregard of it?
what if i bought all the things and did all the bad things...
therefore government. checkmate libertarians

>people's water
It's not their water before they buy it from him


He's still a Jew, even though he tries to hide his big ol' nose.

Lol the police, council and MPs were well aware of the situation.

poisoning tap water is a violation of NAP. It is considered an act of violence - an attack on your health, whether they don't realize they are doing it, or in this instance especially because they are doing it to coerce you into buying from them.

Even if it was a choice, his idea that he would invent a filter and charge 5K wouldn't stop anyone else from inventing an alternative or simply making the filters themselves and selling them at a reduced rate or even give them away for free.

But if one man tried to poison the water of a group of people, they can and should defend themselves.

I'm not a robot

Tis so

but never fear user we can trust the capitalists!

The problem is that we dont all start from 0. A change towards such a system would be from an unequal state.
I wont even mention that even if we all do start at zero, simply by luck and random chance unequality will slowly appear.



>In a libertarian free market society, what is there to stop me from buying all the water companies and infrastructure, and replacing everyone's running water with raw sewage?
>What would stop me from also buying all the bottled water companies and accompanying infrastructure and selling bottled water at $100 a bottle? Or just replacing the bottled water with raw sewage also?


Now you can fuck off nigger.

Libertarianism isn't about everyone being equal, always.

It's about everyone having a fair chance to succeed at whatever they want to try succeeding at.

Not everyone who goes to school to be a Doctor can handle the job and not every Musician who writes music will make a living selling their songs.

Some people will start at 5 because their parents did better than someone who starts at 0.

But both kids, in a libertarian world, have equal chance to move up 5 points.

I'm not a robot

There is nothing stopping you
But you know what might make you stop?
Competition, someon else will open up a better water company and he won't sell it to you

In a libertarian free market, what's to prevent people from buying your shitty water? Oh that's right, competition.

>im the only one who can start a water company

Someone else would sell clean bottled water.
But in reality insane people don't get rich and buy water companies and only an insane person would buy all the water and shit in it.

I think you have Libertarianism and Anarchy mixed up in your head.

Both are completely fucking stupid, granted.

Any system wants to reward the people doing the reward worthy work.
If you have a good business because you made the right decisions but a rogue hurricane fucks your business up allowing your competitor who delivers a worse product to succeed then society suffers for it.

One of the purposes of a society is to offset chance so randomness is limited and does not wreck someone's life completely.
and you cannot have a fair chance when you are born into a world already full of extremely rich people, armed with a private army(of lawyers and bankers as much as actual gunmen), ready to oppress anyone who defies their employer.