I love you

I love you

Whoever reads this, I just want you to know that I love you and I want you to experience the most pure form of love possible. I don't care what or who you are or what you are. I just want you to know i love you and that there's someone in this world who loves you.

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Bumping for feels

If love was this meaningless, I wouldnt want it.

Fuck off

Thank You, OP.
You give such kind words. I appreciate everything you have said.
God bless you, and may you have a wonderful day~

gay lol

Y-you to user.

The only meaningful love is one that is unconditional. What you think of as love is just agreement.

> i dont understand the concept I'm talking about, but i crave attention

Ill believe it when i see it.

You obviously don't think so otherwise you wouldn't have posted in said thread. I love you user

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Thank you

I needed this

I am drunk and sad and you made me have happy feels happy tears

My heart goes out to you

Nice to read this here! Thank you, user, I feel better now!

I hate you. Whoever reads this, I am throwing my fucked up emotions out into the world in a dancing baccanal of shit and discontent. If this motherfucker can post pictures of waterfalls and tranquility, rest assured that I can spread a little piss and pus. The world might not be shit, but it’s full of shitty people and shitty situations, and, mostly, it’s just a slog to get through to tomorrow. I know it. You know it. Love is real, but fuck me sideways with a paddle, so is all the fucked up bullshit.

thanks user

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Fuck off hippy


Thank you, user, thank you very much!

If you knew me, you wouldn't love me. Which is not to say I'm unlovable. But I will just end up disappointing you because I don't feel comfortable with people caring about me. I prefer to be alone, and I'm okay with that.

Thanks user, love you too and keep doing you.

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not sure what warranted thread op but good luck fellow user

Falling in love made my life fall into depression when she cheated on me, thoes 3 words will be the death of me

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Same to you nigga, we gonna make it

You need a new outlook on life. You're gonna have a bad midlife crisis if you keep that up

I love you, too. All of you.

So much.


Wow thank you

OP i wish to tell you i love you also.

I still hold out love for someone who will love back unconditionally.

Growing up very rough as a white in a black area i know love seen more here in black than whites, and i wouldn't hesitate in breaking someone into a pulp. But...

love is real, very real, it possesses you it surround you, it make one whole. In most cases its easy, way too easy,

It can make those of us who have paranoid and on edge, realize that foolish selfish people they don't matter anymore. We call them tolls.

All you see and feel is those who love you unconditionally.
They allowed me to love back it was like i just relaxed,

Between my girl and my real family i've camed down a whole lot. So everyone here if you met me on a dark street while your being hurt by someone else, i crush bullies, i become their nightmare, because most of them don't know love, and love beats hate hard, it makes you feel then its welcome to my side.

Listen to your hearts you stupid fucks.

Thanks OP share the love.

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BULL SHIT just be yourself.

That is a poster of bullshit, its probably very expensive, Love is free you fool

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You didn't meet the one, however, if you love yourself first then you can love freely.

Don't allow fools to take up real estate in our brain you are far to important for that.

Talk to every girl/boy and have fun.
The best revenge is successes.

