Does anyone feel like we truly live in the Matrix? I am a software dev, and feel like this whole world is just imagined...

Does anyone feel like we truly live in the Matrix? I am a software dev, and feel like this whole world is just imagined. The world is too software like. Predictable, expected, almost as if it was coded. There is more out there I know it. I break down everyday at least once, and think about what the fuck this whole thing (the world, the universe, the people) really is, and what fucking purpose does it actually serve? I've been trying to find more information for years, but can't find anything that hints at anything. Maybe I'm fucking crazy, but I feel as if a time will come for me when I will know it all, or I won't and I'll just live and die like the rest of you. How can I find more information on this? I've scoured every inch of the web, deep, and surface. I need more information.

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You haven't dug deep enough.

talk to a woman

true unpredictability

I come from a small town of 4200. The local yokels all had their little sayings and nuances, which made them so peredictable.

They also had a hive-mentality.

Where else to go though? I've been everywhere on the web and back, without hacking into gov servers. I could do it, just really don't want to go to prison.

Meh, predictable to me. I've been in many relationships, and they always end the same. Predictability. I always know what will happen. I have this sense, like I almost know what people are thinking, or will say, before they open their mouths.

high level languages are meant to make sense to your shitty human brain

get a pi and start doing some bare metal

This simulation is self-imposed and temporary. Your recognition of it is a fleeting error, just live your life and enjoy yourself. Everything is as it should be, and all will become clear in time.

Dude, I code Python too, holy shit. Wtf, how did you take that random stab, and guess that? I will start doing that though.

So, are you saying I have something that many don't? I don't know what to take from this?

I'm going to school for computer science, but I'm only a freshman so I wouldn't consider myself a software developer or anything.
I like coding because it's like a form of expressing logic abstracted from manipulating binary, which would otherwise be impractical for even small programs.

I also like cosmology, and a lot of cosmology seems to boil down to hard-logic to me. And to me, hard-logic has some kind of psychological correlation with programming. But that's probably all it is, a correlation of feeling.

Plus, as a counterpoint, a some of cosmology isn't hard-logic, like quantum non-locality.


I feel as if quantum mechanics are like the true "code" of the universe, and since we are the ones the experiencing it, we can't make changes. Similar to how an NPC in a game, doesn't know they are an NPC, and they can't directly change the game themselves. There must be a way to hack the code though. There must be. Similar to how injecting a hack on a video game, edits the code; but is it possible for us "NPCs"?

Also, coding is a great career. Fun, but frustrating. Get a good understanding of your language and you will do fine.

The Web is the wrong place to look. Youll only get trapped by the spider who watches. Its time to wake up. Destiny Kal-El, destiny.. What 3 items are in the "Ark of the Covenant"


Its all inside... In, side. Please understand my words. Disassemble the words. Find the numbers

6:7:9. There is no 8. 7:8:9 --to infinity and beyond. 10


Find me on the other side.

-Break on through.

Theyve been telling you the whole time.

I am error.

Attached: I_am_Error.png (220x206, 55K)

Attached: -11-10110101101.png (1344x763, 1.58M)

OP you are retard

Fucking dubs on this extremely cryptic message. Gave me goosbumps. I will try my best to figure this out if it really means something that is, and not just a random user being cryptic.

Dude, he guessed high level language. That's exactly what python is...


Think so?

Sure seems like something a schizo would say, especially the spider part.

You should realize by now. Nothing is random

He’s referencing Indra’s Web/Net

You need to go outside.

Lol 90% sure. Work in psychiatry

I need more information on this.

Either that or an old hippie fag who drops too much acid

is it relevant in the end?


You should realize by now, everything is random

there's a 1 in 10 chance of getting dubs. It's pretty fucking common.

as if quantum mechanics..."

Well, if you'd really like to talk in-depth about it, let's stick with observational speculation, and not mapping feelings with conceptual masturbation.
And not to put you down, but the NPC analogy makes the whole speculative discussion sound like one big stoner-thought.

I was reading about Feynman diagrams, and the quality of two fermions annihilating to form a photon felt like cold hard logic, like something even I could code. But the large expanses of a photon's path integral killed that. Ridiculous convolution; I don't think such a program would be feasible. But quantum computing is on the way, and that could really, really change my mind.

It's relevant to something. That's all that matters.


OP spoke like a true virgin

The thing is you have to go outside the box. We must not think about what is possible to us now, but what will and would be possible in the infinite future, because we truly don't know what is outside this dimension.

There probably is some kind of system outside our own world that influences us, but we won't ever know for sure.

Maybe you can't find out anything more because you've been webpack compiled and passed through 500 different retarded transpilers.


The "jews" sold you Christianity.

Reach the top of the mountain.

Find the alchemist

Turn that shit we have into gold..

Take the treasure or learn the truth.

I can only show you the door. Youre THE ONE that has to walk through it.



With much Manna a hearder leads the sheep with nothing more then a stick, uniting man at the FESTival. Where does he lead the sheep? you may ask... To our final Destiny..

Awaken Kal-El.. Use your super hearing.. Listen for the Aum... The soind of silence..

Theyve been telling you the whole time

What are the chances you were here now? Its your choice to listen, i can only say the words.

The cancer that is


BEAN stack

I have no idea what this guy is saying, or where to even start, but I am interested. I need to know where to start, that's if he isn't a schizo.

Just study metaphysics dubster. It has more answers than you think. People just don't care because it doesn't make you money unless you are also a writer of some kind.

Look at JJ abrams, he's mostly famous because he studied philsophy and applied it to his shows. Shows like lost had potential, but he was just loosely grabbing at random philsophy tidbits. Just look hiw he loosely name drops John Locke and a few others, or brings up existentialism with the button.

If you really want to know, the first major realization, is that many things, li,e the qualities of colors, are subjective interpretations of frequencies.

Hence, why few would argue the world of physics exists and is often predictable, our world of objects and qualia experiences is partially of our own creation, and not in a necessarily certain way.

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Your brain is desperately searching for patterns. Think of this: if I showed you outright that what you believe is true, what would it do to your experience? As long as there's a hint of something being wrong, your mind is just going to keep pulling on the thread until it unravels. I'm telling you this for you: stop searching. You're very curious and you'll probably not stop considering this until the end of your life, but you will have an infinitely happier existence if you 'go with the flow' on this one. There will come a point in time where you'll understand and be glad that you did. You'll probably even chuckle at the thoughts you're having right now.

Nigger, look, I'm all about thinking outside the box, but within reason.
If you're considering what's feasible in the infinite future, forget it, because the infinite future isn't an all-fanciful xenoamorous civiliation with infinite possiblities of cosmological discovery -- it's a degradation of physics on a fundamental level, completely removing the possibility of having any such discoveries.
And if we're considering extra-dimensional possibilities, that's just an entirely different discussion.

Fuckin moron

This IndraNet is beset with infinite jewels that mirror one another in infinite directions. Think fractals.

ur fucking crazy

Consciousness is noting more then energy. What is mother earth refered to as? The lifestream is our Mana. We are the sheep. Ben Shapiro is the anti-christ and my child is the messiah. I am only the Metatron... Its up to the sheep to follw the Aum... Aum




Awaken Kal-El

but prison is where you really find out about the matrix .... dont be scared .... its all a like ... out here is the true prison ... in prison everyone is free and knows the truth.

dont be scared of the truth

No, I don't feel like we truly live in the matrix because causality and deterministic outcome can be understood or conceptualized. The odds are you won't know it all and you will live and die like most of the rest of us and those before us. Before you doubt your insanity, ask yourself why you decided to ask Sup Forums for more information on a supposed scenario taken from a movie that rendered the former use of the word "matrix" nearly forgotten.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. You haven't scoured every inch of the web, "deep", and "surface". Let's suppose that information were somewhere. You wouldn't find it by aimlessly looking for it on
>the web
You would pick up theoretical physics or ask a mathematician what the biggest number was if you were so inclined.

When people say quantum mechanics is truly random, it's misleading and a bit wrong. Quantum mechanics is inherently deterministic- but in a quantum sense. Which is a problem when you want to define or understand it from a classical point of view, which causes you to observe if not suggest that it is seemingly truly random. And for your example of an NPC in a game not being able to know they are an NPC or being able to directly change the game themselves, consider the following. You could create a game engine and the content that complements it, including an AI inside that is able to change the rules of the game, and even the rules that enable the AI to make specific changes to said game and itself. Real world feasibility pending depending on how complex you want the AI, rules, or entire scenario to be in particular.

>thinking outside the box
>but within reason
I feel like that's still thinking inside a box. A reasonable box that can breathe and doesn't quite close right, but a box nonetheless.

>Awaken Kal-El
Arise, Superman!

We are here to calculate the answers to questions like will a race always destroy itself when it discovers atomic. Can cloning and immortality ever be achieved morally? Can we create children that won’t destroy us. That sort of thing. Angels are betting on you and laughing their asses off.

Om or AUM is a Sanskrit mantra and sound

wtf is dis nigha on kek

how to become l33t haxor???

Quality reply. Thanks user. I actually write in my free time. I am almost done with Novella, that incorporates all this into the mix. Not so much the metaphysics, but this whole theory. Thanks again. I am going to start studying it more.

More verbal diarrhea.
No wonder people hate hippies

I feel you man. I'm about 150 i guess. i've always been in the 99.9th percentile on every type of test, got a 36 on the act. i looked it up and that correlates to a 150. i still feel stupid though. i took an iq test at and couldn't pass it. it was easy at first, but then there were these insane pattern recognitions. I usually get them even if they're tough, but these one were just ridiculous. I'm really good with math, logic, and patterns, among other things, so idk why i wouldn't even be able to get a fucking grasp on them. derp.

i do feel like i'm the smartest person ever when it comes to other things though. i have my own unified understanding of everything that beats anything western civilization has. it's pretty similar to eastern philosophy. i'm also never wrong. i think i'm just insanely good at critical thinking, so any argument i enter, i've already thought out absolutely every logical and semilogical possibility, and i can solve pretty much any problem. i can untie any knot, fix any relationship problem, i just see exactly what the problem is and how to fix it. most people just don't realize how much they assume, and it creates massive problems.

I do python ... im a real data scientist ... yayayaya ... im so smart ... i can predict she will breakup with me. Why do they always break up with me. Its becuase they are programmed.

True idiot, if you can see yourself I bet you cant see the errors in your buggy code.

Find the circle of ancient mystery.
It holds the key to what you seek.

>i have my own unified understanding of everything that beats anything western civilization has.
> it's pretty similar to eastern philosophy
No, no you're just an idiot all the way around.

>I feel like that's still thinking inside a box. A reasonable box that can breathe and doesn't quite close right, but a box nonetheless.
Man, what is going on with you? A discussion needs to have limits, that's all I'm saying. Otherwise, there is no discussion, just beyond hypothetical conjecturing, aimlessly masturbating conceptually and getting nowhere.
Not interested in discussions that get nowhere.

AUm is gold worship
HUm is You worship
Uman is Aramaic for God-man

I’m here to wake U up. You’re here to remind me.

I'm writing to you from the anime dimension. Yes i've been enlightened too 6:7:9 fuck that eight and watch out for the spider. Now i'll be fucking my waifu see ya losers.

Mark 7:8-9


I can't I need to know. I'll never stop. I need to know why things happen when I think them. When I was going through college I lived with my Grandmother. I thought about how bad my life would be if she died, what if she had cancer and nobody knew...This thought manifested to where I was thinking about it almost daily. Guess what happened? My grandma had brain cancer for months. It started around the time I had these thoughts. Coincidence? I think not. This also happened with one of my uncles. The fact I would see all my family I haven't seen in years if he passed, guess what? He passed, and I saw all my family. This stuff is not a coincidence.

OP, I like your gumption, so I'm going to set you on the right path. Used correctly this can help you unlock the first tools in your 'toolbox', but used improperly it can seriously damage you or cause mental illness. USE THIS CAREFULLY.

Oh Look,

It's schitzo paedo

Fuck off schitzo paedo.

Attached: paul the paedo.jpg (450x600, 56K)

Our princess is in another castle...

>think about it

i zozzled

We are Uman. We are the Metatron. We are Kal-El. We are legion... We never forgive, and we never forget.

There's a lot out there that would open you mind to the powers of the mind. You might try reading some used college philosophy books and see what inspires you.

Kant was one of the most ambitious and revolutionary of the philsophers. He exposed the mind as a psychological engine that ass things to experience. His work fueled the entire body of knowledge that became psychology, among other things. The critique of pure reason is a challenge to read though. He ended up make up a lot of his own terms and you'd have to read it a few times with help to really get it.

Why is six afraid of seven?

You two have either gotten trolled by this advance troll. Or I'm getting trolled by an even more advanced troll.

Lol *adds things to experience.

Although assing things to experience would be good too.

Cos Seven ate Nine.

come do mushrooms sometime, you will question everything

cus 789

Attached: 1519884670717.jpg (970x545, 96K)

Ate (eight doesnt exist) 8 is:to infinity and beyond


Mark 7:8-9

I was just being pedantic for the sake of being pedantic. You could've said you were all about being open minded but that we all need to start with a solid sounding axiom than the cliche that let me be so pedantic and annoying. Notwithstanding that hypothetical conjecturing and aimlessly masturbating concepts is still technically discussion if the transmission of information is occurring in the fashion of some language exchanged between at least two distinct parties. Discussion that is not worthwhile and goes nowhere, like you said.

Assing a corporeal form from the transcendant noumenal realm.

I've done them many of times. I personally like LSD better. I liked being in control of the rocket, not strapped to it, but those days are long passed. The last hallucinogen I did was DMT a couple years ago, and it put me on another planet, somewhere I didn't want to be. That was the last time I fucked with hallucinogens.

The "jews" sold you Christianity.. Manecheism.. Goolge it..
I can only say the words.. You choose to hear them or not

*Mark 7:6-9


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Check'd lay off the adderal/caffeine user

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I get it, we're all gods in control of our own path, but what more does this mean?

Kek, that wasn't meant to be taken literally. I was just somewhere very unfamiliar in my own head.

Thats cool dude. Some people are fine staying in the matrix.

I drink too much coffee that's forsure. I stay away from the adderall though. It makes me think gay thoughts, kek.

Hallucinogens are not the only way out, surely a piece to whole puzzle, but not the only piece.

First, get a standard calculus text and dive in. You should also get linear algebra and discrete math books as well; make sure the discrete text is proof based.

Once you're a couple chapters in to your discrete book (you will want to have covered basic proposition and higher order logic, and basic proofs), you may begin learning programming and computer architecture. As a litmus test, if you don't know what this statement is


you aren't ready to take the reins of a computer.

Now, forget what you do know about computer programming:

First, you learn boolean logic operations
then, you learn transistor logic
then, you learn how to build functional units from logic gates
then, you learn CPU design
then, and only then, you learn assembly language
then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.

By this time you should be finished with your calculus (up to advanced integration techniques and vector basics), discrete, and linear algebra, and are ready for the next wave of math: abstract algebra, analysis, multivariate and vector calculus, and, after you have progressed a way in those, topology.

Finally, you become familiar with topoi, and study the internal logic of categories
then familiarize yourself with (general) type theory, and its applications to programming. I also recommend studying how to reformulate mathematics in terms of globular categories for use in automatic theorem proving, because there is an inherent programming-like 'feel' to it.

No. Bad user.

I guess I could say I have mastered one language. Basic. My daily job is a Python dev, so I'm skilled in that, but I don't have a knack for the low level languages like the higher level ones. They take much effort for me to really understand them. I do however have a small understanding of most languages, but not a mastery.


Guaranteed way to become hyper-autistic if you weren't already, but definitely will not improve your subjective view of reality.

Couldn't cut it as an user shitposting


Look at this trap thread! Everytime I do it makes me fap

ive been through some existential crisis in my time OP.
theres really only one answer.
what you believe doesnt matter.
the reality is you are here. you are alive.
what the fuck for? how? why? nobody fuckin knows. but were still here. able to think. able to ask these questions.

the only thing to do is live. and try to have a decent life. go for the things that make you happy. dont waste 10 years of your life like i did sitting in the back wondering the the fuck everything is.

snap out of it. come back to "reality" and start playing the game like everyone else is. get a job. have a family. hopefully youll find some happiness in that.

How did Sup Forums get so gay
What's a boypussy anyway