League of idiots thread. Terrible game, but have been able to maintain top tier ratings since season 4 or so...

League of idiots thread. Terrible game, but have been able to maintain top tier ratings since season 4 or so. So general league thread or questions advice thread.

> Pref role
> top 3 played

>NA Chal/Mast
>Twitch, vayne, akali

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bumping with some n00dz

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Or like...not lmao

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NA low plat
adc main
draven one trick but also play jhin and vayne

Sjokz or Ovilee?

I was a high gold support main last season. I play nearly every support, main thresh leo kench, raka and lulu though.

I love dravens, i prefer an aggressive early game


>> Pref role
>> top 3 played
pantheon, vayne, nautilus

Attached: spartan_sketch_by_sigma19-d3l1ynh.jpg (800x1000, 225K)

>>Pref role
>>top 3 played

NA/Unranked but probably in bronze

thats funny because i used the feel the exact same way playing the game and its apparently never changed since

the game itself is shit, thats why people are toxic. because LoL fucking sucks.

all moba is shit the only reason dota did so well is because of servers like bored aussie and all the other custom scenarios like tower defence, now its just a retard collection point for retards

about .00001% of the userbase actually have skill point and purpose to be there

>euw/peak diamond 5, gold 1 atm
>Riven, Zed, Yasuo

bring the hate

riven is fucking garbage theres your problem stop playing it ull get back to at least plat

pick up rumble or something if u want to top

Used to main draven season 5-7. He doesnt feel nearly as good as he used to though, unfortunately.

Silver 5 na here. Somebody carry me to gold please.

rofl i just finished my placements I have no issue getting back to diamond

>NA high silver
>play stupid shit in the jg all the time
>Ashe Jinx Yi

Attached: neildegrasse.jpg (1100x618, 56K)

it literally does not matter what you play as long as you're good with it.

it literally doesnt matter full stop, ur elo resets for every new team combination you have, mobas as a main are for retarded trash and garbage

>Jhin, Varus, Illaoi in ranked
>Literally only meme in normals