If you’re under 25 years old — or an immature 30-plus — I’m about to set your ass straight

If you’re under 25 years old — or an immature 30-plus — I’m about to set your ass straight.

So, listen up.

Your music is fucking GARBAGE.

There, I said it. Mindless sewage. Eardrum-bursting, dagger-in-the-eyes, ass-bagging, blow your fucking brains out — unadulterated dog shit. That pretty much sums up the type of music that’s popular with today’s young people.

Listen, you stupid sons of bitches. I’m talking at you. I’m your elder. And I know MORE than you.

Your music hasn’t got life. It’s fucking dead. Your music is devoid of humanity. It’s as fake as a porn queen’s orgasm. There’s no soul. It’s tripe. It’s a carp in the sea of music. The stuff you listen to was created by fucking machines.

Today’s “artists” — there’s an oxymoron — don’t even need to know how to play musical instruments or sing. In other words, no fucking talent whatsoever is needed to succeed today in music. You heard me. No. Talent. Whatsoever.

And, I’m fucking sick of it because the current generation is taking the gold we gave you and dragging it into a sewer. We gave you the key to the CITY and you fucked it up. Listen up, you little pricks. I’m not stuck in some kind of classic rock time warp. Fact is, I expose myself to many different kinds of music. I give all music a chance. Even the techno-trash littering the modern music scene is something I’ve tried to digest, which I found to be like choking down a plate of raw oysters laced with salmonella.

It would be nice to enjoy fresh musical acts. I want to hear new songs. I like some young people, especially when they get my order right. But real music is written and performed by humans, not a fucking computer program linked up to a laser show.

Fact: The more fancy gadgets and distractions you need, the more your music just flat out SUCKS.

Attached: Vince Foster.jpg (767x1000, 85K)

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thanks for you opinion, Dad. Good luck with that tinnitus

See? Sarcastic arrogance. That's all you get from young folks of today. What a waste.

Stfu old trash go kill yourself

well your taste probably sucks too. i have never in all my years here seen a single user that didn't have absolute shit-tier taste in music, regardless of age

Nice pasta faggot op

Disdain for elders. That's where humanity started to fall apart. Children no longer listen to the wise. It's quite tragic, really, but then I'm somewhat glad I don't have to see the end of humanity, altogether.

Please don't use the belt tonight daddy!

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Haha im deaf.

Give me an album

Just die. Being old sucks. Even if things were *somehow* better, that time is over and you're still going to die before most of us. Die bitter, no less. Are you jealous of youth? You should be.

RIP in peace, old man. Enjoy eternity.

So you're telling me I should respect you when you don't respect me? What kind of fucking dinosaur are you?

Inb4 symphony #9 lolol

I realized this and decided to learn jazz.

Am I doing it right?

Only if you're also a bee

I don't think Red Foreman likes jazz

Post what is, in your opinion, a good album.

You realise there is new songs of every genre coming out all the time


Who the fuck cares what kids listen to? I sure as hell don't so long as it isn't at an overbearingly high volume

I literally went to the concert hall to hear Tchaikovski you faggot.

>t. 26 year old

Do you also shake your cane at them for skateboarding on the sidewalk?

is it really disdain for elders when i'm criticizing every person of every age here?
some elders have good taste. heck, my mom has decent taste superior to anyone here, and he's in her 60s

Y u mad doe?

Suck a pickle you old fucker.


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That's enough internet for today, Grandpa

I think he fell asleep


this faggot. Is more concerned with music. And what people like. Than his own life.

Look fag boy. You were a faggot bitch butt boy in the past along with your ancestors. And you are a fag today. Now go tell your wife or daughter to come suc my cock. Its the only use your family can provide to this world.

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the pasta worked on newfags again, good show gramps

Post music old people hate

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I call this genre "niggerstep"


That's why most music I listen to is more than 20 years old