Brand new gig next sunday is cancelled because the lead singer is a sexual deviant

>brand new gig next sunday is cancelled because the lead singer is a sexual deviant

All your idols are dying and I'm enjoying every minute of it.

>sexual deviant
More like being a pedophile

it's not true
he only diddled non-consenting adults

>he only diddled non-consenting adults
So that makes it better?
It doesn't.

>...including soliciting naked photographs from a 15 year old girl in 2002

>sexual deviant
he is pedo

It's gonna be quite a day when Fat Mike gets named. /stoked/


you deserve to be lynched

>Jesse Lacey was my hero
>Thought he was handsome, talented, sensitive
>One of the most talented lyricists and songwriters I know
>Was at the helm of one of the best albums of the past 15 years
>Now this

Feels bad man

At least I'm learning that my idols can still be awful people. One of those growing things I'm sure.

>literally incorrect term

It's like everyone between the ages of 20 and 80 are going to get this baseball-sized redpill suppository all at once. The implications of this are absolutely monumental.

The last three generations are incredibly emotionally stunted in regards to hero-worship and celebrity.

The fact that so many Americans still believe it should be illegal to marry a 12-year-old only tells you how far America still is from becoming a serious culture. The Europeans have long recognized that the greatest relationships of all times are between male adults and female adolescents, who are the most biologically fit to produce offspring, as well as the most physically attractive. Followers of the Muslim faith rank the highly controversial Aisha over all of their prophet Mohammed’s other wives, who were far past the prime age for reproduction. Americans are still blinded by puritan values. Adult females are more mentally developed than adolescents (not true, by the way), therefore they must be the greatest partners. Europeans engaged in relationships with adolescent European girls in the middle ages, radical Islamists engage in relationships with adolescent Muslim girls in the present. Americans are often totally ignorant of the virtues of relationships with adolescent girls, they barely know the biological benefits. No wonder they will think that sexual relations with 12-year-old girls should be criminalized.

Idolatry is unhealthy for a populace. Great for capitalism, bad for a people.

Feel pretty bummed out.
>if they don't put me away well it'll be a miracle

>tfw I bought a bandshirt before that shit started

should I burn it?

So what, they only have one good album anyway

hahahaah get fucked emofags. maybe you will all finally grow out of this mental stunting from listening to their shitty music

What music should I be listening to?

classical, jazz

grimes, trap etc.

Trap, hip hop
Literally any other genres that actually respect women

Yea and it's Your Favorite Weapon

If you're legitimately not going to wear it, at least cut it up and use the pieces as rags or something. At least get some use out of it.

Music that challenges you. Emo and pop punk pander to your dopamine addiction and desire for someone who "understands".

The next time what you're hearing makes you uncomfortable, give it a second-chance and see what its trying to pull out of you.

I mostly listen to classical anyway, you can like more than one genre for different reasons.

Demean women while wearing that shirt. Also, say that college girls line near a police precinct or feminist meetup loud and proud. If they or anybody start to give you lip, just start blasting BN while shoving ITAOTS in their face and interrupting them by saying "best album ever made bro"

Do it.

>listening to music for fun and emotional connection

haha what a fag amirite?

enjoy listening to pedos

>*puts on his Mozart cd*

Confirmation bias isn't emotional connection. It's how marketers and psychopaths weaponize your own nature against you. You think you're expanding your understanding, but you're actually getting more and more lost in your own thought processes.

The good shit is the stuff that you have to meet halfway. THAT'S understanding. THAT'S connection.

Mozart was babby-tier and Classical era in general was trash. The only thing impressive about him was the volume of works he completed in his brief lifetime.

So hold on let me get this right, The guy did stuff with some girl like 15 years ago who was into it, And now it's a bad thing, Why? Why does this matter now?


Because she wakes up in cold sweats thinking about it and has spent her life running from the truth that she's an idiot.

Judging other people and bashing them for mistakes they made 15 years ago feels physically good.

because all those "vicitims" are coming out of the woodworks now

she was underage


Ok? Why does this matter now, 15 years after the fact? Why does the band have to cancel shows because of a 15 year old sexual encounter?
Why does any of this matter right now.

>not separating the art from the artist

You are completely misunderstanding why people listen to emotional, simple music.

Sometimes, people just want to romanticize uncomfortable feelings. Nobody is looking to "expand their understanding" when listening to fucking Brand New. Also, I don't see how that's confirmation bias. You need to be more clear.

>It's how marketers and psychopaths weaponize your own nature against you.


>The good shit is the stuff that you have to meet halfway. THAT'S understanding. THAT'S connection.

I listen to experimental popular music and the occasional art record on a regular basis, as it's part of my personal taste. Someone else's taste may revolve around bands like Brand New, and that's okay. It's all subjective.

I only speak for me, but I want the entire recording industry to die, and for people who thought the emperor was wearing clothes to feel dejected and stupid, but then pick up the pieces of their shattered psyche and become stronger human beings.

>Someone else's taste may revolve around bands like Brand New, and that's okay. It's all subjective.

If it's "all subjective," then "Hitler did nothing wrong." I'm not flirting with that path. I've seen where it ends.

Who you described is exactly who's feeling like they were cheated and lied to at this very moment. I'm obviously not talking about you.

this but unironically

You have to be the most unironically autistic poster I've seen in a long time

John Lennon beat women like cake batter and people love him.

This is nothing.

>no argument against it

I take that back. You seem incredibly disturbed and hurt by what's going on right now. Get yourself together.

I'm not him, but he's talking about music taste, not why killing Jews is ok, I hope you can see that.

this what the fuck

>If it's "all subjective"
I am pretty he specially meant that within the context of having taste in art, not moral values. There is a huge leap between saying "musical preference is subjective" and "all morals are relative". Two completely different categories of values.

I'm only demanding congruence. If that's "autistic" then I'm fucking proud of it. I see where "subjectivity" leads, and it leads you to places like the ones Mr. Lacy here went.

The bigger issue at hand is what we call art, and who we choose to identify with. It seems to me we're relating to these faceless voices through our speakers more than the actual people who appear before us as men and women that we can hear and see and touch.

I have a fucking problem with that.

People like this really exist

thats exactly what im implying pedofag

To be fair, he didn't.

pretty sure mick jagger fucked some underaged groupies too

>Americans are this insecure about being attracted to young people

> I see where "subjectivity" leads, and it leads you to places like the ones Mr. Lacy here went.

Slippery slope fallacy, and a shit one at that. If you can't see the clear cut difference between aesthetic relativism and moral relativism, then I don't know what to tell you.

>It seems to me we're relating to these faceless voices through our speakers more than the actual people who appear before us as men and women that we can hear and see and touch.

What quantifiable evidence do you have that can back up that claim?

What? Demanding honesty from people? You're so fucked up that someone holding you to an equal set of standards is driving you to the pinnacle of rage. The writing was on the wall that Jesse Lacey was a fucked up deviant, as it was that a lot of famous people were going to start throwing each other under the bus.

But you're going to keep saying it's coincidence until it's too late to adapt to the changing environment. You lack flexibility because you lack integrity. It's not my problem. I'm actually being a friend by trying to point this out.

And the Rolling Stones have about 1.5 good songs. The whole musical culture is fucked. It has to be abandoned.

I know that you weren't being literal but they've got six good songs.

>What quantifiable evidence do you have that can back up that claim?
The reactions to this faggot getting exposed a a faggot. Look at this thread. People are already defending pedos. Slippery slope isn't a fallacy.

Nobody thought Obama was going to assume supreme control through extensions of executive powers, but people who were paying attention were aware that it sets up a bad precedent for the next guy to get in charge.

You're not seeing the connection between things, and you're hurting yourself.

>Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.

>I can see that you're thirteen years old
>No I don't want your I.D.
>You look so rest-less and you're so far from home
>But it's no hanging matter
>It's no capital crime

the absolute madman

>The reactions to this faggot getting exposed a a faggot. Look at this thread. People are already defending pedos. Slippery slope isn't a fallacy.

You misunderstood my argument. I was asking for proof for the claim that people tend to look more towards music (than real people) for relation.

I pulled the slippery slope card for your egregiously faulty claim that thinking music is subjective somehow leads to defending pedophiles.

It clearly does. Jesse is marginally talented, at best, and people are seriously not knowing what to do with themselves.
Pop punk was never about music. It was always about underage tumblr girls. If it was about music, it'd be more capable in a variety of areas.

Why are you projecting

I don't see how this refutes my point.

no u

see your own reply

Was she sexy? If yes, he shouldn't be criminalized.

I don't believe you have a point. You just seem to wish it was still 2004. Simpler times, indeed.

One of these days you'll see that music has a spiritual effect on people, and while it's fun, it's not really a game.

I think we should take this as an opportunity to rediscover it as a social mechanism and try not to make the same mistake of giving power to people just because of a pretty face/voice. I don't see how you can argue that point if you're not totally lost in a pop-culture-induced cesspool of nonsense.



If you don't think I have a point, then I don't know what to tell you. I'm not going down this rabbit hole.

I know. Emo is cowardly music for cowardly people. I'm not even surprised.

>someone isn't willing to indulge an autistic rant about a pop-culture zeitgeist boogeyman
>HURR DURR you're a coward!!

I don't even like Emo.

I'm quitting because I have work to do.

Yeah, it's like the defining element of this time. I'm sure your work is so important, someone will die if you don't do it.

I bought the lazer eyes one and fully intend to wear it. Looks great, love the band too. No normies will know any of this shit happened, and even if someone brings it up just say you like the music.

What the fucking strawman. Also yes even morals are subjective. You really think some alien race would have the same morals as us? They'd probably exterminate us and not give a fuuuuuck

>Also yes even morals are subjective
You're too much of a pussy to actually live by this. Needless to say, you're too much of a pussy to stand against this because that takes more courage still.

Read any Brand New lyric. It is plain to see they are cowardly faggots.

This has an effect on the listener in the form of confirmation bias. There isn't an argument against this because it's a simple fact.

Dude. You're angry. But it's not because of that guy's posts. Get help before you hurt the ones you love.

>You're too much of a pussy to actually live by this. Needless to say, you're too much of a pussy to stand against this because that takes more courage still.
What do you even mean by this? Every sentence you write is like talking to a teenager. It's ironic as fuck because you're criticizing the band for having the exact same qualities you display in your writing.

I fight for what I want in the world. You go along to get along. Admit it. You got nothing. You don't even know what love is.

I mean, if morals are all, like, "subjective man", then go live like Crowley or whatever. What's stopping you except that feeling in your gut that you know what you say is false?

>baby learns the term confirmation bias in AP Psych today and proceeds to use it incorrectly every to seem smart


Moral relativism is retarded. Just because you don't know the answer to a question doesn't mean it can't exist.

I think i agree with a fair portion of what this user is getting at.
Music/art can be fun, but its also a vehicle for communication of ideals. Proponents and fans of Brand New presumably resonate with Lacy's ideals. The other poster is saying taste is subjective: why do you like Brand New then? They're not exactly breaking barriers sonically, nor would one expect the masses to be familiar enough with musical/literary devices to appreciate the music's artistic merit. The masses resonate with content.

There's always nostalgia too i guess. Not sure how that factors in. I'm just sick of the "muh subjective taste, let me just like shitty music" fags trying to ascribe intellectualism to their bitchmade moral wavering.

Tldr Lacy likes em young. You like his music. You're afraid to reflect on that so "taste is subjective"

supply me one good brand new lyric


>And in the choir, I saw our sad Messiah
>He was bored and tired of my laments
>He said "I died for you one time, but never again."

le "Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt" tier lyricism

People with shit taste btfo

You're assuming that brand new's music is bad which it's not. When we say fuck off music is subjective it's not because we're hiding from criticism it's because we don't feel like arguing with someone who came into the thread just to jerk his emo hate boner. Brand new's music speaks for itself, nothing I say here will really change your mind because you clearly already think you and your tastes are so much better than everyone elses. Brand new have made great critically acclaimed albums and have amassed a very devoted cult following. Personally I like the lyrics, he talks a lot about loss of faith which is something I've struggled with as well. Is that good enough for you? Why do you care so much what somebody else listens to? And they do push the limits of the genre and themselves sonically every album. It's cool when a band can throw a great formula away and start something totally new and yet make it work time and time again like brand new has. In 2005 when all their kin were going poppier and poppier they could've been Kings of the warped tour scene but instead chose to make devil and god. An extremely personal and radio inaccessible album. So I give them props, and so should anyone who cares about music. Of all the emo bands out there it's a shame you have to hate on one that I think is pretty great.

Now go on, give me three albums you think I should listen to instead hot shot. Also shame on you for allying yourself with the chump who compared liking brand new to being a Nazi and went on to rant about a bunch of incoherent bullshit about the industry or whatever. The dude couldn't formulate an argument if it bit him in the ass.


wtf i love brand new now

>Jesse Lacey was my hero