How do I calm myself before public speaking?

How do I calm myself before public speaking?

I'm in a public speaking course and no matter how many times I've presented a speech (4 times total) I always get nervous. No matter what I do to calm myself I always get nervous.

How can I calm myself and flow through my speech without being nervous while presented?

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pls help

You mean your heart starts to pound and you feel yourself getting hot and flustered.

As your nerves grow, so does your inability to hide it. When you finally open your mouth and words come out, your voice is shaky and clearly nervous?

Well young grasshopper, the key is to realise that if you are a nervous wreck, THAT is the thing that makes you look like a fool, nothing else.

Check out Gary Vandyerchuck (or however you spell his last name). Good public speaker.

Also check out billionaires and sports people talk, Connor Mcgregor is a really good example.

shit in your hands and rub it on your chest

Talk slower.

If you think your talking normal, you’re talking too fast.
If you think you’re talking too slow, that’s perfect pace.

Also, make a mark on the floor away from the podium. Your goal for the speech is to walk to the mark at some point during the speech.

These are some tricks I used that worked for me

Realize every single person in that class is feeling the same as you. None of them want to be there and they don't care how well you do your speech. They just want to get out of there too.

I had the same problem. Here's what you do.
You have to separate yourself and create a character that you can become. Imagine that you have a ten-inch cock and an unlimited bank account.
You just have to pretend to be confident. Pick the alpha out of the group and stare through him like he's not even a blip on your radar.

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When you talk, look to the back wall. People at the front think you're talking to someone behind them, people at the back can't tell where you're looking. Lets you avoid eye contact until you hit your stride and gain a bit of confidence.

Just jerk off before your speech. Calms the nerves, releases endorphins. You'll be just fine

this is good advice, try this first

in my speech class in college i threw in a few random powerpoint slides to keep peoples attention, like just a random slide with chuck norris holding an american flag "and this is chuck norris... next slide" a few people would laugh and I would smile and continue my speech. it made it funny and it keeps your audiences attention around the middle of your speech when it gets boring for them.

Don't listen to this retard

rant about the fucking jews for half an hour

Realize this:

None of the people in the audience know you.
None of them care who you are.
Anything you say to them will be forgotten by the end of the day.
You are only a background character in their life.
You are forgettable.
None of them are paying attention to your speach anyways, they’re all on their phones...

put a cucumber down your pants


I never overcame this fear, but I can manage it. Now I do pretty well.

My path was good for me in that I started teaching training classes of maybe 10-15 people on some technology that I know like the back of my hand. After a bit of practice, it became a peace of cake. I developed my own style that worked for me (I just improvise the whole thing using the slides as a guide).

After that I actively sought out speaking engagements to help me improve and overcome the fear. Practice practice practice. When I went on to do larger speaking gigs (150-450ppl), I just channeled that feeling of confidence and the calm manner of speaking I developed. I've even gotten a job offer after someone attended one of my sessions and was impressed with how I handled a technical difficulty on stage.

My advice (aside from practice), is to speak on things you know cold, and keep in mind the audience is there to listen to you and not judge you or give you shit. They want to hear what you have to say, so talk to them.

have a colossal fucking wank

show powerpoint slides of dog porn

i don't know but losing my extreme shyness at the age of 18 was one of the greatest things to happen to me

Public speaking isn't a skill, it's a trait.
You either have it or you don't.

Here's a hint: you don't.

howd you do it?

just keep imagining your mom naked in front of you

thats BS

op here
would smoking a cigarette help?
i'm not an addict and i've smoked before, but i've never tried before a presentation

I would kind of do the same thing. I would put a couple of giraffes in my presentations. People would pay attention, even if it was just to find the giraffes.

i figured out how things work

i think the trick that was explained to me is that you have to imagine yourself naked

you serious bro?
step 1: stop giving a fuck

wtf does that mean?

that shit makes me twice as nervous smoking before one

xanax got me through every presentation in college

picture everyone naked then get your dick out
end every sentence with "yall no wut imsayin" or "sheeeeeeeeeeit"

dress like this, it'll give you confidence probably maybe why not

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You get nervous because you care what those listening might think. Stop caring.

shit on the floor and stamp it into the carpet

i didn't want to respond further than that because it gets complicated as it's quite the story

but i'll say it anyway

i purified my mind of the bad and made it all good by conquering myself and receiving a high degree of enlightenment by facing the fear head on but without doing something that is bad, you need to figure that out yourself

>actual good advice
>no response

suck me OP

Going for a smoke break, when I get back I'll tell you how I got past being shy in public.

I had a girl in my class who ran triathlon in the last summer olympics. She told me that her trainers said your brain has a difficult time feeling nervous if you manage to convince it that you're excited—it can't be both at once.

She said it worked for her—she focused on being excited and the nerves were manageable. And that was the fucking olympics, dude.

Good luck, though. It matters that you're working on it. Not insurmountable.

watch fight club or the SAW movies for clarification

I think I'm pretty good at public speaking, but I still get nervous.

Instead of trying to get rid of the fear, utilise it. Take the energy the adrenaline gives you, and funnel it into the energy of your speaking. The extra enthusiasm will be a plus to those listening, and they're unlikely to notice you're nervous.

>How do I calm myself before public speaking?
Pretend that this is Sup Forums, but irl.
And don't do mine mistake, they wont send u nudes.

I remember one time in college, I had a professor who was a complete asshole who called out a chick for being nervous when she was doing her presentation.

She was noticeably nervous, and he was like "Do you just want to try to relax a little bit?". And she's like "What?". And he's like, "Geez, you're so nervous you're making me uncomfortable." And then the room went dead quiet with awkward silence.

Guy was a prick.

shyness is a good thing, yet to be overcome for the most part, the part that causes you difficulty

Ok, I have no idea what you just said there.

And how is shyness a good thing? Shyness holds people back in so many areas of life.

I guess the only good thing about it is it makes people think before they speak and act, which can prevent them from saying or doing something stupid.

Do this. Learn when good speaking sounds like, practice articulating your thoughts. If you have an idea, try to explain it as if you were talking to another person. That way, when you're giving a presentation, you're not memorizing, but sharing your knowledge. It's a long road to be competent in this area but you will make it the more you try. I hate that adviceso much especially because it's true. Go break a leg.

dont listen to THIS retard

not OP but how do you overcome the nervousness right before you have to give your speech? im long past my speech course in college and i did fairly well (well enough to pass the class and make people laugh, but not like a speech god or anything). but what would happen is that i would get so nervous that im feeling sick right before i go up to talk and then right when i started talking i felt completely fine. and even though i would notice that when i go up there and start talking i become comfortable, i would still feel so nervous before it was my turn to give my speech, no matter how many speeches i have already given. so what would your advice be on this? how would you combat nervousness pre-speech?

When I was a kid, my mom would tell me to just imagine how I'll feel after the speech, how relieved. Eventually it's your turn to go, and you've wasted a bunch of that nervous time thinking about other shit.

Nerves are part of the process. I occasionally dribble a little pee and almost always throw up at least once before any speaking event. The trick is artificial arrogance. That is why some people recommend picturing the audience naked, to elevate yourself above them and laugh at the absurdity of it all but if I picture the audience naked, I get even more embarrassed or a raging erection. The best advice is to rehearse, rehearse, rehearse and know the material inside and out before you get up there. SLOW down. Calm yourself. Breath. Speak distinctly. If you do screw up, let it go and carry on. In the end, no one really cares but you anyway.

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I get what youre saying. I mean, I even realized myself that Im completely fine when giving the speech and that i feel great after. But yet, i get so nervous i feel nauseous the minute before i go up. I always liked going second (not first, since i always showed up like 5 min late to class) so i can just get it out of the way and not feel nervous

I feel you. Maybe nervousness is just part of the game. It never stopped you from getting shit done, so as long as you keep that up, you're doing your job.

Nobody said this stuff was supposed to be easy.

solid advice

>lol these

>Maybe nervousness is just part of the game
possibly. i was just hoping for a way to click my mind into some sort of care free state so i can stop psyching my self out about it. i appreciate your advice though, friend.

>have a colossal fucking wank

Don't listen to this retard.

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stay strong pal. I do lectures once in a while at the university and worry about them weeks in advance. Anxiety dreams. I don't think anyone has an EASY time. The ones who do are more often than not annoying theatre kids,

>worry about them weeks in advance
i do this too, but not just with speeches. if i have a paper due 3 months from now i'll worry about it until i do it 2 months later. speeches are worse tho lol

Thats some nonsense