Shit job

Shit job
Shit hours
Shit house
No car
Have to take bus everywhere
Have no money
Haven’t paid rent
Haven’t had girlfriend in year

Why should I keep going?

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No Job
Fulltime student
No house
No car
Have to take bus everywhere
Have no money
Have no rent
Haven't had sex in a week

Why should I keep going?

A week is better than my year and 1 month. I've been working minths but haven't been paid yet, live at home with my parents, have no friends, haven't had a girlfriend in a year, live in a shit town where there are no buses because there's nowhere to go


atleast you can still walk you fucking pussy. be thankful you have a bus to ride, whiny bitch. why the fuck would any woman want to be with a cuck complaining cook?

easy solution. dont work for anyone unless you are paid. are you retarded?

Poorfags kek quit complaining or off yourself

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At least you're not in a wheelchair like Stephen Hawking was!


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At least you dont have schizophrenia and two amputated legs. If it gets that bad, yeah its time to go

Good job
Good hours
Good house
Good truck
Don't have to take bus anywhere
Have money
Have paid rent
Haven't had sex in 5 years
Why should I keep going?

Things will look up for you op, you just have to maintain a creator mindset and never be a victim
If you’re unfamiliar with victim mindsets vs creator mindsets you must google the terms

at least you got a house nigga

Just have sex with hookers?
You’re not missing out on much dude if anything you should just be sad that you’re lonely in other ways (don’t have female company)

S E L L D R U G S : D

I T S E A S Y ! !
F R E E D R U G S T O O !

go military and stop being a fuck head

I haven't had sex in nearly 3 years. Pretty much given up at this point.

an-hero time cunt, we dont need you, like you mentioned faggot

ITT: 20 year-old faggots who think they should be running the world.

Just have fun with life then

Do better faggot.

You need just step out from yourself and look back - Is it You ? Or some asshole looser? Don't mix please.