What does Sup Forums think about this film

What does Sup Forums think about this film

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dumb with no real answer at the end

It's a trainwreck of nuggets of truth and conspiracy theories.

Really, why user. Elaborate

fuck no I'm not gonna elaborate this mess its a bunch of conspiracy bs all clumped together and the last 10 minutes offer no real solution.

Well, without getting into the 9/11 part, the god and federal reserve portions are complete truth. Whats the tinfoil hat part?

Pretty good intro into tin foil hat shit.

Ive tried to get some friends to watch it but it no one takes to it like I did.
The third one is a hot load of shit though.

It is for retards

Didmt even know he made a 3rd one. I thought the second one was interesting with all the "theres going to be no reason for 90% of people to work soon" stuff

decent first half hour about astrology

the rest just a mess of 9/11 conspiracy.

such a juxtaposed film.
overall enjoy it...mainly the first half hour.
2 and 3 are a little more structured and prefer to watch those.

babbies first rejection of the mainstream narrative, segueing into how socialism is always the answer and has never really been tried. It says nothing about how our economy relies upon constant growth, which is anathema to environmental responsibility and a sustainable society.

It answers nothing, only asking questions. It is good to start a conversation, but people think it genuinely is an answer.

More bullshit for pseudointellectuals who think they are just absolute fucking geniuses.

It's garbage

the god portion is truth?

I've never seen it, but I can tell by the cover that it's New Age propaganda bs.

Total bullshit. The eternal Jew is much better.

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>not believing in God

*tips fedora*

Sun worship is the basis of many religions, for obvious reasons. The enduring religions have figured out how to keep it as vague as possible so it can't be disproven like the 1000 religions in the past that have gone by the wayside because the populous got more savvy with science and technology.

"A cheer for the Sun God! He's a real fun God! Ra! Ra! Ra!"

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Tell me that guy isnt black

nigger pls

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pretty good way to introduce normies to The Big Conspiracy.

I have finished Adam Smith's wealth of nations. This film dramatically misrepresents practical economics.

The only real false statement in the film i can find is that taxes are illegal

utopian shit

He focuses on the history of the federal reserve, how is that misrepresenting economics

Taxes are required to ensure natural monopolies are properly regulated and for defence. Taxes being illegal is blatant sensationalism.



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I agree. It was clear in the constitution before the 16th amendment that congress has total power to lay whatever taxes they like.

The solution of a resource based economy falls to pieces when applied to human labor, creativity and practicality. I don't care about America's fraudulent economic systems, only the truth.

Yr talking about the last film he made.


My bad. It's late. Actually the first films economics is all right. Always remember that an interest rate around 8 percent was seen as a crime around 1775. The term usery was applied. I encourage all reasonable people to read Warren Buffett in order to take proper ownership of your labor.

Labor at this point in history is going to be phased out. Its already happening. Soon after that, jobs previously thought to be unreplaceable with robots will start to be. The cost to produce goods and services will drop dramatically.

I liked the religious part
>yfw the sun is "the son"

Human labor is a much broader term in economics. I don't mean I guy lifting blocks. I mean all socially constructive efforts, done against leisure for the benefit of the laborer. Low cost of goods means the relative value of labor is increased. The low value, of low skilled labor, is the fault of the laborer, in an age of free and open information. An advanced technological society, requires highly specialised labor.