Deny this

Deny this
>protip: you can't

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No explosive vets under the robes and veils of any other religion

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Nuns for example decide to live this way , most of the muslim girls dont even have the right to decide for themselfes

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If you think the Catholics have never fucked around with bombs I'd invite you to take a holiday in Ireland during the 90's.

Those explosive vets!!! euthenising pussies then 'splodn'

inever realised nuns were so opressed, thanks foropening my eyes!!!

Do female Muslims do that? Do they get 72 virgins as well? I wouldn't blow me up if I knew there were 72 greasy neckbeards waiting for me in heaven.

I've never known of an exploding nun to murder infidels.

nuns are a special order
not the whole population of women
and you don't have to be a nun if you don't want to

oh, and nobody ever stoned a nun to death for taking off her thingy

The difference is that all the others are allowed to take theirs off at anytime.

You have to be fucking joking.

Fuck off. Those were gentleman terrorist you cunt. Not like the Arabs

The rest don't hide explosives under their garments.
Or have men masquerade as women to smuggle items, including explosives.

Muslim women are told if they’re not covered up it’s basically an invitation to rape, if I’m remembering the stories right. That ‘bare skin will bring out the wickedness in men’ or something like that. That’s not something taught in those other religions OP.

they may be "oppressed" in our western society, outside of the arab world. But if we were to reverse roles, any nun (and christian in general) in a arab society would get tortured and killed, i call this thread hypocritical

>gentleman terrorists

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One is ordained into the religion the other is not, and is even forced by law to use it in some countries

"Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control."

Timothy 2:11-15

being a nun is a willful choice

wait fuck i got baited



>posting Jew shit to counter Muslim shit.
You’ve reached a new low.

>implying nuns aren't oppressed

As a Northern Irish Catholic, I am so very fucking tired of Americans thinking that this bunch of inbred mental defective bigots represents me or the Irish people.

The IRA specialize in torturing women, blowing up children, shooting up churches, bombing religious services and trying to ethnically cleanse 1/4 of this island's population because they can't cope with the idea that somewhere in Ireland there's somebody who doesn't go to a Catholic Mass every Sunday.

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That's the new testament.

I don't give a shit nigga I just wanna fuck those hot religious anime girls

you don't lewd 2D girls, you waifu them

My main problem with this is that they used anime girls

Which is haram

Muslims don't respect other people's religions. Religious minorities are being oppressed (and sometimes even killed) in muslim countries.

Fuck islam and fuck your prophet.

this OP's bait thread is over.


Do you respect Muslims? What no? Somehy should they respect you? Religious minority's are being killed all over the world by all kinds of people for m all kinds of faiths. Even ones associated with peace such as Buddhists pretty much commiting genocide in Myanmar

You mad whiteboi? Your women are whores and will be our slaves in a generation. Inshallah!

Actually they pretty much already are. s'funny I've never considered myself asian before. Thank you british media.

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Nuns make a free choice as informed adults. Muslim women and girls are brainwashed from infancy. Nice virtue signaling though OP. Fuck you and the camel you rode in on.