How does it feel for you guys not having an degree in IT?

How does it feel for you guys not having an degree in IT?

>Done with my engineering degree this summer
>signed a 106,322.70 dollar job today (870 000 nok)

Friends that got their masters in economics and law started at 48,876.00 (400 000 nok)

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Btw a cybernetics degree from NTNU, 5 years but worth

I dont have a degree in IT. But i do have several high level certificates and secret clearance.

Wow, I was in the military too.

I wasnt.

>secret clearance.
so, basically...., you're authorized to read the office's weekly newsletter.
anything less than TS is meaningless bullshit.

>not living in norway, priceless

I have no idea what that pay is meant to mean.

But tfw I got kicked out of university 10 years ago for being a drunk loser and currently on £165k working for Cisco from home with a great family and house, simply because I spent my whole life writing coding to make videos games more fun

Well, if you are not talking about the military what kind of secret clearance are you talking about?

Been doing it 14 years. Still fun because I have creative control

I dont have 20k to spend on TS and my company dosent deal in TS level contracts. less then 1% of people have TS.

I wasnt in the military, meaning i didnt get it as part of the job. I had to get it my self

Enjoy being replaced by Pakistanis with fake degrees in 2 years.

>two highschools, no degree
>250k per year
I feel rich

You need secret clearance to get access to the most retarded places, like NASA rocket testing facilities. You can get secret clearance by sending in 27 Cheerios box tops.

Well, in Norway you don't get the highest clearance without the military. I got it cause I was with the Kings Guard. Do not know the rules in USA

I did that and all I got was a shitty decoder ring, the fuck

what fucking country do you live in where you "buy" your security clearance???
that's utter nonsense.

> less then 1% of people have TS.
also utter nonsense.

I will be the boss of all those sand niggers

I do not have it today of course, I would had have a position in the military to continue to have it

>about to start DeVry
>$65k bill
>taxpayers gonna pay it all
>plus my living expenses
>plus I'm already getting $1.8k for doing nothing
Life is good.

No, your boss will be their boss. That's if you're lucky. If you're unlucky, all their spaghetti code with become your fault.


No degree, making 130k in IT. Feeling just fine.

>How does it feel for you guys not having an degree in IT?

How does it feel being in a slowly declining field?
20 Years ago you could pull $250,000/yr designing fuckin' web pages.

I was teaching myself java and doing pretty well till I got to the chapter on math problems. I don't remember high school math, just addition, subtraction, division and multiplication

Buy law all documents and information systems in Norway has to be done in Norway. After Stat oil tried to out source to India. If they fly Pakistani people to Norway to do the job, they will have to pay them the same as us.

hvor gammel er du?
var utdannelsen vanskelig?

skal nok begynne på universitet om ett par år, må ta påbygg og kanskje fullfore fagbrev innen dataelektroniker forst..

fuck ligger så langt etter alle andre pga flere år med drugs og latskap -.-

Posts image with C++

"Degree in IT"

"Done with my engineering degree this summer"

So OP which is it? You a Progranmer, IT, or a Engineer?

But if true, I'm emigrating to Norway. I like the cold, I drink like a fish, and I can speak Norwegian, orgie borgie bork bork bork.

er 26, festet og jobbet på butikk i 3 år for jeg begynnte på studie

Vet ikke hvor gammel du er men tror ikke du ligger så etter, var absolutt ikke elst på mitt studie

And? I'm getting paid to go to school, why the fuck not sit on my ass at home and do it online?

My brother has a bachelors in computer science from Uni. He works at the same job as other workmates who did a 2 year course at a college.
So he wasted thousands getting a degree.

I took cybernetics masters degree at NTNU. It is one of many engineering degrees you can take.


It is true, just check up the scandal about statoil and "Helse ost". After that they passed the law about it

Do I have to learn Norwegian if I only have to talk to computers?


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Nah, not really, if you are from a developed country you don't. Everyone speaks English anyways. But over the years we've gotten super strict laws about people coming form Asia and africa

er 23, skal ta påbygg frem til skoleåret 2019 begynner forhåpentligvis på uni da.. men faen ligger langt bak pluss jeg har ikke fullfort fagbrev, men veta faen om det er noen vits iogmed jeg skal ta hogskole

Heard Norway is really expensive. What's a 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment run?

I payed 3,2 million nok for my apartement in Oslo it is 66 m^2

Forever Alone Virgin, The Thread.

hvem faen bryr seg hvor langt du er kommet? herregud, hvis du vil begynne på univeristetet så gjor det, hvis du ikke vil det ikke gjor det. hvorfor bryr du deg hvor langt bak du er andre?

$400K for 700 sq ft? I hope you're having a laugh.

Yes, he is making over 100k a year and got a good degree from uni, he must be a loser?

bryr meg egentlig ikke, bare svir litt :p

men ye jeg er enig

That is what it Costs in oslo, I've rented it out and been able to pay down my morgage while I was living in Trondheim, so not really sad about it

Gjor det egentlig det? vi tar vel alle valg i livet, jeg kunne startet på skolen når jeg var 18 og ferdig på VGS, tapte sikkert 3 mill på og ikke starte med en gang, men jeg hadde det kult med venner, som jeg mest sansynligvis aldri kommer til og ha det igjen. Vil jeg tilbake til det? nei, men er jeg glad for at jeg hadde et annet liv enn skole og jobb en gang ja...

I'm less impressed by the salary in the OP now. You can make half that an live like a king in Texas.

og jenter liker litt bad boys som har blitt snille, så ikke tenk på det

I did 3 years of community college and make more than that as an industrial electrician at a nuclear power plant. so uh... feels pretty good.

Nice, that is simply amazing that your country pays that well

print ("python is better than c++")

Hvis jeg hadde ett sånt liv så hadde det jo ikke svidd like mye, jeg har liksom kasta bort 5år på weed og vidya mens jeg var en loner. Festa og hadde det kult frem til andre året vgs, da ble jeg loner. slutta for 5 måneder sider og nå er fokus karrier fitness hobbyer venner og damer. Bare svir at jeg har kasta bort så mange år og nå er jeg ligger jeg bak med utdanning også, men må bare gjore det beste ut av det.

En siste gang, hvem bryr seg? Er du etter hvem da? Han som ble ferdig med vidregående som 15 åring? eller han som aldri ble noe mer enn en butikk ansatt.... tror du det er et kaplop om og vinne noe hvis du er ferdig fort? Hva vinner man? mer ansvar? lol

Driter i hva andre synes, og ja, nobody gives a fuck. Men jeg bryr meg, selv om jeg egentlig bare burde gi faen og gjore det beste ut av det, men det er vanskelig å bare gi faen og glemme alle feil man har gjort

Men hvorfor gidder du? hvorfor tenker du ikke på hva du skal gjore i morgen anderledes? hvorfor tenke på det som har skjedd?

Gjort noen jævelige ting i livet som jeg aldri burde gjort, men faen heller, det har skjedd, tenk på hva som skjer i morgen, og hvor mye bedre du er da

but r u happy

i left chemical engineering 100k for a job i love 80k

Fucking fantastic. With my time studuing investing instead of going to college i can now just hire a code monkey and go on about my day

Grats user! Fuck college. And i took a cisco class.

>reading a vcr manual 8 hours a day.

No thanks

I got my degree in Mathematics and Computer Science in 1998. I'm comfy, I don't care.

Prover mitt beste å bare glemme og se fremover, men det er vanskelig. Jeg er en vinner, i alt jeg gjor vil jeg vinne, jeg vil vinne livet også, men opptil nå har jeg tapt så mye at det plager vette av meg til tider.

Tenker jo såklart på morgendagen. Har kommet en godt stykke siden jeg slutta å royke.

Yep, prover på det.

You sad, gullible, pathetic little man. It's almost too easy.

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because i'd rather not stare at a fucking screen all day and turn into a fat, impotent pile of shit by 30?

>be me
>want to web design
>take flash classes
>take html classes
>no need for html or me now that grandpa can make a basic site
>flash is kill.

...just kill me now

how tf do i pick up coding?

user how where the fuck do i get a eobot vacumn board to make my rc lawn mower autonomous.

I just want to make hentai games

Hows life above layer 4 then?

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no degree.. have been coding professionally for over 20 years.. a degree is a waste of time.. the shit you learn there is outdated when you are ready.. not to mention the useless basic like how to create a compiler or solve logic math..

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I don't have an IT degree, but I do have a biotechnology degree already and will be finishing up my computer engineering degree by the end of summer as well

how did u learn?

do you know how to read and write?
do you know math?
do you know how to search for things on google?

Oh, so you're a newb in the industry.


all self taught.. started to code when I was like 10 or so.. now I am 38. A degree is not required for coding when you have the passion. :)

Can I get that much money without cs50?


I believe you bruv afterall, this is the chan.

How does it feel knowing you spent years of your life and thousands of dollars on a piece of paper that you can get hired without?

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for someone starting out in their 20's that wants a job sooner than later and didn't start out while their were in middle school, HR people are morons and when they see a degree on a resume they think more credible because they usually don't any know better. Granted 20 years of experience would supersede that but a how year degree plus paid internships are still a good way to get hired if you don't have the 20 years of experience under your belt.

>no degree.
But that's why you are just coding for over 20 years. Others with complex IT education would have move higher in development process.
Don't tell degree is waste of time, it is not true.

A degree is not required for a career in IT, what is however are Certificates of Competence. These are not cheap, as in, ridiculously expensive.

Something like the CompTIA+ +A will cost you somewhere around 5000 USD, keep in mind that this is a ENTRY LEVEL certificate

>20 years of experience
Sounds like a boomer fag crying again about how nobody wants to hire Americans anymore and to bring back factory jobs. If you want it, get a degree faggot; else fuck off in a nursing home when you're 80 and freshly retired.

that's basically how you code, half of the time I'm just googling api's

like this

I'm saying for most people a degree in a good way to start out to the other person who said that they have 20 years of experience, you are basically calling me out to agree with me.

Degree is definitely a waste of time if you're content earning less than ~180k (adjusted for cost of living). If you want more than that, you generally need to at least be in lower management, and that's where the glass ceiling for no degree really gets thick.

Anyone aspiring to do basically anything in IT/software dev/appsec/pentesting/QA/whatever, skip the degree. 4 years of full time paid experience as even a junior sysadmin looks better than a bachelor's degree and no experience. The neat part is that in 4 years you can easily go from junior sysadmin to sysadmin to engineer to senior engineer if you already know what you're doing and just lack the on-paper experience.

>that's why you are just coding for over 20 years

NTNU suger og du lyver om lonnen din.


I work in IT in NYC and there is no way your green no experience ass is getting 100k for Dev or sys engineer

Senior guys make that much

Nice try though

Unless daddy got you the job

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Degree in IT is a meme. Literally anyone with good and up IQ can learn programming and live like you do... without the degree.

What are you, level 1 helpdesk? Even analyst-level positions with companies that only pay about average should easily be making 100k with NYC cost of living.

>mfw finishing my IT bachelor's
>mfw feel like Im mediocre at many different IT fields, but not relatively good at any specific one (because that's just how our uni decided to teach us)
>mfw I feel like im going to be homeless or get a really shitty job, even after the years of struggle to get the degree.

NTNU tror jeg er den beste skolen i norge innnen IT, er ikke OP men har to kompiser som begge begynnte med 700-800 k med master innen IT master fra NTNU

>just graduated
>thinks he's an IT pro

fuck off faggot, you're just yet another inexperienced turd that needs training

what should i do if i get out of high school in 1 year but dont wanna go to college? also wanna work in IT


I am a sys admin, root access and I got 80 w stock and I have 8 years of experience behind it

To get over 100k requires you to be senior Dev, network or sys engineer with onsite experience and it is competive

Helpdesk is about 50-60 and so it 2nd level unless you have the experience then you can get 80-90 for mixed tech 2/3 ops jobs. Senior you can break 100k but you will have to be in a big shop

>NTNU tror jeg er den beste skolen i norge innnen IT
Feil. NTNU utdanner bra sivilingeniorer, men IT og datateknologi er de ganske gjennomsnittlige på.

>men har to kompiser som begge begynnte med 700-800 k med master innen IT master fra NTNU
Neppe. Det ville puttet dem over 90ende percentilen i folge Teknas lonnsstatistikk.

Så enten juger de så det renner av dem, eller så er de eksepsjonelt heldige.

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OP does not live in shitty usa, he lives in Europa where the wages are much higher you dumb faggot