Well after months of trying to get my girl pregnant, we finally went to the doctors and I’m infertile...

Well after months of trying to get my girl pregnant, we finally went to the doctors and I’m infertile. I can’t even look at her. We don’t want to adopt and we’ve been planning for a baby for years. What the fuck do I do now?

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Enjoy life?
Kids are overrated.

Low quality bait. You are not fooling anyone with your beta cuck shit.

depends on how much you want a kid you could adopt or your wife could get an artificial insemination

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Become rich and leave her. Fuck women every day, become super successful and die a hero.

I'm fertile and doing it. By the way, what is the source of your infertility or is it idiopathic? I'm just curious.

For four billion years, your gene line went uninterrupted, from the simplest single cell organisms, through the bugs or the dinosaurs, through the first humans, slowly going from caves to huts, from huts to villages, from villages to cities, rapidly surviving what the surroundings had to throw at it - plagues, famines, it survived times of peace and times of war, it survived everything.

But you? You had to fuck up.

It ends with you.

they can make sperm from skin cells

or perhaps nature doesn't intend to have you around anymore

Accept the fact. Let your wife leave, if she so desires, but she's not the right one for you if she leaves.

Do you have a brother? Maybe he'll fuck her for you

you pay for sperm at a sperm bank like a person with a brain would do in your situation.

give his sperm to you *ftfy

a lot of couple actually work that out and live happily without a kid
but if it is deal breaker for her, you just gotta let go
how are you holding up knowing u can't have children of your own though?

Some gonadal disorder.

Happened to me too, bro. Just remember that even if you did have kids, there's no guarantee that they're not little shits or handicapped that will burden you for the rest of your life. Got nieces and nephews that are ok? Spoil the shit out of them to bribe them into caring for you when you're old. After a while, you're going to see it's not that bad... able to eat out on a whim mid- week, vacation in the non peak seasons, etc. Keep that chin up.

that's what you get for trying to fuck a coconut AMIRITE???

Haha, faggot.

Why is it that you don't want to adopt? It's helping out a child that's in a meh-to-shit situation and also achieving your goal in this case

Member FDIC.

ouch.. well done

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We don’t be want to adopt a child that wasn’t good enough for their own parents. What makes you think it’ll be good enough for us?

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Deposit_Insurance_Corporation the fuck?

what's wrong with your balls? did you inadvertantly sterilize yourself somehow?

clearly he twisted em up a few times

Theyre thrown away because the parents cant take care of them, not because the kids arent good enough. Trust me, youre better off, taking care of a kid is hard work and if you think it'll be any better because it came from your testicles you were in for a world of hurt anyways

Stop wasting her life and let her go so she wont have to sneak around and lie just to be with someone who can give her what she needs

Rough man, rough.

Following your own logic your are not good enough to have your own child. The problem solved itself... :/

I 'member FDIC


Good shit

and you are not good enough to have your own kid, swing and round about mate

There's probably ways to squeeze out some sperm out of you and then artificially inseminate your wife, if you've got the money for it

apart from that there's really no issues with adoption

You charter member NAACP.

oh yes I member NAACP ty now I'm filled in

natural selection is a bitch, ain't it?

Sounds like this guy stood too close to the microwave waiting for his hot pocket to get done.

If you have a brother see if he's willing to sperm donor. Even better if multiple brothers than mix sperm so no one knows for sure who his father, just know kid is almost yours genetically

Go yo a college dorm and root through the dumpster for used condoms.



This is what happens when you adopt an unwanted baby and raise them up to reproduce.

So much for Darwinism.

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What the fuck

how's that news for a real life whut moment user? you were just slapped with the shit happens and nothing is guaranteed in life...regardless of the dreams and platitudes we'd envisioned. Suggest to go tie on a binder, sober up and then face it cock on. Plenty of options await you and your lady....though suggest to cool on parent topic and see if your femanon goes weird to work away from sterile user. your answer will present itself quickly. hope for you that femanon chooses for you regardless.

They could just clone a baby.. not like it cant be done.

kek, this would be a good intro for a movie or something. showing scenes of cell life evolving and over time and human history leading up to ultimate beta male

idiocracy comes close.

you are an idiot for even wanting kids. and you fail to see what opportunity it brings to be infertile.

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if i remember correctly that isn't his kid

dude kids are a waste of money. we're over populated as it is, just travel and enjoy life with your wife or adopt.

kek i was wrong. why do people do this to their kids??? so selfish. i have a few genetic flaws that i would never want to pass on to my kids that aren't even close to his level, fuck man.

Humans have come all this way to be able to fucking modify genes. I get that these people have feelings and emotions and shit, but if we're going to be stupid enough to propagate flawed genetics, we should be stupid enough to fuck with our genetic code to eliminate these genetic disorders completely. Im sure its not fun being deaf and needing a breathing tube and having electronics probed into your brain just so you can hear. Yea, its playing God... but so is keeping alive something that would die without modern medicine.