Why have black guys been dominating the music industry since around 2012...

Why have black guys been dominating the music industry since around 2012, even though they make up like a few percentages of the American population?

With the NFL & NBA we can conclude that it's athletic talent, plus lack of career aspiration with white guys & Hispanics.

That doesn't work for the music industry, so what's going on?

Well...Yeah, black women as well, too.

I'm curious.

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George Soros

People are talented, indie rock is irrelevant, rap is relevant
Rap is mainly a black genre

>rap is relevant
Relevant to what? Relevancy doesn't exist in a vacuum. You need to describe the object it's relevant to.

Gee, I really can't think of a reason

But indie rock is good, while a lot of rap on the radio is I'M A FUCK A WHITE BITCH WHILE HIGH NIGGA

To the music industry, you fucking autist. The music industry is the topic of conversation. It's on your OP. holy shit

Relevant to the music industry, Rap is popular

people like to get fucked up and listen to music. That's why EDM was popular. But EDM is too energetic. The popular drugs now are weed, xanax, and opioids. Trap music is at around 140 bpm, but it's also at half time so it can feel like it's at 70 bpm. Trap rapper are almost exclusively black. There are a lot of other other cultural reasons for it, but the main reason for what genres are popular is definitely the drug/party culture.

There's that word again. Just say faggot. Tell us how you really feel.

This is the other thing

The average person doesn't want to listen to the bullshit that's being peddled.

It's coming from a disproportionate group of select few people, based on factors that doesn't represent the public's interests

this is actually a really good analysis, thank you user.

There's that word relative to what??? autists don't exist in a vacuum, what is the context???


no sweat nig nog

whites don't listen to the radio, they listen to their ipods or spotify/pandora/itunes radio on their phones

The public doesn't want to hear I'M A FUCK A WHITE BITCH, HUH?!?

So I'm wondering who - but from a psychological standpoint - WHY?

It happened in reverse back in the day, when a lot of black music was supressed

Rap is a minimal input, maximum output genre for record labels. They only need to put a small amount of funding in with a higher chance than most genres that it will pay it's costs back when the music is released. On top of which, touring is incredibly cheap as they just need to send the artist with a microphone and the backing tracks and a minimal entourage and they can get a show going.

Yeah, blacks and jews are just naturals for the entertainment business. White people like to see them on stage.

White guilt

see To be perfectly honest, if black ARTISTS were given a platform, as opposed to pseudo-intellectual bitches and painkiller-addicted homosexuals who happen to be black, music would be in much better shape.

There's no free market in music. Just a social agenda to turn women into dykes and men into faggots.

Damn, good point in regards to touring.

Buuuuuut...hmmm, I'd imagine a popular rock act will sell more tickets than a popular rapper

imagine having this image saved on your computer

A lot of minorities are willing to caricaturize themselves to entertain white people for money.


You can thank Mr. Shoah Goldstein

Sure, and that's why you get really big acts doing really big shows, but if you compare artists of comparitive success the rapper will 9 times out of 10 make more money from their show than a band will

>Why have black guys been dominating the music industry since around 2012, even though they make up like a few percentages of the American population?

Ever heard of the Jazz Age? Motown? Disco?

Hip hop is funded by a third party. Popularity or sales has nothing to do with it. They are throwing money into this.