Prove dinosaurs existed without resorting to "archeology" or bones and shit

Prove dinosaurs existed without resorting to "archeology" or bones and shit

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I believe they do and I love dinosaur

If dinosaurs didn't exist how did they film the Jurassic park ?

check m8.

Heres a real battle between a dinosaur and a dragon, equally real without using logic or actually evidence

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some percentage of our DNA is shared with several different species and common ancestors, some of which were dinosaurs

T-rex and triceratops never met.

That movie was fucking boss btw, grew up watching it

then how do you explain the photo? They didn't have photoshop back in dinosaur days you ibelice

The Jews killed dinosaurs.

pic related, it's a picture of a dead dinosaur.

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But they had cameras back in the day of dinosaurs ?


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Prove the stars exist without resorting to "astronomy" or looking at the sky and shit

With a jew

They existed because they still exist. Birds are now officially classified as dinosaurs. The dinosaurs never went extinct - only some of them.

Prove God exists without resorting to "religion" or bibles and shit

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Jurassic Park movie.

Every single culture from Ireland to Japan has the dragon in their mythology and it always looks like a dinosaur

They were in the bible.
You know what's not in the bible?
Walking on the moon and the roundness of earth.

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Roundness of the Earth is in the Bible.

Isaiah 40:22

I went for a holiday in Broome, Australia and saw 130 million year old fossilized dinosaur footprints with my own eyes

>someone digs hole in weird shape
>tells you its a foot and it's 130 million years old
>believe it because you're a gullible piece of shit

Dinosaurs weren't in the Bible.

That's like asking me to prove Mark Twain wrote HuckFin without resorting to anything about Mark Twain or books and shit.

prove stephen king is an author without resorting to "the books he wrote" or wikipedia and shit

reverse engineering on chickens that grow teeth within their beaks and tail like structures

No, circle of earth. Circle. Disc. Not sphere.

>be you
>be a faggot


Yes they were because birds are in the Bible.

If people believed in flat Earth, why is it a disc?

Why not a plank? Or amorphous?

Birds aren't dinosaurs just as you aren't your parents.

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Crocodiles were in the bible though

Because the bible said so.

The Earth was originally round. It was the giant lizards walking on it for 70 million years that finally flattened it into the shape we know today.

Proves both dinosaurs and flat earth.

Do NOT say that word again!
