Now, I remember that there were some people advocating arming teachers in schools...

Now, I remember that there were some people advocating arming teachers in schools, which sounds like a liability to me that could potentially cause more problems than it solves. But why don't these schools just invest in a quick response security/police team on site that could stop it before it gets very far? There would still be some casualties obviously as they wouldn't be able to predict and stop a shooting entirely before it happens but then again neither could armed teachers. Why waste money giving basic training and arming teachers when you can have professionals on site that do security for a living and already know how to use guns effectively?

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Hello everyone I have hijacked this thread in the name of equality. Please email Marvel Comics and tell them that Wonder Woman should be changed to a black woman because it is not fair that there are no People of Color in the Amazon. In the real Amazon Jungle they are all PoC. This is white washing. White people have too much already they don't need this too. This is cultural appropriation and must be stopped.

Note: I know this would probably be expensive as hell but it seems better than giving the shooter free reign until the regular police show up

I think that we should arm the students.

A class full of 8 year olds with Hello Kitty AR15s aimed at you will definitely make you think twice about shooting the place up

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the highschool i went to had its own police force. around 25 officers only 15 or so carried a 9mm. others had tazer, stun gun, mace. they shut shit down real fast, i dont agree with arming teachers, but i do agree with school based police forces.

Cause government controlled guys with guns. No deal.

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Arming the teachers may a potentially CAUSE a school shooting by either a student stealing a teacher's gun somehow or the teacher could be mentally unstable themselves. Security should be left to people who actually have security training, not some teacher who barely knows how to aim and fire the thing even if they take a training course they probably still won't match up to someone who knows what they're doing with guns

There are already government controlled guys with guns so that is a moot point honestly

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This was nearly a decade ago but my high school had several cops on site, where the hell are these guys when the shit hits the fan in these shootings?

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lol the cops there overreacted to littering. im sure theyd hide had someone shot up the school anyways.

Honestly I think all this talk about school shootings is fanning the flames and inspiring other people to do it, publicizing these shootings and making the shooters famous is going to cause people to do it themselves to gain attention

Yeah that's probably true, they'd make an excuse like "We have to wait for the police backup to arrive, it's too risky to intervene without backup"

That'd probably do a hell of a lot more than regulating violent videogames, trying to use videogame violence as a scapegoat is fucking ridiculous and yet some people believe it.

Usually these people know fuck-all about videogames to begin with. Fuck, Trump didn't even know the ESRB existed

hah, i rember when all us in athletics went at it. Football cunts were "offseason" training while us in baseball were already using weight room. My coach back hands football coach for saying we wouldnt even win state so fuck off. Ofcourse we do pussy move seperate the two, some fatbody offense lineman spits on my throwing partner. We get into it, soon 50+ of us fucks are just throwing punches at one another. 10 plus security officers wait outside door because "we thought we saw knifes pulled"

reminds me of pic related

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son of a cunt that is priceless but sad lol

If anything, shouldn't them seeing knives pulled encourage them going in to break it up quicker? That's honestly pretty cowardly that they are willing to let the people they're supposed to "Serve and protect" get stabbed because they think it's too dangerous to intervene

Theyre just like 90% of police, not willing to obey their oath. Brawl died down about 10 minutes after it started. Nobody got in trouble since it would be around 50 suspensions and our team was still in playoff contentions

It sort of disturbs me with the amount of impunity American cops have. They almost always get away with excessive force and when they do get caught what is their punishment? Paid leave until the investigations are concluded, that;s right, we murder someone and go to prison, a cop murders someone and he gets a fucking vacation.
The investigators usually exonerate them regardless of the circumstances unless there's objective proof otherwise like when that cop was filmed shooting a guy 9 times in the back while he was running away and planted a taser on him. If there was only eyewitness accounts he would probably have gotten off scott free

Well to be honest it's kind of odd that teachers didn't have the option to be armed to begin with. Armed guards really are not as a bad idea. People like to mock it but if something happened they'd call an armed guard anyway. Not that just throwing one guy with a pistol there might really do much though. I know some teachers out of school, I've had someone ask me before about them being armed. 110 pounds maybe soaking wet. Should they have one? I'm on the fence but leaning toward yes. I don't see them running around playing rambo. If they got cornered or something there is no reason why they should have to cower and hope a threat passes if it gets into a room with them and they're cornered there isn't really a good reason why they shouldn't be able to hit back just as hard. Assuming they don't just throw their gun in a desk and leave it there and it doesn't get in the way of their regular duties.
Bull shit your career would get fucked up if the kid trying to stab you got hurt trying to get the knife away from them. You'd get sued. People would hear some yellow journalism headline click bait article about a kid getting shot. even if he stabbed a room full of people trying to get out the only exit he's blocking.

this is why shows like live pd are great. We just need a national database or website of bodycam feed this way everyone can see what they did instantly not months after

No way, cops in the US are infamous for getting away with excessive force and unnecessary use of lethal force. They can -and have- gotten away with killing a man on camera even though he was surrendering,

Exactly, they should have body-cams on at all times while on duty, and if they complain about privacy we can turn around one of their favorite phrases "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear". Average citizens have the 4th amendment to protect their privacy making that mentality bullshit when applied to us, but cops are supposed to uphold the law and should be set to a higher standard not a lower one. Why should they be afraid that they're being monitored while on duty?

>excessive force and unnecessary use of lethal force.
I don't want to talk about that because you're going to say any use of it is excessive and unnecessary. These conversations are like a revolving door of people just saying the same shit as they did before to the last person. Surrendering is a negotiation. It's not a done deal. It's not some little thing "oh hey I'm giving up" If you give them any doubts or excuses it can easily snowball into a misunderstanding. I've surrendered a few times. I go out of my way to be as non threatening as possible. Don't make moves unless they tell you to, inform them of the move you're making before you do it, don't do it suddenly to give them cause for alarm. There is an automatic assumption you're concerned for your safety and doing things oddly like that means you're ignoring your own safety on purpose or you have some mental problems and are irrational and can't be dealt with as a normal regular person. That gives them reason to be more cautious about their own safety. Behave in a way that you're conscientiousness about their safety before their put into a spot of having to do it themselves and it'll probably work out. In my opinion their safety isn't any less than mine, and you kind of have to keep in mind that just being a police officer puts them at more risk. Lots of people hate cops and would take a cheap shot at them if they think they're distracted or not paying attention. If your giving up, you're putting yourself in their custody, you're already putting a lot of faith in them doing something if you do anything to make them doubt it's going correctly don't be surprised if it doesn't go correctly. If you have complaints about how they do things, complaining to them isn't going to help your situation. There is a time and place for things and if you're going into custody trying to have a talk about their procedures about it when they're trying to do them isn't a good time for that. Before or after. Not during.

Yes, so? The police shouldn't be government sponsored and it shouldn't be replacing citizens right to self-defence which it eventually will.

They essentially already have replaced citizen self defense for most people. Also the police should be government sponsored, privatizing the police would be a huge mistake. Once you place something so vital in the hands of people solely concerned with profit you're giving them free reign to do all sorts of shady shit. Just look at the privatized prison-industrial complex in the US who lobby for stricter sentencing so they can make more money. Their bottom line is based on the amount of prisoners in the in prison so the more criminals the more profit

Stopped reading at "we dummy citizens can't do anything ourself so let's give our power to the state durr".

Even if there was a cop on every street corner in the world it couldn't replace a persons ability or right to self defense.
Also private police sounds spotty as fuck. I have no problem with going into custody with state or feds. If it's just some random private security I'd think they're just trying to get people into their rape/torture/murder dungeon.

You realize that it is literally impossible to have a populous and cohesive human society without some form of law enforcement right? Citizen self defense wouldn't work on a large scale maybe if humans still lived in populations of less than 100-150 it would work but we don't so it doesn't, Also I'm not advocating the government disarming citizens completely or anything like that.

I'm not saying it's something that could happen soon but it should happen which is why I say "should" I know it isn't realistic yet.

I also didn't say there should be no law enforcement. It just shouldn't be government controlled or be involved in everything.

> If it's just some random private security I'd think they're just trying to get people into their rape/torture/murder dungeon.
Wow, you went full retard.

maybe when the Apocalypse comes and the last humans have to live in fortified enclaves to survive but if your population is large it will lead to complete chaos
You didn't read my post all the way through because I addressed the perils of privatizing such a vital service. Of the few things more corrupt than the police are private corporations that value money over everything else

Are you "ED" from pulp fiction?

The police where given stand down orders. There is scanners of them being told to go to the football field instead of the school. THEY WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN OP. They want to take our rights away a little at a time.