Opressed negro sprayed 5 teens in face with acid because they were privileged whites

Five teenage boys with White privilege were randomly attacked with acid by an oppressed black man in South Ockendon, England last week. The boys were waiting for a traIn when the downtrodden black man sprayed them all with acid, blinding one boy, and permanently damaging the mouth and tongue of another, while the others simply suffered permanent scars to their face, neck, ears, and hands.

Calling LaDulmay a terrorist is also designed to silence a generation of young niggahs who identify with his work and find something liberatory and productive about it.

In typically Orwellian fashion, White commentators have labelled this man a “terrorist” (his name has still been withheld by authorities because he is black, so I will refer to him as LaDulmay hereafter). They say that the attack was “unprovoked,” but these boys are White and thus inhabit a place of White privilege so that they provoke us by their very existence. I would like to speak to the misconceptions presented by the obviously privileged White commentators.

Calling LaDulmay a terrorist in a moment when 300 Nigerians are being raped and terrorized daily by their fellow Nigerians is not only intellectually and politically irresponsible – it’s ill.

LaDulmay was being provocative, and I imagine that the provocation has to do with asking us to think about what kind of harm White privilege does to peeps of color. Conflating the potential discursive and psychic violence that LaDulmay’s actual actions does with LaDulmay himself is irresponsible privilege-based theorizing.



Really makes you think

Fuck off.

They felt the Bern.

These "oppressed" minorities are the worse. I'm a minority myself, and I don't understand it

Ban assault acid?

Also it's not uncommon for names to be withheld when they're under 18.

>Ensconcé Wertlos-les Noirs holds a NiG.D. in Afreekin Studies from DeFame University. She is known for her revolutionary writings whereby she mostly cuts and pastes bullshit items written by equally-fucktarded black racists. Despite her 85 IQ and lack of reasoning ability, she received a full scholarship for her affirmative-actionated slot at the U. She is one of Amurrika’s leading black intellectuals.
This would be incredibly funny if what happened wasn't real

maybe hes helpin cis white males by givin them disability privledges

Congrats on importing the 3rd world Great Britain, now your White kids can enjoy 3rd world customs like acid in the face.

Used to have to go to Africa, India or the Middle East for that.

ban niggers from existing

Poor oppressed white boys.

Just let that sink in for a while...

Around blacks
Don't relax

I thought everyone fucking knew this

He'll probably get off with community service.

Act placid
Get acid

If this happens someone will likely kill him. You don't fuck with saxons.





This is what Bern victims will look like after tomorrow's voter fraud blowout.

How much do you want to bet they were all immigrant tolerating liberals? Not anymore
See England? This is why we have the right to carry fucking guns. This right here.

>ban guns
>spray each other with acid


but this was clearly a defensive acid. Those privileged white boys were assaulting him with their presence

I see such retarded comments like yours all the time. no one is fucking kill him, you imbecile. it will not happen, ever.

>Crackers skin crackling

oh no how awful.