I am borderline suicidal at the moment

I am borderline suicidal at the moment.
Either encourage me to do it or give words of support. I'm in such an emotional shithole I don't even care what it'll be.

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what's bothering you, user?

Why do you want to an hero?

Killing yourself is dumb because you will die eventually anyway. Engage in hedonism and fuck everybody - literally, figuratively or both.

I am lonely today, we can hang out and go for a beer, Katowice, Poland. What say you user?

>too poor to travel elsewhere

You got dubs you lucky cunt.

Tell us what’s up

Suicide is for faggots.

I don't know anything about you so i can't help you.

>this is temporary, emotions pass
>killing yourself is the most selfish thing you can do
>the people you leave behind will be sad but they'll be angry at you too (from personal experience)

Ultimately this is your business. You wanna do it, do it. Just for the love of god do it somewhere where your family won't be the ones to discover your body.

Let them hear it from someone else.

My parents are dead, all my friends either dead or far, far away, I work 12 hours a day on a shitty job and I cannot quit it because I won't be allowed to stay in the country if I don't have a job. I can't get another job because nobody will bother hiring a foreighner and PAY to the state for a right to employ me. I can only return to a city when I can be randomly hit by shelling.
That's my major concerns at the moment.

Has it been a week yet? Are you gonna livestream?

Dude if you an hero the rest of Sup Forums will KEK at you. The muzzie that an hero two days ago is a laughing stock. Go get a job.

Just go fuck an ok looking hooker OP when you are feeling blue

What country are you in and what country are you from OP, and what’s the job?

Woah... where are you user...?

I have a job. I'd rather be a meme on Sup Forums and be know as the faggot who actually did it, absolute madman.

Dude, don't kill yourself, it's the most stupid thing you could do. Instead, you can tell yourself that tomorrow is another day, a new bunch of opportunities coming to you etc... Go outside, meet people, get interested in stuff and enjoy life.
Good luck mate. Have a good day.

What is keeping you from packing your bags and just going away from the situation thats making you feel bad? I've been in your (emotional) place too, and once i came to the realisation that one has actually the power to go away, to make an active choice everything that bothered me fell off from me. Life is just a great opportunity to enjoy

Hope that helps

Russia, which on itself is a reason to consider becoming an hero.

where you from bro?

How old are you Sup Forumsro?

Sounds nice for me.

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Well thaat's stupid since you won't know that if you're dead.

As for where I'm from, it really depends on who you ask. Some unrecognized warzone state.

Are you in Russia? Are you from Russia as well?

Dude dont kill yourself, you will get killed by life either way.

In Russia, but not from Russia. There are worse places.

Ok well fuck bro just make some new friends. Friends with any of your workmates?

>How old are you Sup Forumsro?
In my early 20's

Then leave. Just sell your shit, pack it shit and leave. It sounds like you don't really have anything of value you to you. What's the point if you're unhappy? Its not magically going to change.

>Ok well fuck bro just make some new friends
I tried. Didn't work. Nobody has time for me or willing to deal with my bullshit.

Kek just go to europe and say you're somali and get gibs

Dont do it

>It sounds like you don't really have anything of value you to you
Opportunity to earn more than 100$ a month and not worrying about not waking up because of shelling sounds appealing enough.

>say you're somali and get gibs
I'm too white to get refuge and free shit.

stop being an attention whore, if your life is that shitty and worthless kill yourself and get over it.

Dont try amd emotionally blackmail people. Seek professional help. It sounds like you could use it. You can improve your situation but you need to make a real effprt not just post on here.

His friends and family are dead. He's fair game. Make sure no one you love finds your body if you do it.

That's exactly what I needed to hear, thanks.

So livestream link?

>Seek professional help
Sound advice, but I need my money for food.

Well, thank you all, at least I had some human interaction. I have enough motivation now to go for a walk and MAYBE get some food and not just lie down and stare at the ceiling, like I did for the past two days.

get some vitamin D, I don't mean dick i literally mean vitamin D. If you sleep alot during the day you might be depressed due to a lack of that.


Don’t unload your shit onto them, just go out for a drink or something.

Here’s a life tip: Never reveal to acquaintances they you are feeling low. They don’t care.

Why not just ask some girls who work at shops out at random then? Girl like that, the man being brash enough to ask out a stranger

I agree a bit with the vitamin D

maybe get some supplements. heck, sit in the sun and get a tan if you can't afford them.

have a cute doggo to cheer you up.

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Hey user, life is pretty shitty, it sucks in a lot of places, it seems you've lived in a Warzone and the place you live in now is better but you're finding it hard to stay sane, this sounds gay but if it's not too dangerous around the area, go for a walk, would be good for you to walk around in the nature and just sit and don't think, chill out somewhere, maybe go to the public library if there is one an pick up a book, maybe try writing something, sing to yourself even if you're bad at it, who cares. But user, if you do want to leave your body behind, could you write me a book before you do it, I'd be interested in hearing about your life, from an user

Well op if you have been fortunate enough to survive the death of your parents and friends and shit you are meant to carry on.

Do push ups daily and aim to increase them next week. Take vitamin D, talk to people as much as you can even about banal shit. Buy yourself a treat on your day off.

Best of luck

Good guy user