Sexy backs

Sexy backs.

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im into this


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She may have been 16 in this photo. She jokingly calls this her porn pic

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Did she drop the dress and give you a view

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bringing it

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dayyym. you beat me to it Sup Forumsro

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Aww too bad. My HS gf (15) did a similar thing, trying on prom dresses, had me come in and untie the dress. She let it slip a bit low and revealed her perfect tits to me for the first time. She was like 'well now you've seen them, so i what do you think'. She turned around lowering the dress and let me touch them. I played with those tits quite a bit that night.

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never went to prom, never had a real gf. when I was in FEMA Corps I was medicated (SSRI, and benzodiazipine )

and I actually got to sleep around with a few people. Now I'm not medicated and I'm back to my loner ways. I think about suicide daily, but life is alright so no need to die yet.

"now im not medicated and back to my loner ways" - Did the SSRI's and the benzodiazipines make you not so much of a loner?

We're posting sexy backs! Yeah!
Nothin' here but some sexy backs! Yeah!
No cringe no gore no blacked! Yeah!
Don't forget to show your cats!
Cos it is actually caturday bitches.

correct. I actually felt comfortable around people. I usually overthink everything around me x1000. I worry about every little detail—especially whether whatever I'm doing right now is the right thing in a social setting. I'm completely uncomfortable around people.

So post some my sexy backs! Yeah!
You hypochondriac! Yeah!
Don't worry how to act! Yeah!
Just post some sexy backs! OK.

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do you think the benzos helped you with that the most or the SSRI's? Asking because I have the same issue as you lol

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don't know why but I love girls shoulder blades

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it was probably the benzos that helped the most, but both together were great

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