No president has ever received as much undeserved hate and criticism as President Trump...

No president has ever received as much undeserved hate and criticism as President Trump. Conservatives are the most persecuted and discriminated people in the world because everyone else always belittles and uses force against us whenever we belittle and use force against everyone else, its not fair and I'm mad as hell about all of them not respecting my opinions and thoughts about how their opinions and thoughts are garbage. Notice how white people are the only people who have ever been subjected to white genocide.

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No president has ever publicly called somewhere a "shit hole"

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Pic not related I take it

Trump deserves the hate. More than Nixon.

We must construct Reeducation Camps for the trumpsters. They are a clear and present danger to the country.

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You can't say that as a fact.

That's racist towards everyone who has the opinion that Trump is a pretty cool guy, all you liberals need to go to concentration camps for how you all have treated conservatives all through out American history.

but africa is a shithole tho

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So are large portions of the American South and Midwest.

At least Dick Nixon had some scruples.

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I'm not American but I hate you fucking liberals so much.
>he will not divide us
And he didn't. It's you who decided to insult/attack anyone who is pro-Trump.

Notice he didn't call India a shithole?

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The key word there is publicly so yes, he can

It wasn't [publicly it was behind closed doors.

>hasbara troll detected

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aaaaaand california. especially california

If you are still pro trump you’re an idiot or a troll still supporting a meme president. Fuck liberals but Trump is the worst

OP here, you are preaching to the choir.

I hate how liberals always attack conservatives like me and say hurtful things just because I believe that hitler did nothing wrong or how slavery was a good thing. Liberals are the real villains here.

>Notice how white people are the only people who have ever been subjected to white genocide."

okay numbskull.
A) Not like brown people can be subjected to white genocide
B) Lower fertility rates arent genocide you massive fucking idiot.
C) This shit proves it. Much as conservatives accuse liberals of being snowflakes (rightly) they arent any better. "Most persecuted people in the world" omg you are fucking retarded you know that? Not only are you a pussy snowflake but also fucking retarded. Congrats op.

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>wasnt actually in public
>no video evidence of him saying it
>implying even if he did say that it magically makes him less able to be president
Sure kid.

It got out to the public and was even corrected to “shithouse”
Doesn’t matter. If any other president had such a blatant scandal with a porn star we would be talking impeachment but for some reason all you cucks love that orange dick

just saying Obama after looking for someone to blame was a popular joke

Even Bush Jr. got joked about. I think this might just be standard go to material for anyone in media.

Sounds like someone went to San Francisco and couldn't get laid.

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>implying a persons sex life is anyones business
I thought liberals shared this sentiment tbh.

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I assure you, both the son of God and the devil disapprove of two party systems.

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Yeah, it's so unfair that stuff has to get blabbed out in open court.

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>omg did you use the word shithole you bigot you should be impeached
>call the very guy you yelled at for saying shithole a shithole
Yep, it's liberals.

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I can throw stones all day
This administration wants to know what’s in your pants and force you to use a certain shitter. The Vice President wants to electrocute people for what they do in the bedroom. People brought up Hilary’s husbands “bedroom” life to use against her. Fuck that bitch but don’t be a hypocrite pussy

Nice bait.

Kinda sound like one of those 'snowflakes' you guys keep going on about...

I have nothing against conservatism.
The civilized Niall Ferguson right of center kind of conservatism.

American conservatives are literally brain dead tho. They look like something out of Saudi Arabia

Poor troll, the name is clearly visible...

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If obummer called the south a shithole you’d fucks would go off with worse but here you are pretending you’d take the high ground

>Mad at people using their own mistakes/flaws against them, as one rightfully should
Yep, it's conservatives.

You're right OP, it's time us white males rise up against our oppressors! The treatment of our race and God Emperor in the media is literally genocide, worse even than slavery. Where are our reparations???

i mean... it is a shithole

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no one cares, the only purpose these threads serve is for trolls to troll trolls

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Right, but that's all common sense and nonissues. Libs are actually degenerate and you must be degenerate as well if you think any of that was a good argument. Trannies and gays need to go.

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>no u
Not an argument.

If that image is true, he should get Hillary to defend him in court. She's good at getting child rapists free on technicality.

Fuck off bro, dude and his cronies in Congress tried to kill me first by killing health care in this county.

He deserves ALL OF THIS SHIT and more.

>one of the largest economies in the country
>thinking it's as bad as impoverished Rust Belt backwaters populated by illiterate nobodies who don't even merit a handshake
Yeah ok buddy.

Trump is only the worst at public relations. We had much worse presidents policy wise like Regan or Wilson or LBJ. People like you make liberals look bad because you are dumb. Dems always lose on Sup Forums because the dumb reddit bandwagon libs outnumber the smart ones. Republicans like to pretend all dems are dumb they are not. All the self rightous assholes who cant argue and say shit like i dont have to argue because, burden of proof, its obvious, use google, etc. Need to shut the fuck up take a step back and try and see other's perspective if you already decided your right without weighing argument and considering you might be wrong or they might have a pount are truly the dumb ones, and you need to keep an open mind constantly not just once to decide your right.


He already paid her off. The suit was quietly removed from the electronic docket shortly before the election.
Of course, Stormy Daniels is currently working to nullify not just her own NDA but all the other ones as well, on the ground that they run contrary to public policy, so we might just be hearing from Ms Johnson fairly soon.

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Pretty much Christian Saudi Arabia party at this point.

Seeing as how we're paying for it, and we don't want to pay for it anymore...that's fine.

Entitled attitude much?

It's not YOUR healthcare, seeing as how everyone else is paying for it.

Get a job, Faggot.

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So if all non whites decided they didnt want to pay for police, which they mostly dont we should get rid of them? What about social security? Prisons?

do not worry 6 years you will be able to hate somebody else

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B/s,,anons, state your country of residence,as in citizenship

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globaly that means 41 stay same and 15 get better that is 56% approval ... I go for that


but that's mostly thanks to russia, israel and "shitholes".
also, stay the same isn't approval, but apathy.

>SO.o...HE was behind of it..

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>white people are the only people who have ever been subjected to white genocide.
Don't feed the shitbrain.

I have a goddamn job, fucker. But when you have a guy who, publicly and on the record, wants to just drop people off healthcare and "fix it later", then you have a guy who's publicly advocating killing sick people. It's not just the insurance; it's all the stuff the insurance covers, like insulin and shit, that he's trying to deny people.

EVERYONE's healthcare is effected by this, private or public, cause you don't think the insurance companies aren't paying attention? You didn't notice your work premiums going up this January? They're charging more because they know they can GET AWAY WITH IT, not because costs are going up!