How is that Data can't understand humanity, and it's difficult from him to behave like an human...

How is that Data can't understand humanity, and it's difficult from him to behave like an human, while the Enterprise can create holograms with human behaviours who act more human than any android can?

If the Hologram room has such capabilities, why they can't give Data such traits?

Because the holograms have the whole ship( sensors, compute, power etc) to to offload onto. As well they are not processing 24/7 like data is.

I believe Voyager referenced how the EMH are basically holographic neural nets like data to be running all the time.

The Holodeck isn't Strong AI, Data is

It's like asking why the automated phone teller at the bank sounds less human than Larkin_Love_Mommy's_Little_BoyJOI.MP4

>Voyager referenced how the EMH are basically holographic neural nets like data to be running all the time.

Didn't the Doctor at some point in the first or first few episodes beg to be turned off after they had him on too long?

yeah he even had an episode where he lost all his memories for running to long and they grafted another memory net to him. but it didn't stick lazy writers.

I thought that was fixed because he got that evolved/future Borg holographic emitter.

He was designed to be autistic.

That is way later and its not borg its just from the future.

Didn't really fix anything they just pretended the doctor never did lose him memories or got them back off screen.

The EMH doesn't have pre-programmed instructions. On several chapters it has been probed the EMH can improvise and create multiple entities, all with human behaviours.

Well... this can be a cause. But Data can/should be capable of using "the whole ship" to understand the human behaviour too. He only would need to do it once.

He can't tho.

The best way to explain it is Data has a massive CPU, but very little RAM unless the emotion chip is installed. While the ship has lots of both, but they don't program an AI.

this, soong intentionally made data a social retard

The holograms are programmed as facsimiles while Data is actually sentient.

this is quite sad, actually.

He will try his best to be normal, but he is retarded.

At least he didn't program the robot to be gay like Anakin.

Ok, he is retarded.

Second round: how Teleports works?

1) Why the Enterprise can teleports someone from a planet, from anywhere, but personnel needs to be on these platforms in order to be teleported somewhere else?

2) How the Enterprise can automatically detect which person will teleport? Many times during the series, a personnel from Enterprise will only specify the amount of people to be teleported, but not which people. Sometimes they teleport people who doesn't belong to the enterprise.

To further the plot. Data's autism varied between how much they needed it from episode to episode. If they needed it to be a "Data shows the crew what it REALLY means to be human" or if they needed to make some joke about how Data didn't understand something, he was a complete sperg. Other times, if he was just doing inconsequential things, he was pretty normal.

Also, a hologram created by the computing power of an entire ship is different from a fully functioning physical being who can kick everyone's ass and move his hands real fast and shit.

1) They have to be able to scan what they teleport. The transporter pad is where the transporter buffer is. So basically its less bouncing around.

2) com badges and they always step away from crowds when they transport.

THIS is why anything beyond the TOS is silly

I'm not a tech expert, but I do have an opinion on this. Data was designed to be a self-aware, thinking being. The Enterprise holograms are not self-aware, thinking beings, they are programs being run to simulate human interaction.

A hologram simulating an emotionally affectionate response doesn't actually "love" you. Data doesn't want to simulate the emotion "love", Data wants to actually feel what it's like to "love" you.

I know Voyager's Doctor kind of refutes this, but Data's dilemma was created before that addition.

Except the Enterprise creates a self aware thinking hologram based on an off hand comment by Geordi.

I consider that more of a plot hole. I think my point of view is what the creator's of the show were initially striving for.