/r/watchpeopledie is on suicide watch because of a suicide video that apparently makes them look bad

/r/watchpeopledie is on suicide watch because of a suicide video that apparently makes them look bad.

link me pls.

Attached: coom.jpg (760x585, 62K)

it was on the last rekt thread, try searching in an archive

i'm seriously too stupid. can you help me?

I think its this one, not sure though

Attached: 1521339772544.webm (644x360, 1.35M)

back to reddet faggot

why was this such a big deal?

Suicide got a lot of attention, and reddit admins don't want some kid killing themselves specifically for the subreddit to go down in WPD history (bad media coverage). According to the sub's mods people have asked if they could upload their own suicide (or rather have someone else do it) so it is a real possibility

streaming is popular lately, kid kills himself in hd, everybody get a reality check im guessing


What kind of shotgun was that?

Is he okay?

He should have put the camera angle facing down so he would still be in frame


Keltec KSG
He's fine, rooms fucked though

>Is he okay?
wow, the dude who just killed himself in that video has more brain cells than you apparently

he just wanted to be kawaii

Attached: a25dd4a7-3879-4fd8-a15f-1e9a25c9976c.png (1600x1277, 1.26M)

Holy shit fanart

That fucking refocus right before he killed himself really ruined it though. I wish he did another take

Thanks, nice gun. He was nice enough to put up a tarp at least, going to need some drywall work and new flooring most likely. He could have used the bathtub and but the tile work may be the same expense to repair so it's a toss up.

When something is so blatantly obvious it's just trolling.... look at this post for example where he says "I wish he did another take" it's not that the poster really thinks the guy can do another take, it's just our twisted sense of humor.

So now it's been explained to you by someone with less brain cells than the kid who killed himself, so where does that put you on the intelligence scale?

They have dark humor on reddit too, btw, unless you are making the good 'ol "leddit is gae baby shit for 5 year olds" joke for le epic baits (then you kind of won I guess)

Just imagine the incentive fanart would create...

Attached: KingCarl.jpg (259x194, 12K)

Chad level off the charts

Go hang yourself brainlet shitstain

what happen here?

Attached: kachatroom.gif (1904x444, 1.44M)

Kel-Tec KSG meme shotgun