I adopted a baby monkey after I found him on the side of the road next to his mother's lifeless body...

I adopted a baby monkey after I found him on the side of the road next to his mother's lifeless body. The baby didn't know what to do and was sad and crying so I decided to take him with me and help raise him. So I decided to daily post a YouTube video of our baby monkey so everyone can see him. Here's my YouTube channel: youtube.com/channel/UCYm1jZ-9CFQD1inehrhYcIg

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I love binker

thanks man

How old is he?

i think he's around 6 months old

Nice nice

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Free it

ok dumping my binker pics now

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Monkeys are aggressive, violent, and dangerous animals that haven't been domesticated.
You're a fucking idiot for keeping a wild animal.

Piss off PETA fag

but he's a BABY!!!!!!!!!

Shut up asshole faggot fuck


Much wow

Triggered because you know I'm right.

Electrocute its nipples

nah this ain't no Doge thread

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Sick FUCK!!!!!!

u goddamn psycho

Ur a little bitch

That right there indicates the extent of your knowledge of monkeys.

Cum tribute?

you want to come here and take care of him for me then? FUCK YOU! YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY BABY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


jesus christ man

That's what you'll be crying like when it chimps out and lacerates your face.
Might actually improve your looks.

we will release him before he gets that big

Does it fling poo around the house? Also I heard monkeys carry a lot of diseases

no only indians dont know how to poo in loo

monkeys are more evolved

You a bitch ass snitch ass nigga ass cumsucker

wow great comeback

You're welcome to out and the issues, faggot.
Im not going to interfere with an animal that throws literal shit when its upset.
Have fun cleaning feces off the wall.

I know rite?

go fuck yourself you PETA faggot

Go to hell

guys please stop fighting in my thread

let's keep it peaceful

Ok Bink

love u Bink

Make sure you get some paint to cover up those shit stained walls, otherwise, you ain't getting your cleaning deposit back.

1. Feed it to a snake
2. Film the meal.
3. ???
4. Profit

Should of just let it die on the side of the road next to its mother. Dirty ass monkey.

Who's the hairy baby niglet?

Drop it into the garbage disposal while filming it and post the video.

you guys ever talk like that again and i will hunt you down and blow you to hell with my .357 hand cannon

Kill them all Binker!!!!

that is my baby

I'll flush your baby down the razor wires of death

haha sure okay


Pour gasoline on the mangy nigger baby and set it on fire

FUCK YOU I'LL DO IT, I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

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u wanna die bitch


Nigga what the fuck?????

You suck at life.
Why don't you end yours?

u guys are crazy as hell

I'll fucking end you faggot

DO IT FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


be sure to like me on Twitter too gaiz


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Are you talking about black people, you racist fuck.

Good thread

you sick motherfucker

what the fuck ?

I should kill u for that

it's because i am Jesus Christ of Nazareth!


I FUCKING HATE JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Praise be unto Lucifer, the divine Light Bringer and the Dawn of the Morning Sun!!!!

Offer your baby monkey to satan

u sick sonofabitch

>all this samefagging

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Got a death wish, son?

This is now a nigger thread

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hopefully he doesn't rip your face off or gouge one of your eyeballs out someday.

They have retard strength and can't be reasoned with

Seen you post before, happy Binker is doing well

also subscribed to your channel

sick sadistic mental cases beware your karma

i will rip your face off and then send you to hell

Thanks mate

DO IT FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ur insane

I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (eyes bulging)

Not my thing OP but if you're trying to go viral then good luck.
Just don't spam your videos everywhere please.

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i like that pic

Me 2

me 3

Amen brother

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he's the best, love ya Bink

Love u Binker

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How many times are u gonna make this shitty thread?

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fuck u bitch, help make it viral

until i have 1000 subscribers

Go to hell

i subscribed

Me 2

me 3

Me 4