So what happens when Marge Simpsons dies? She is sounding near death

So what happens when Marge Simpsons dies? She is sounding near death

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the day is coming closer where they will be emulate voices with near accuracy with only a few sounds made on behalf of the voice actor thereby being able to continue an animated show indefinitely.

pray that day doesn't arrive while the simpsons is still in syndication.

They replace her with David Spade

Hopefully the show ends. The only reason it gets renewed is because people just leave the TV on while they wait for the show they actually want to watch.

>a-al...*cough*...w-why are you r-recording...*wheeze*...a-all my lines f-firts?

They will hire a voice actress with a similar voice and they'll go on like nothing happened.

ugh. i hope they kill off this damn show already. it's reached its peak in ~S16.

if a main cast member died the suits would probably be craven enough to just replace them with a sound-alike. at that point it would be up to the other cast members if they wanted to have any integrity and walk away or dishonor their dead colleague in exchange for money.

when harry shearer threatened to quit a few years ago they said that they wouldn't retire any of his characters.

Guest starring Jolee Bindo as the guard.

I don't think they would allow that. Every character who's voice actor died is retired. Troy McClure and Edna particularly.

This is bait.

There's like 600 episodes I'm sure there is more than enough voice clips to rummage through to make entirely new dialogue using only old recordings

so ive never watched the simpsons has it always been worse than family guy even?

The original VA in my country is long dead.
Homer's and Flander's VA died too.

>Hopefully the show ends
Way past that point, Simpsons is brand, the Bob Hope of cartoons, you're stuck with it for a fucking century till everyone who cared or knew about it is dead.

>Simpsons is brand, the Bob Hope of cartoons,
I like this analogy a lot desu.

No one cares about shitskin dubs though.

You could kill yourself right now in a crowded place and nobody would care.

I doubt there is a Simpsons character that someone out there can't do a pitch-perfect impression of by now.

Doesn't Homer have a Vegas Wife and a Gay Husband to fall back on?

Triggered, shitskin? Your voice actors are shit and are better off dead.

Please meme harder Mr. 60% americunt.
There's a much higher chance that you're a shitskin.


LMAO, nice one. There's a 0% chance I'm American, Pablo.

Then you must be a poo in loo thinking he's a Britbong. Cheerio my lad because this conversation is rather boring.

Wrong as usual, my shitskin pal. Wrong side of the planet. KEK

Our dirt dusted friend appears to be quite befuddled, user.

you wouldnt be so mad if you werent a curry muncher. doesnt shitskindia have its own board board you can post on?

why does it sound so empty

>You like shopping? Because you just bought yourself two more months! Hehe...

American 'humor'

the guard wasn't also Julie Kavner?


>and with good cause

They should've just killed off Marge when everyone thought a major character was dying, really there's nothing interesting they've done with her and seeing Homer enter the dating world again would be funny.

>Mfw Homer hooks up with Milhouse's mother

>watching the Simpsons past series 10


>Bob Hope

One day, the late 21st century equivalent of Gilbert Gottfried will do hilarious discussions of appalling late Simpsons episodes on a podcast. Can't wait!

Oh, I might be dead by then. Well, this is one thing to keep fit for.