Masturbating to lolicon/shotacon is illegal

Masturbating to lolicon/shotacon is illegal.

Why do you do it?

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It's not

Prove it's illegal.

Ah, the old burden of proof switcharo.

Depends on where you live, but say it's the USA. There's the Miller Test.

illegal or not you're still a pedo.

Attached: lololoolol.gif (500x216, 422K)

Under US Obscenity laws drawn child porn AKA lolicon/shoticon is only legal if it's for artistic or medical purposes

No see she is actually 500 years old
pic related

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And masturbation to an underage child wouldn't be artistic. Medical purposes? I doubt it.

i fucking love 500+ yos
though those above 1000 are even better.

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Obscenity laws.

Think about breaking the law.

Actually bbreaking the law.

Thought police need to be resisted

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Don't do it on the bus, or your front yard moron!

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Thinking about killing somebody ≠ actually killing somebody

Randomly thinking about some weird pedo shit ≠ fapping to weird pedo shit

OP is so full of shit, his eyes are brown!
He's obviously just fishing.

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I'm not saying I agree with the notion. I'm just saying it's the law

So the freedom to do what you want as long as you're not hurting anyone else is officially gone?

Minding your own fucking business went from being a virtue to being a dereliction of civic duty in a fucking hurry, didn't it?

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So if its illegal, as you say. Then even thinking about this while fapping is a crime.
In curious, how exactly are your inner most thoughts presented to a jury of your peers? Or are we doing away whit that as well?

OP flunked out of law school or he's a Demacrat.

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you deserve it, third-worlders

What's the matter OP? so full of shit that you can't reply.

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Tell that to the decore of the Podesta household.

In canada just looking at it for any reason is illegal

If it's drawn from ones imagination, then what or whom determines the age of the subject?

Is there a legal procedure for this. Please explain and or link.

Why is everything liberals think should be illegal, just is?

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Say the user in a nation ruled by Muslims

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but where is it illegal?

Sup Forums blocked from Canadian internet.

Please link story and or article

Its quicker, and easier than actually passing a law the old fashion way!

Its progressive!

Again I don't think it should be illegal. I just heard that it was.

Here's a link to a wikipedia article that explains it along with a few examples of people who got arrested for it

i fucking hate this series

The UK also, despite the police covering up musim gangs that groom young girls.

>> indistinguishable', used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor

So it cant look so real that it could be confused for the real thing.
I wonder how "reasonable person" is defined in the law books?

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Debate fags

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Ordinary person here.

This is child porn. We win!

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Why don't you take a shit?
Because you're full of it.

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I found Waldo!

>americans freak out when they see a loli

So weird...

Dude, you're the one who made the claim it's illegal. Burden of proof is on you.

>be me
>sitting at home drawing
>draw loli
>draw vag on loli
>all of the sudden swat team burt down my door
>thinking quickly, I edit the picture of the loli
> one of the swat oficers pins me to the ground
>officer looks at my screen
>it's not a loli anymore, It's a shortstack
>swat team apologises for what is cleanly no longer a crime
>"no problem, man."