Every white boi dream is to become black man, why so hard to admit it?

every white boi dream is to become black man, why so hard to admit it?

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Why would i want to be a piece of shit?


Obvious bait. But don't think I ever have.

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Whoops my bad.

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Why wouldn't you wanna be a kang with such rich communities like Detroit and interesting dick washer culture?

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>every white boi dream is to become black man, why so hard to admit it?
You wuz KANGZ.

hahahahahaha. Niggers. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

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Lmfao , now this one I can't resist .

If you think ever in a million years think white men want to be black men you are horribly mistaken. Contrary to what this degenerate site would have you believe , the whole worlds hates black people . Always have , always will . You can start websites , gives black guys a shower and cut their hair , put them with white women with nice video filters and video editing , but that will not change the fact that most if not all white women to some degree are repulsed by 99% if black men they come across . There will always been exceptions , there will always be black guys who understand how to harness the tools of modern society and break free of there nigdom, but the facts are the facts . Rich black people want nothing to do with average black folk because they know this all to be true . Blacks call them white washed for getting an education , speaking properly and getting out of the hood because deep down all blacks know there way of life and culture is laughably inferior . There's a reason why they call it white washed though ... because again , deep down every black knows that the only reason they can stand on two feet today , in a modern civilized society , watch BET, buy gold chains and dream up scenarios where White women actually respect them on the level of a white man is only possible because the white man created this society , the white man maintained it (with some "hired" help of course" and the white man will always own it , because even an educated black guy knows , sure they are every bit as capable as a white guy but on the hole , the majority of blacks don't understand society to this level and will always be niggers .

they have amazing ebony cocks though!

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Another white washed brotha

that movie was so hyped up and turned out to be shit
every nigger and self hating white person that doesn't know how to act around black people thinks its so 'ground breaking'
it was dumb as shit

Yes I wish I was a Kang n shieeet

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I thought it was a pretty good movie maybe just because of the hypno scenes, the concept was kind of interesting though

How would this have been received if the races were reversed in this movie?

it was ok, it had a few funny moments

it's not oscar worthy and won't stand the test of time

White men are the inferior race. Slowly losing their women and physically inferior to other races.


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And yet here you are: shit posting in their language using and using their technologies.
You really should kill yourself. At the very least please don't propagate your genetic material to future generations.

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Why do jews insist on releasing such trash as "entertainment?"