The marines have flamethrowers and fuel to last 900 octillion years, after that its handguns and boots.
The fight takes place on an infinite flat field, obviously not in this universe so no black holes and shit. The marines start in 1 group and the ants come from all directions (by foot) untill 1 team is 100% dead.
No death by hunger, dehydration, old age or disease but the marines still need sleep. No reproduction either.

Attached: ants.png (913x477, 414K)

grow up

ikr, math is so childish!

That's not math its faggotry


Go stick a power tower in your ass while you suck on a mersenne twister you cheese faced penis fish.


Is this even a contest?

All I have to say is that Graham's Number is complete bullshit. May as well called it Infinity +1 the number.

then you have two stick stick always win

I'm interested in hearing more, tell me about Graham's Number.

the ants would win, the flamethrowers would break down from use and after that the marines would falls shortly after.

it is a very big number, go look it up, no way can someone actually explain it here.

There are still an infinite number of numbers larger than grahams number and several with their own names, like tree(3) and loaders number.

quints have spoken


>no way can someone actually explain it here
If it's that difficult, I'd like someone to actually try. It could be fun.

well it includes transdimensional cubes and new mathematical notifications that you have never heard of, i could try but it would take longer than what i have motivation for and odds are you would not get it, it has already been explained several times, even Graham himself has explained it in a youtube video.

the ratio of ants to marines is so insane that even with 900 octillion years they wouldn't put a dent in the total ant count.

1 marine killing, say, 100 trillion ants per second for a year would be (100,000,000,000,000 x 31,536,000) = 3.1536 x 10^21

(3.1536 x 10^21) x 10^27 (900 octillion years) = one marine capable of killing 3.1536x10^48 ants before resorting to boots (useless)

10^100 soldiers killing 3.1536x10^48 ants each is 3.1536 x 10^148 ants killed.

No where near enough. Even if you factor the ants killed per second by a trillion to the power of a thousand you're still just goofing around in the 10^100-10,000 range, which is insignificant next to grahams number.

Attached: Shake_11_Lil-Bub.jpg (640x570, 112K)

ok now consider the idea that the marines(in the middle) have an insane amount of time to prepare, what kind of tactics could they come up with considering the resources at hand?

The marines would die of insanity long before they could even kill a 10^-10000000000% of the ants.

figure out how to kill literally 10^10^10^10^10^10 ants per second per marine for roughly a trillion googleplex years

So i guess harness the power of a black hole comprised of all the matter in the known universe, make fifty septillion of them, and feed the ants to them constantly forever

if the marines have sticks they win every time

or accidents, i agree, i just like to give people ideas.

no black holes is in the rules.

oops. guess these marines aren't getting the job done before supper then

There would be far more ants than there are atoms in the universe.

For the sake of the question stated in this thread, essentially infinite.

dumbass. there are already more marines than there are atoms, the realism angle is shot to shit by the supposition of an infinitely broad plane on which to conduct this fight

Fucking dumbass, the ants would be virtually infinite. Essentially googolplex to the power of googolplex. Even if the flamethrowers were able to keep that number at bay, 900 octillion years wouldn't even be a starting point.

They dont use flamethrowers any more faggot

Yeah I pointed that out here
fuck, you're dumb. Go back to watching vsauce, brainlet.

would you not use a flamethrower against ants if one was given to you?