Post a shitter musician

post a shitter musician

protip: you can't

Even this faggot's face is forgettable
Begone meme rappers

this faggot isn't even relevant enough to be a meme rapper

under pressure was solid but he fell off hard

He's an industry plant, doesn't matter if he's shit.

he sampled under pressure, his version was called ice ice baby I think

if you hang around normies you know this guy is TOO relevant.

Joji. Nothing comes close.

yes. i snorted when i overheard

>yeah i like, like rap, but I like rap to like (((say))) something!!1. I (((((love))))) logic

honestly this

I forget is he actually black? it was some big industry secret that hes actually black

Sad, but true



does he sing or play an instrument? no? okay then he's not a musician, just some wigger appropriating another culture on stage.

huh? he's biracial, i know this because every third line is about being biracial

I already disliked Logic before I realized that that schmaltzy "I don't wanna be aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive" song on the radio was his. What a tool!


this is the song that inspired this thread

literally what the fuck has this faggot been through? a smoking habit? gimme a fucking break

I feel like y'all are being a bit too harsh. Logic seems like a nice guy with good intentions. He may not be a progressive musician, and has made no major contributions to music overall, but idk, he seems like an okay guy.

so what if he's nice, wer're talking about his awful music not his personality

is the Trolls movie sequel live action now?

I don't get the whole "I'm black and white!" thing when any guy on the street would just assume that he's white

Logic first 3 tapes were gold. I knew the minute he signed with a major label he'd turn to shit. He wasn't on this faggot shit when he first came on and started putting out music, now all of a sudden this faggot ass cuck thinks he's Macklemore and shit trying to "save the world" with his faggotry. It's a shame because when he's just spitting, he's not half bad.

ow i did it

He said musician

t. Jerry Garcia

nah, he's pretty visibly biracial. don't know who he is though, and don't know why I should care

>literally what the fuck has this faggot been through? a smoking habit?
Dad's a coke addict, mother's an alcoholic who was involved in some shit (also tried to hurt/kill Logic himself before and was racist to him), brothers were crack dealers, and all this was when he grew up in Section 8 housing (poor as shit projects stuff.) Not to mention that none of this matters because this is one of his few tracks that aren't based on his personal experiences, but those of his fans. He wrote it after his talks with his fans who would say that he helped them through suicidal times.

I myself think he's pretty vanilla in terms of his raps when he's actually rapping, and now he seems to have gotten more poppy so I am still eh, but I won't find stupid shit to hate on him for like you are. At least do your research before making an assumption, but then this is Sup Forums, now a home for autistic retards like you.

lil peep is way worse lmao