What does Sup Forums think about men who beat their wives?

What does Sup Forums think about men who beat their wives?

Are they scum? Is it just an effective form of keeping a woman in line? Have you done it before/know someone personally who has done it? Is it something that's not worth getting into anymore since domestic violence punishments are heavier than ever before?


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Don't unless she's into it.

if you have to beat your spouse in order to "keep them in line" then you're too autistic to be in any kind of relationship
Sup Forums will disagree with this

Pieces of shit, just bullies: picking on weaker opponents they know can't fight back, and doing it because it makes them feel powerful/in charge.

It's degenerated.

It was probably a bit wrong in the old days or like in middle eastern countries when they're worth less than the house pet but western woman today deserve a good beating now and again.

There are plenty of men who beat their wives who aren't "autistic". Not that I agree with it though.

This is what I feel about the whole thing personally.

Nothing wrong with it.I can also beat my pillow to a pulp and no one will bat an eye.I don't see the problem?

Scum like. These kind of people you will find are also physically abusive to children and animals.

If you have got a reason to beat your wife, you got the wrong wife.
Do you want a partner for life or a dog in the form of a woman?

talk shit get hit.

I'm not machist. I would beat a girl if she attacked me first. Just like with a man. I will always defend myself.

From what I hear, my grandfather and father both beat their wives. My grandfather was a drunk and knew karate.

My father was a paranoid schizophrenic who had a vision about Jesus apparently who was deeply religious.

Neither my mother or grandmother are still with them. I'm against wife beating, why would you hurt your wife if you love her? Mental tactics work far better to keep women in line.

All that being said I feel I'm genetically disposed to do it, and if I ever got on the whiskey too hard there might be a chance it could happen.

whores will always whore. only force can tame and normalize such filthy low lifes

>Do you want a partner for life or a dog in the form of a woman?
Dog woman, definitely.

>All that being said I feel I'm genetically disposed to do it

I wouldn't say it's really genetic, at least for the most part. It seems like something that's learned unless you get shitfaced like you mentioned.


It is necessary. If you don't beat your women when she disobeys, you'll find that she won't be your woman for long.



>men used to beat women in the west

>men in the middle east and all over the world kept theirs in chains as well

>western men stopped beating their women


what if there was a real reason for our ancestors to do it for the past thousands of years?


What if she or your kid calls the police, then you're fucked.

niggers can shoot whites arabs can mass rape women and set off bombs and its all not a big deal

if a mn slaps his wife though uh oh watch out

its almost like the goal is to destroy something...

There's a line between abuse and discipline. Women and children need training in the same way a dog does in order to act above their base instincts. I don't kick my dog for fun but I'll smack it if it pees in the house.

western ''''''''''''men''''''''''''


I have an ex-girlfriend's daughter renting a room from me because her husband was beating her. Now I know why.

Still though, not good.

My dad did this almost every night after he got home from the bar. It kinda fucks you up having to watch and hear it. He also openly cheated on her with multiple women, always yelled about how dinner wasn't good enough, and he wouldn't even let her sleep in their room. Once when she was napping in there he got home early, woke her up and literally threw her out of the bedroom. On the few occassions they went out, he berated her the entire time she was getting ready, and she'd be pretty much crying by the time they left. "Fat fucking stupid bitch, etc.." It's been years since they split, and I still have a knee-jerk hate reaction to men in general, even if it is irrational.

Under Sharia law, woman must obey her husband. No police will come for her.

onlky low life low IQ degenerates do it, they saw it on their filthy homes, so they think it's normal, if you have an issue with your partner, you talk

is that even a question? A wife to sit when I say sit, and cook when I say?
In return for affection, of course, you don't think your dog is worthless and just mercilessly beat it, that's fucked up.
But yeah, I'd like that mutual respect that comes with master/dog relationships.

>even though she's a cunt, i'll still defend her right to be a cunt

And this is why western '''''''''men''''''''' are getting cucked hard.

I'm sorry to hear that man, that's just terrible. I can only imagine how traumatizing it must be for kids who have to see and listen to it happening.

she shou have married a nicer guy. its as much her fault as his. civilization is full of moral hazard which means that people pay the price ofthir mistakes. alwys.

there is no shortcut.

Of course everybody says beating women is bad because it feels emotionally bad, just look at that picture OP, the poor helpless woman was just assaulted for no reason because her boyfriend had a bad day. You feel an instinctive need to defend her and ward off the perceived guilty party.

Now back to reality, the woman is a screechy loud as fuck shit head that never has anything nice to say, you thought you could make her day a bit better by doing some chores or fixing some things up around the house. So you spend all evening after working all day trying to bring back some peace, but what do you get in return? More yelling and screaming that it's not done a special way or someone else did it better or you took too long or you shouldn't have done it. At this point you're tired, you're not thinking straight, you lose your temper and land a solid punch right on that dumb bitches face, she won't do that again, she'll have a little more respect you think. But no, she'll start right back up again only this time the police show up and it's off to jail for you.

tl;dr Females need to be shot and dumped into a mass grave. Not worth it.

Sounds like your mother was a useless cunt. No wonder your father slapped her about.

Ever think about killing him?

Dysfunctional as fuck.
Either divorce the bitch or find a better line of communication than just abusing your bloody wife.

I do hope Sup Forums is against this. If there's anything truly degenerate in this world it's being a wife beater.

nothing wrong with some bare bottom spanking now and then

I feel your pain. The best thing you can do is break the cycle, never act like him.

You should also get some revenge, hurt that man.

If she married a 'nice guy' she'd get bored with him and leave him for one who beats her.

Nice guys are pussies and even women can't stand them.

back to reality, he says shortly before rambling about a fantasy world in his absurdly broken brain.

where do people get this women are worth nothing in the middle east meme? Sure they serve their husband but the husband is also obligated to buy what his wife demands.

Well, even though I know 'll be bombarded with fedora memes, women don't care about nice guys. They skip over that entirely. Their brains cannot comprehend it. They care about status, looks, and dominance.

I've been told that a good alternative to disciplining a woman is to ignore her as much as humanly possible. But even then, I can see men these days being punished for that. It's all about women and their fee fees.

Live with women for awhile, you'll change your stance. Make sure you don't say something wrong or god forbid try and use logic to explain something to them though.

Not really, it's like kicking your car when it doesn't work

Women are supposed to enjoy taking care of their husband, it is in the nature of a woman; but it takes a valuable man that motivates you to do all those things.

how many women have you assaulted in the last 3 months sir?

I find the men who love women the most are the ones who've never lived with them or even been in a relationship with them and definitely never had their lives ruined by them.

I've known a few men who've told me something very similar. They're not the kind of men who just beat their wives like it's routine, but just snap because their wives in particular are cunts like that. Still, I think a divorce might be less messier depending on the situation.

I ended up taking karate too, but I've never met my grandfather or father (different sides of the family). I do have a mean temper when I drink whiskey, and I have blacked out before.

Also I have a general mistrust of women ( I dated some sluts/ cruel stupid bitches in my teen years, the impression lasted) so even though I'd like to believe I never would, if I got hammered enough I could see it happening, especially if a bitch cheated on me or something.

letting women run amok with their feelings = death of society

cucked, weak female worshipping men cannot defend against the incoming sharia-ism, and the women will get what "diversity" brings

>divorce might be less messier depending on the situation.

It is easier to kill her than divorce her.

She was going to back out before they married. This was before all the girl power shit. Her family pressured her to not back out before the wedding, and her dad turned a blind eye to my dad being an asshole, basically saying it was their business to work out. They also pressured her to stay married in order to not disgrace the family.

Yeah, I just don't get it, even if it's hormones there's no need for it. I've been thinking about creating an Asshole Day one day of every month where men, for no apparent reason at all, just act like a giant asshole to their female counterpart for the whole day.

Shom times, sh-you ja-ust have to sh-lap her around abit.


Sounds like "your dad" may not actually be your dad

Do they even exist? They've been socially shunned and legislated against for over 300 years now?

Oh... you mean muslims. Yeah, no, muslims are scum m8, mostly.

beatig a woman shows you care. theres actual emotion involved.

its the same with children. ignoring them is worse emotional damage thn a whipping.

we ddnt suddnly evolve to the point where entire human emotions are useless. you cant just pretend anger doesnt exist.

like these fuckig psychologists saying nger is a poison. no. anger is a catalyst. it spurs chamge. if you neuter anger you euter the ability to chnge. which is hy peoppe these days are useless. tey cant lose weight or read a book etc.

One of several symptoms of a crumbling relationship, I'd imagine.


You're cringing and fantasizing about mass murder because you're afraid of a girl yelling at you. You cannot handle being "yelled at".

Whimpering about imaginary confrontations and then insisting you use logic. There's a website for you and it's not here.

You'd be surprised how many non-Muslim men in the U.S. beat their wives.

ask a guy who face fucked his gf 2 nights ago anything


There's nothing wrong with a smack in the mouth if she's being a cunt but black eyes and shit like that is a tad rich

>What does Sup Forums think about men who beat their wives?

All these "what does Sup Forums think" type questions make me think someone is data piling to build a profile of Sup Forums.

there are some good women. just like a mn though they need ressure to better themselves otherwise they become slothful spiteful animls like all humans
they suspect pms is a hormonl reaction to not being regnant for x many months. if a woman isnt constantly regnant then she is loing genetically. pms is a otection aginst wasted tie or an infertie husbnd.

womens mood disorder correlate directly with birth rates in a country


I'm asking out of curiosity, it's not a subject I see too often here. If you're worry about datamining then don't respond.

I love those domestic abuse stock photos. So over-the-top.

>chimping out because your wife is a cunt

If you can't maintain a peaceful, stable relationship without violence, then you shouldn't be together.

>there are some good women

There really isn't.

I used to have a lot of anger problems from fucked up family and terrible childhood hitting women was a just a way of getting over how much I hated the world it wasn't worth it and I eventually got past it but I feel guilty about it from time to time.

Did you have a stroke halfway through this post?

Sure thing friend, I'm not afraid of a girl yelling at me, I do get pissed off however when my night is ruined over nothing because a woman decides to have a shit fit and unload a whole lot of uncalled for drama my way based off of non-sense. The same women who never pull their weight at home and are solely responsible for their own fuck ups but never take blame and just yell more about how it's someone else's fault.

If we had let it continue as well as denying them the vote society would be a lot less cucked our birthrates wouldn't have dropped and we wouldn't be normalizing mental illness and letting trash into our countries

Women exist soely to fuck, give birth and raise children. Almost every other culture through all history has agreed on this. They need control without it they fuck shit up like animals because they ALWAYS put emotion and personal feels ahead of logic and reason hence all the "social rights" and mass imports of "muh poor rapefuges"

depends on the situation

ideally, you didnt marry a dumb whore in the first place, she's faithful to you, you are faithful to her, both do nice things to each other, everyone's happy

if she's a dumdum who fucked up royally, a good spirited, moderate slap is allowed, bonus if she discovers into spanking and becomes more submissive

if you have to go full fist to the face like in a boxing match then either A: you are drunk raging fucktard who is too dumb to deal with it or B: you married a slutwhore of a coalburner which again, is also quite your fault too

Lol. He was given a business from my grandpa that didn't require much work other than not being a fuckup on his part, which he ran into the ground after they divorced. To this day, all he really does is go to the bar, and then spends the rest of his time hungover watching b-movies on cable, and smoking.

Yeah. I was an angry kid. He was a big guy though, and whenever I did flip out on him it was shut down pretty quick.

Yeah, I'm almost scared to start a family.

This wouldn't be data mining.
You're not compiling multiple sources of data to find a correlation.

Manlets and degenerates.

>Are they scum

Yes, if you think otherwise you're an edgy dickhead.

there are. its hard to be a good woman hen you arnt allowed to be pregnant though. mdern society is against makig good people
typing on a foreign keyboard

>Pieces of shit, just bullies: picking on men because they know if they hit a woman they will go to jail, and doing it because it makes them feel powerful/in charge.


Nope. We look identical. He did try to pull that card when I was little, and wouldn't have anything to do with me.

How do you know I'm not NSA right now? I did ask about personal experiences after all.

>I would beat a girl if she attacked me first.

You are fucked up bro. Ofcourse there are different levels of "attack".
You dont beat a women who attack you, you just stop the attack or defend yourself.

It's only okay if she's being a total bitch and not cooking/cleaning/fucking like a good wife. Sometimes a bit of corporal punishment well applied leads to tremendous results.

Just beating a wife for no reason is idiotic and cowardly. Violence is a tool to be used judiciously, and just whaling on your wife because you had a bad day makes that tool ineffective.

Beating your wife. Super simple stuff.

>t. Sven

their personalities are learning interfaces for children. which is hy they were instructed to be silent and allowed to blossom emotionally with thir hildren. two woman only argue. the chinese symbol for argue is writing two women together. most cultures realized womeb would only learn responsibility once pregnant.
people used to not marry dumb whores. dumb whores give you geetically dumb children

ignoring them is worse emotional damage thn a whipping.
fuck off retard

Lady in my office has an abusive husband. He is a 5'8" manlet.

He cut her brake lines before they got married. She married him anyway.

No sympathy

>women and everything you said about them

This exactly

We need to invent the artificial womb. It will be a glorious day

Why was she beating her? Apart from being a fucking autistic psycho?

>there are. its hard to be a good woman hen you arnt allowed to be pregnant though. mdern society is against makig good people

You're kinda right, but women don't want children until they've finished partying. I live in Britain and we have the worst women to ever exist.

>How do you know I'm not NSA right now?
Are you stating that you are NSA?

If so are you aware of the punishment of impersonating a Federal officer?

Hint: three years bub...18 U.S. Code ยง 912

dont wake a sleeping bear and so on

still need womn to raise kids. they basically program babies. im not exaggerating


Sometimes I envy fags who only like other guys and asexuals. It would be great to never have to deal with the fucking shits that are women